
The state encourages everyone to engage in steady investment and long-term investment, and do not go in and out quickly, and be cut leeks repeatedly

author:Passion fruit with both ability and integrity


The stock market is a place that people love and hate. When the market is bad, we small retail investors always like to complain, and even a little angry, but there are very few people who can learn from it. Recognizing mistakes and correcting them in a timely manner is the key to investing. No, the recent market volume can hit a new low, the long and short sides have suspended the duel, the direction is undecided, but the national team is stepping up patience capital into the market, the development of emerging industries, these signals seem to give us a shot in the arm. Speaking of Huawei's potential in the AI era, it can be described as a relief in the snow. However, the wave of resignations caused by the fund's salary cut is also worrying. Should we rethink and adjust our investment strategies?

The state encourages everyone to engage in steady investment and long-term investment, and do not go in and out quickly, and be cut leeks repeatedly

Event details

Let's talk about the fact that the market volume can hit a new low, the trading volume is as low as a stagnant water, and no one dares to act rashly. What should we do? Many people choose to complain, but this is a good opportunity for us to reflect. Lack of confidence in the market, cautious investors, and poor liquidity are the root causes. The national team showed great patience and determination, entering the market at a critical moment and casting a vote of confidence. Especially in the development of emerging industries, the national team has made frequent moves, not only to stabilize the market, but also to lay a foundation for long-term development. We should also follow the pace of the national team, look for potential emerging industries, buy high-quality assets at low prices, and hold them for a long time. Just like the old saying in stock trading, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

The state encourages everyone to engage in steady investment and long-term investment, and do not go in and out quickly, and be cut leeks repeatedly

Look at Huawei, which has been making a lot of moves in the field of AI recently. Huawei has played an important role in promoting the AI era and injected a shot in the arm for the market. The advent of the AI era is not only a technological progress, but also an upgrade and transformation of the entire industry. As investors, we should be sensitive to these changes and look for investment opportunities. Huawei's success is not accidental, it represents the direction of an era. When we choose investment targets, we should pay attention to enterprises with innovation ability and development potential.

The wave of resignations triggered by the fund's salary cut is also a hot topic. Fund managers have left one after another, and the market is in an uproar. Behind the salary cut is the downturn and pressure in the fund industry. In the face of this situation, as investors, we should respond calmly. The wave of fund manager departures is worrying, but it could be a good opportunity to revisit fund investing. We must have a vision, choose a fund with strength and prospects, invest persistently, and pay close attention to the fundamental changes of the fund and adjust it in time. Only in this way can we remain invincible in a volatile market.

The state encourages everyone to engage in steady investment and long-term investment, and do not go in and out quickly, and be cut leeks repeatedly

The ability to resist risks and have a good mindset are qualities that every investor must have. The market goes up and down, and there are profits and losses in investment, which is a normal thing. We can't be discouraged because of losses, and we can't be complacent because of profits. Only by keeping a calm mind and looking at market fluctuations rationally can we make good investments. You must know that investing is a long-term process, and only by sticking to it can you see real benefits.

It's especially important to keep track of your company's fundamentals and make timely adjustments. Many people fail to invest, often not because they choose the wrong company, but because they do not track the company's fundamental changes in time. When there is a problem with the company's fundamentals, we must act decisively and stop losses in time; And when the company's fundamentals are good, we must also dare to increase our positions and expand investment. This requires us to have a keen sense of the market, obtain information in a timely manner, and make correct judgments.

The state encourages everyone to engage in steady investment and long-term investment, and do not go in and out quickly, and be cut leeks repeatedly


Stock market investment is not only a science, but also an art. We must not just complain, but learn to reflect, find our own problems and correct them. The downturn in the market may only be temporary, but as long as you maintain confidence, choose high-quality assets, and hold patiently, you will definitely be able to usher in the dawn. We must have a vision, the ability to resist risks, a good attitude, closely track the fundamentals, and adjust the strategy in a timely manner. Only in this way can we find our own blue sky in this market full of variables.

(The article only represents personal views and does not make any investment advice)

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