
On June 28, voting in the Iranian presidential election officially opened, and two people announced their withdrawal from the election, and the United States "lost its voice"

author:Passion fruit with both ability and integrity


Oh, on June 28th, Iran is lively, and the general election is finally here! More than 58,000 polling places have been set up across the country, and 61 million voters are ready. This election is not simple, and the candidate who gets more than 50% of the vote in the first round will win, otherwise he will have to do another round. The top two candidates abruptly withdrew from the poll, and the remaining four were all heavyweights, both conservative and reformist, all fighting over international and economic issues. And the crash of former President Raisi has added a lot of suspense to this election. Who will have the last laugh? Let's move on.

On June 28, voting in the Iranian presidential election officially opened, and two people announced their withdrawal from the election, and the United States "lost its voice"

Event details

On this day, polling stations across Iran were bustling. Voters braved the sun and lined up in long lines, their faces full of anticipation and nervousness. They clenched their ballots in their hands, as if this small piece of paper could decide the future of the country. The reporters on the scene were very busy, and the cameras kept shooting, for fear of missing any wonderful moments. Everyone is talking about who of the four candidates will win in the end. Is it Uncle Ali of the conservatives, or is it the little Hassan of the reformists?

Speaking of the candidates this time, they are all capable people. The conservative Uncle Ali is an old man, with rich experience and remarkable political achievements. His supporters affectionately called him "The Old Fox." Uncle Ali's speeches are always gushing, vowing to strengthen national defense forces, counter external threats, and defend national interests. His slogan is "strengthening the army and enriching the people", which makes people's blood boil when they hear it.

On June 28, voting in the Iranian presidential election officially opened, and two people announced their withdrawal from the election, and the United States "lost its voice"

Another conservative candidate, Mohammed, is young and promising, advocates economic self-reliance, opposes dependence on Western countries, and is resolutely opposed to dialogue with the United States. His speech was full of passion and sonorous tone, as if to announce to the whole world: Iran does not need to rely on anyone, we can live well on our own.

The reformist little brother Hassan is the idol of the younger generation, handsome and soft-spoken, especially liked by young people. He advocated dialogue with Western countries, solving problems through diplomatic means, and improving the country's economic situation. His campaign slogan, "Dialogue and Development," advocated peace and prosperity, and sounded particularly in line with the zeitgeist.

The final candidate is reformist Abbas, a scholar-type politician who advocates economic development through technological innovation. Abbas's speeches are always full of reason and wisdom, giving people a very reliable feeling. His supporters, mostly intellectuals and highly educated people, believe that Abbas's ideas will lead Iran to modernity and technological power.

On June 28, voting in the Iranian presidential election officially opened, and two people announced their withdrawal from the election, and the United States "lost its voice"

During the voting process, the atmosphere at each polling place was tense and the emotions of voters were very mixed. Some are hopeful that the new president will bring about change; Some people are skeptical, thinking that everyone will be the same, and they will not change the status quo. Especially after the plane crash of former President Raisi, there is less trust in politics.

This election is not only an internal matter in Iran, but also affects the eyes of the whole world. Iran's relations with the United States and the West are tense, but the dialogue with the West is ongoing. The outcome of this election will have a direct impact on Iran's future foreign policy and the direction of the situation in the Middle East. If the conservatives win, Iran is likely to continue its tough foreign policy, further escalating tensions with the West; If the reformers win, there may be more opportunities for dialogue and cooperation to ease the current tensions.

After the polls, voters went home and followed the announcement of the election results through television, the Internet and other channels. Everyone held their breath and waited for the final result to be revealed. Who will be the new president of Iran? The suspense of this moment is about to be revealed.

On June 28, voting in the Iranian presidential election officially opened, and two people announced their withdrawal from the election, and the United States "lost its voice"

The voting finally ended, and the Election Commission announced that it would count all the ballots in the next few days to make sure every vote was accurate. The fate of the Iranian people will be decided by this small vote. Whatever the outcome, this election is bound to be an important turning point in Iran's history, affecting the future of the country and the situation in the Middle East. We can only continue to wait and see who will have the last laugh and become the new leader of Iran.


The results of Iran's presidential election are about to be announced, and everyone is waiting with bated breath. This election is not only about Iran's future, but also about the situation in the Middle East. Regardless of who emerges victorious, the election will be an important turning point in history with far-reaching consequences. The melon-eating masses continued to watch the play, looking forward to the final outcome of this political drama.

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