
Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

"Hsinchu City God, Beigang Mazu", all places near the sea believe in Mazu, but in Taiwan's folk beliefs, Hsinchu City God Ye and Beigang Mazu are no different. Hsinchu City God Temple was built in the Qianlong 13th year of the Qing Dynasty, since the construction of the City God Temple, Hsinchu talents have emerged, and in the process of royal bandits, greatly displayed the gods, undoubtedly increased the common people's reverence for the City God Temple.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

Chenghuang, mostly played by famous heroes who have contributed to the local people, is the god of guarding the city and the city that is believed in China's folk and Taoist beliefs, and the city god of Hsinchu is mainly in charge of the reward and punishment of good and evil between the underworld and the yang, so the Hsinchu City God Temple is like a prominent and majestic ancient yamen, not like the temple in our impression.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the City God Temple was like a god and a spirit, helping the people to successfully resist bandits, so the Guangxu Emperor awarded the "Golden Gate Guarantee" plaque to the City God Temple, which also became the highest -ranked city god in the Taipeng area. Today, the "Golden Gate Guarantee" plaque has become an important cultural relic in Taiwan, and two mighty and heroic golden dragons are wrapped around the sides of the plaque, which is very grand.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

Behind the "Golden Gate Guarantee" plaque is the "LiYin Zanyang" plaque, which according to locals, means that the City God Master can communicate with the heavens and warn the world not to violate ethics and morality. Since its birth, the incense of the City God Temple has never stopped, and the local people will worship here at a certain time, hoping that the gods will bless the people.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

The temples in memory are generally far away from the downtown, secluded, but the Hsinchu City God Temple is surrounded by lively market food stalls, rows of shops and hotels, etc., and the ancient City God Temple is perfectly integrated with the modern city, without a sense of violation.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

Perhaps due to the limitations of geographical area, many attractions in Taiwan give people a small but refined feeling, and the City God Temple Snack Street is no exception. The street is very narrow, and the narrowest place can probably only accommodate three people at the same time to walk side by side, which truly experiences the feeling of "rubbing shoulders and shoulders".

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

In the end, there are still many similarities in diet, and there is no situation where the taste is inappropriate. The whole snack street meal is almost the same, the taste is not big different, almost every household will make rice noodles, marinated meat rice, oyster fried, tribute balls, dried noodles, fish stew, brine and so on.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

Guests can choose food here and take it with them, or they can sit at the stalls and enjoy it slowly. When busy, the family of each stall owner is a group, and the children will help their parents to lay down their school bags after class.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

Out of the snack street, it seems that the commercial street outside is spacious and bright, perhaps because the neighborhood is relatively old, there are no high-rise buildings here, all six or seven small buildings, during walking, I do not feel that I am the ant of the city, more like a child who grows up slowly with the land under my feet.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

There are no mega shopping malls on the whole street, most of them are exquisite shops, and even see the shadow of the streets and alleys of the last century, simple and low-key, but without losing the fresh elements of the modern city.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

Here is not like Beijing, Nanjing and other cities, the streets are horizontal and vertical, with north-south and east-west road arrangement, Taiwan Province is small and island, can only be designed according to the direction of the terrain, which is somewhat similar to the road in Tianjin, the street and road basically have no direction guidance significance.

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary

When you are still chewing on the hardships of work and lamenting the warmth of the world, you may wish to come to the City God Temple to stroll around, feel the spark of the collision of traditional culture and modern cultural exchanges, experience the vicissitudes of the years, and perhaps you will find the key to a happy life. (For more exciting content, please pay attention to / Fallen Into the List)

Hsinchu is the most famous snack gathering place, and locals say that the food stalls here are hereditary