
Father's love is like a mountain, silently paying too much for us...

author:Guardian Chubby



  A daughter marries against her father's will, divorces, turns against her father and daughter, lives in poverty and carries a son.

  His mother was kind and persuaded her daughter to take advantage of her father's free time to take her son home for a hot meal, so she often took her son to deliberately avoid her father and return to her mother's house to eat.

  Until one day when it rained, the father and daughter met by chance in the community and avoided it, and the father looked at his daughter and said: Don't hide when you go home for dinner, so that I can get out of the rain!

  Father, the one who always pays silently for you, no matter what you do wrong, he will forgive you unconditionally.


  Under the wall

  A boy was addicted to the Internet in high school, and often went out of school in the middle of the night to go out of school to surf the Internet.

  One day, as usual, he climbed over the wall, halfway through, and then pulled out his feet and ran wildly, with a strange face and no words. Since then, he has studied seriously and no longer goes online, and the school has spread the rumor that he has seen the ghost.

  Later, he was admitted to a prestigious school, and when his former classmates asked about it, he was silent for a long time: That day his father came to send living expenses, and his father was reluctant to stay in the hotel and sat under the wall for one night.

  With family affection, you have the motivation to work hard. Everything we do is for the sake of our children, and we hope that all children can know the hard work of their parents.


  Dye your hair

  Today Dad dyed his own hair at home. I asked him: Dad, why are you dying your hair when you are almost 60 years old, and you still want to have peach blossom luck?

  Dad said, "Every time I go back to my hometown, I dye my hair black, so that when your grandmother sees me, she thinks I'm still young and she's not old." ”

  Care for your children, take care of your grandchildren, but don't forget about the old parents at home!



  A grandfather of the clan, more than seventy years old, actually sat on the mud with a few five- or six-year-old children outside the gate to play marbles, and shouted and played.

  When grandma heard him and came out on crutches to beat him, he got up and ran.

  As a result, he was caught up and was beaten with a stick. Afterwards, he smiled and said, "If it weren't for the fear that my mother would fall, she wouldn't be able to catch up with me..."

  No matter how old, Mom is always the warmest being, always the person we spend our whole life caring for.


  kung fu

  Dad: Son, do you think Dad is strong? Son: Hmm.

  Dad: Do you think Shaolin Kung Fu is great? Son: Great.

  Dad: If I shave my head, is it okay to practice Shaolin Kung Fu? Son claps his hands: Great!

  The next day, the son saw the bald dad and said happily: "Dad come on, you must become a master." ”

  That day was the day before Dad's chemotherapy.

  Behind the joke may be a white lie, we should not only look at the performance, but also see the essence of the matter.

  These 5 short stories, not only interesting, but also philosophical, especially the last one, made my heart tighten and my eyes reddened. In fact, all parents in the world are the same, selflessly dedicated to their children!

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