
After the Chinese side canceled the meeting, the German side realized that it had done something wrong and urgently sent people to China again to say good things to the Chinese side

author:Science Jun, under Beacon Mountain

Since the pandemic, international relations have become increasingly complex.

And the attitude of the EU can be said to be two heavens of ice and fire, one moment it says good things, and the next moment it sticks a knife in the back.

In fact, not only the European Union, but also the United States, these two countries have already begun to take action against China long before the epidemic.

The "tax hike turmoil" has not only caused a rift in Sino-German relations, but also caused divisions within the EU.

Under such circumstances, Germany urgently sent people to China, what is going on?

After the Chinese side canceled the meeting, the German side realized that it had done something wrong and urgently sent people to China again to say good things to the Chinese side

China abruptly canceled the meeting.

Since the outbreak of the trade war between China and the United States, what the United States has done has made people see their essence clearly.

Of course, the European Union did not miss this opportunity, and under the leadership of the United States, they also took action against China.

This includes the imposition of tariffs on China, and Germany's attitude is very important in this matter.

But China abruptly canceled a meeting with the German vice chancellor.

Why is that?

In fact, it all starts with Habeck's remarks.

Habeck flew to South Korea before his visit to China, where he said he wanted to "wean himself off China."

And this view is very unfriendly to the Chinese side, because it implies a decoupling from China.

What's more, Habeck also put on a "high-minded" attitude after China's arrival, openly hyped up "China's aid to Russia", and demanded that China stop providing aid to Russia.

Such a statement is undoubtedly a provocation to the Chinese authorities and people.

And he said that China has provided assistance to Russia, implying that China has an improper trading relationship with Russia.

After the Chinese side canceled the meeting, the German side realized that it had done something wrong and urgently sent people to China again to say good things to the Chinese side

Such remarks are undoubtedly a smear against China and Russia.

What's more, Habeck also put on a "high-minded" attitude after China's arrival, openly hyped up "China's aid to Russia", and demanded that China stop providing aid to Russia.

Such a statement is undoubtedly a provocation to the Chinese authorities and people.

And he said that China has provided assistance to Russia, implying that China has an improper trading relationship with Russia.

Such remarks are undoubtedly a smear against China and Russia.

So the cancellation of the meeting with Habeck by the Chinese side is also understandable.

Wiesing cleaned up the "mess" left behind by Habeck.

Since Trump took office, the United States has become increasingly tough on China.

And the EU is following the rhythm of the United States and is consistent with the United States in all aspects.

Especially when it comes to economic problems, the EU has always been on the same side as the United States.

After the outbreak of the Sino-US trade war, the EU has taken action against China, including tariffs on China.

And in this matter, Germany clearly showed unusual persistence.

At the video conference held in Central Europe, the German delegation first put forward the initiative of "stopping tariff escalation" and expressed its willingness to negotiate with China.

This move has also been recognized and supported by the Chinese side.

But shortly after the departure of the German delegation, the EU began to attack China again.

They imposed a 17.3 percent tariff on electric vehicles imported from China.

This is undoubtedly a betrayal of China.

After the Chinese side canceled the meeting, the German side realized that it had done something wrong and urgently sent people to China again to say good things to the Chinese side

After that, the Chinese side also announced the cancellation of the meeting with German Vice Chancellor Habeck.

But just as Habeck was about to return to Germany, Wiesing hurried to China.

He said in an interview: "I think we should resolve the issue through negotiations.

And he stressed: "I believe we can find a solution.

This statement was undoubtedly aimed at calming tensions between China and Germany.

At the same time, it is also to maintain the cooperative relationship between China and the EU.

But despite Wissin's statement, will he be able to keep his promise?


As the process of global integration accelerates, countries are becoming more and more connected.

However, with the advancement of globalization, various differences and contradictions have begun to emerge among various countries.

After the Chinese side canceled the meeting, the German side realized that it had done something wrong and urgently sent people to China again to say good things to the Chinese side

Especially on economic issues, there has been a competition between major powers for resources and market share.

Although the current world situation is becoming more and more complex and severe, it has also brought more cooperation and development opportunities to various countries.