
Ecological Report of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Promoting energy transformation with offshore wind power as the core, and giving full play to the advantages of science and technology to break the dilemma of ecological overload

author:21st Century Business Herald

Zheng Wei, a reporter from Southern Finance and Economics, reported that from November 7 to November 8, the High-end Academic Seminar on Ecological Protection and Ecosystem Governance in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was held in Guangzhou. At the meeting, the Ecological environment consortium of the China Association for Science and Technology and the Chinese Forestry Society jointly released the "Report on the Think Tank of Eco-environmental Protection and Ecosystem Governance in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report").

The "Report" pointed out that compared with the world's three major bay areas, the population, economic aggregate, land area and other indicators of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have been comparable to the world-class bay area level, but the gap in the quality of the ecological environment and the level of green development is more obvious, and there are mainly problems such as unreasonable energy structure, low proportion of clean energy, large carrying pressure on the ecological environment, and the carrying capacity of resources and environment in some areas has approached or exceeded the upper limit.

It is worth noting that in recent years, the development trend of environmental protection industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has In 2019, the operating income of the environmental protection industry in Guangdong Province reached about 300 billion yuan, ranking second in the country, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 15% in the past 5 years, of which the industry is mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta region, and the operating income mainly comes from Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Therefore, the Report suggests that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area should give full play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation industry agglomeration, build a national-leading and global-oriented ecological environment innovation service platform, innovate the ecological environment governance model, rely on scientific and technological progress to solve the problem of ecological overload caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization, and promote the sustainable development of the Greater Bay Area.

As China's industrial agglomeration belt and energy and electricity consumption load center, the Report points out that the current energy development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a whole shows the characteristics of low proportion of clean energy and low carbon energy structure, and the sum of coal and oil in the energy supply structure is more than 50%, which is much higher than the international three bay areas.

According to the data, in 2017, the coal energy consumption in the Greater Bay Area reached 60.94 million tons, and the power generation structure was dominated by fossil energy, with a total installed capacity of 52.32 million kilowatts in 2017, of which 26.03 million kilowatts of coal power, accounting for about 50%.

In the field of clean energy, the report said that at present, nuclear power is the main guarantee for the purchase of green electricity inside and outside the province in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the power supply of Hong Kong and Macao, and the utilization rate of renewable energy such as wind power, photovoltaic and biomass energy is relatively low, renewable energy accounts for less than 7%, and the future energy structure adjustment space is large.

Compared with the three international bay areas, the San Francisco Bay Area will achieve zero landfill, 50% green mobility and 100% clean energy by 2020. The Tokyo Bay Area plans to reduce total energy consumption by 30% by 2030 compared with 2000, increase the proportion of renewable energy generation from 6% to about 20% by 2024, and the cumulative installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power generation will reach 1000MW (that is, 1 million kilowatts).

Chen Shaoqing, associate professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Sun Yat-sen University, told the Southern Finance and Economics all-media reporter that the current energy structure in Guangdong is being optimized and adjusted in accordance with the three stages of "coal-natural gas-clean energy", "We are gradually transitioning from coal to natural gas, and the use of natural gas will rise in the short term, but the final development direction is to gradually meet the daily production and living needs of clean energy such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation by increasing local production capacity and balancing external transmission channels." ”

The report points out that from the perspective of the bay area's resource endowment, energy security and industrial base, the development of offshore wind power is an important starting point for the energy transformation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which is suitable for large-scale development and utilization.

According to the data disclosed by China Southern Power Grid, as of the end of October 2021, the installed capacity of new energy in Guangdong reached 19.97 million kilowatts, of which 2.3 million kilowatts of offshore wind power, 8.97 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation, and 3.31 million kilowatts of biomass installed capacity.

Previously, Guangdong issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Orderly Development of Offshore Wind Power and the Sustainable Development of Related Industries" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which proposes that by the end of 2021, the cumulative installed capacity of offshore wind power in the province will reach 4 million kilowatts, and by the end of 2025, strive to reach 18 million kilowatts.

In order to support the continuous improvement of offshore wind power production capacity, the Plan makes it clear that the Guangdong Provincial Finance Department will provide investment subsidies for projects in the provincially managed sea areas that have not enjoyed state subsidies from 2022, and the scope of subsidies is the provincial-managed sea area projects that have been approved before the end of 2018 and will be fully connected to the grid from 2022 to 2024, and the subsidy standard is 1500 yuan, 1000 yuan and 500 yuan per kilowatt of full-capacity grid-connected projects in 2022, 2023 and 2024. At the same time, the relevant prefectural and municipal governments are encouraged to support project construction and industrial development with supporting financial funds.

As a world-class urban agglomeration, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has undergone long-term rapid industrialization and urbanization development, and the carrying capacity of resources and environment in most areas has approached or exceeded the upper limit, facing the two-way pressure of continuously catching up with the world's advanced level and serious overloading of the ecological environment.

The World Wide Web Fund for Nature (WWF) and a Foundation for Earth Nature (OPF) and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly released the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Footprint Report 2019", which pointed out that the total ecological footprint of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in 2015 was 280 million global hectares, with a per capita global hectare of 4.2 global hectares, which is 15.6 times the regional biological carrying capacity. In the same year, the total ecological deficit of the Bay Area was 259.308 million hectares worldwide, an increase of about 82% over 2000 and an increase of about 36% in 2015 compared with 2000.

Combined with the development practice of the three international bay areas, the Report proposes that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area needs to give full play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation in the future and "break the situation" to solve the problem of serious overload of the ecological environment.

Taking the San Francisco Bay Area as an example, San Francisco, as a global clean energy research center, is home to Lawrence National Laboratory and 225 cleantech corporate headquarters, attracting more and more cleantech companies to take root. As the world's largest industrial belt, the Tokyo Bay Area is also a world-renowned science and technology research and development center, which includes many scientific and technological research and development institutions in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

At present, the environmental protection industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has also reached a certain scale of development. The Guangdong Environmental Protection Industry Association released the "Report on the Development status of environmental protection industry in Guangdong Province (2020)" pointed out that in 2019, the operating income of the environmental protection industry in Guangdong Province reached about 300 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 15% in the past 5 years, and the industry is mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta region, of which the operating income is mainly guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Cao Meng, general manager of Guangzhou Puhua Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd., told the Southern Finance and Economics all-media reporter that in recent years, the demand for environmental protection industry market has increased, and Puhua Environmental Protection, which is mainly engaged in manufacturing waste gas and dust clean recycling, will achieve about 50% growth in revenue in 2021, "At present, the overall development of the environmental protection industry is polarizing, and enterprises that can develop environmental protection products that adapt to the needs of automation and intelligent production are facing greater development opportunities, and traditional enterprises may not be ideal in development." ”

Therefore, the report suggests that we should give full play to the basic advantages of green development and the advantages of scientific and technological innovation industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, accelerate the innovation and promotion and application of green clean and low-carbon technologies, build a clean technology and new energy industry base, further accelerate the strategic adjustment of industrial structure and energy structure, form a green and low-carbon industrial system, a green energy system, a green transportation system and a green lifestyle, and build a green development demonstration zone with international influence.

Wang Yunxing, executive director of the Institute of Public Economics of China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development Research Institute, told the Southern Finance and Economics all-media reporter, "The Greater Bay Area is a region where talents, science and technology and economy are very dense and active, and the innovation advantages of the science and technology industry are outstanding. "At present, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has a population of about 86 million, accounting for about 6% of the total population of the country, gdp of about 11.5 trillion yuan, accounting for about 11% of the country, in addition to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area R&D investment (R&D) accounted for about 12% of the country.

The "Report on the Development status of environmental protection industry in Guangdong Province (2020)" pointed out that at present, the research and development technology of enterprises in many fields of environmental protection industry in Guangdong Province has reached the domestic leading level, and some technologies have achieved international leadership, such as solid waste treatment technology, environmental monitoring technology and electroplating, circuit board, printing and dyeing, papermaking wastewater treatment technology, noise control and vibration technology. In 2019, the total number of environmental protection employees in Guangdong Province was about 240,000.

Relying on the advantages of science and technology, talents and industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Report points out that in the future, the Bay Area should focus on building a national and global-oriented ecological environment innovation service platform, organize multidisciplinary and cross-regional scientific and technological collaborative innovation, establish a cutting-edge scientific research platform, key laboratory and innovation base for the ecological environment, and at the same time build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into an application base for new technologies and new achievements in the field of ecological environmental protection and restoration, and continue to promote the transformation and landing of new technologies and achievements.

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