
Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers

author:Football analyst

Kuroda Rumizu's real name is Kuroda Officer Wei Takao, an important courtier of the Toyotomi family.

Date of birth: 1546-1604

Kuroda's main generals were: Kuroda Nagamasa, Muri Taibei, InoueKuro Right Guard Gate, Kuriyama Shiro Right Guard Gate, Goto Taro Hyobe, Nomura Taro Hyobe, Kuno Shibei, Ohno Shōben, and Yoshida Rokuro Taio. Among them, Goto was killed in the Battle of Osaka Castle.

Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers

In 1546, a baby boy was born in Himeji Castle. His young name was Wan Ji, and he was later called Officer and Soldier Wei Xiaogao. He is the military master Kuroda Rumizu who can compete with Takenaka Hanbei. At the age of fourteen, he changed his name to Officer and Soldier Wei Xiaogao. When he was sixteen years old, he almost lost his life.

Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers

In 1561, the official of the small temple at the banquet saw Rushui and summoned him to the imperial castle as a close practice, knowing that he had walked eighty stones. The political office attached great importance to the talent of rushui, and gave him the surname of Xiaoji, and later appointed him as the elder of the family. At that time, Rushui was only twenty-two years old. Because his father, Kōryū, was suspicious of Kodera's political office, his father Reiko lived in seclusion and let the young and promising Rushui succeed him as the governor of the house. In 1569, the lord of the city, Akamatsu Shimono Morimide, in conjunction with the lord of the eight counties, Besho Anji, led an army of 3,000 to attack Himeji, and the number of mobilized troops in Himeji Castle was only 300. The disparity in strength was like water taking advantage of the terrain to defeat the Akamatsu army by attacking the crowd. The young Rushui leapt to become the second elder of the Small Temple Family. Since then, he has been appreciated by Kodera's political office.

Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers

In 1578, as Hideyoshi's staff officer, Rumizu participated in the Battle of Cage Castle in Banshu Besho Kosaburo Nagaji Miki Castle. This year, Rushui experienced all the bittersweet and bittersweet of life, first Arakimura rebelled, rushui prepared to negotiate with Arakimura and imprisoned him in Aroka Castle. If the water lived there for a year in prison, the leg disability was caused by the prison disaster. In 1579, Rumizu ran away from the Kodera family and reverted to his original surname Kuroda.

Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers

In 1582 Hideyoshi began to attack Takamatsu Castle in Bichu, and through military consultation, Takamatsu Castle was not high in terrain, and it was finally determined to be a "water attack". It was like water that proposed this battle plan. He followed Hideyoshi and briefly consolidated Hideyoshi's power. In 1590, Rumizu ren negotiated with Odawara Castle to dissuade the Hojo clan from making peace. In the end, the soldier Odawara Kaeshiro was defeated without a fight, and the Hojo clan was destroyed. Hideyoshi finally became a member of the heavens with the help of Rushui and was appointed as the minister of The Taisei Sekibai and was given the surname of Toyotomi.

Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers

Hideyoshi then decided to send troops to Korea, and Rumizu was opposed to sending troops. The elderly Hideyoshi was displeased with Rumizu from then on, and may later be provoked by Ishida Sansei. After Hideyoshi's death, Tokugawa Ieyasu began to plot against ishida Mitsusei staged the most famous Battle of Sekigahara in history, and Ishida Sansei was defeated and beheaded. Tokugawa Ieyasu eventually unified the world. In his later years, Rumizu was also miserable, and his glorious life's achievements were finally only obtained by the Kohaekawa clan's Chikuzen Island Castle, now Fukuoka City. In 1604, Rushui died at the age of 59.

Biography of historical figures: Kuroda Officers and Soldiers