
"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

author:German style

Children's shoes!

In November, the domestic TestDaF exam was cancelled one after another, prompting students to turn to prepare for Goethe B2, after all, with the results of Goethe B2, they can apply for direct admission to TUM.

However, facts often force everyone to see the truth of life.

"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

Language requirements of the Technical University of Munich vary

When visiting the school's website this morning, she noticed that in the language proof recognized by TUM listed on the official website in the past, Goethe B2 has disappeared, but has become Goethe C2 (only for aerospace undergraduate major requirements for Goethe A2), which is undoubtedly a huge blow for students who are preparing for Goethe B2 and want to apply for the direct admission of Munich University of Technology.

"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

However, just when the sister looked at the TUM official website again, she found that the official website made it clear that the current German requirements are still Goethe B2, which will be changed to Goethe C2 from the winter semester of 2022/23. Beyond Sister really sweated for everyone, and was thankful for the students who already had the Goethe B2 certificate and were ready to apply for the summer semester of 2022!

"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season
"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

(Screenshot of TUM's official website)

Interpretation of why

After careful analysis, TUM felt that TUM's adjustment of language requirements from Goethe B2 to C2 was actually very understandable. As a top science and engineering university in Germany, TUM uses its location and economic advantages to accelerate the process of internationalization, so it has attracted many international students to study at TUM. According to official statistics, the number of international students enrolled in the last quarter of the master's degree students has exceeded that of local Students in Germany; due to the cancellation of Telford caused by the epidemic, many students with Goethe B2 have poured into the army of applicants. TUM introduced this restriction policy, on the one hand, to limit the number of applicants, on the other hand, to optimize the target group of TUM applications.

"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

However, TUM should take into account that this application season has already had students completed the application with the Goethe B2 certificate, and the school cannot overturn the application status of this season, so it postpones the effective time of the language threshold increase.

"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

So what are you waiting for now with your Goethe B2 certificate?

Those who can take the Goethe B2 certificate before the application deadline for the summer semester of 2022,

Hurry up and take the test!

Try to catch the last B2 train at TUM!

Language requirements of RWTH Aachen University

While TUM is about to raise the requirements for Goethe's certificates, RWTH Aachen University just released a policy this year:

The unrestricted undergraduate and master's programs from the winter semester 2021/22 accept Goethe B2 registration first and are required to submit a German certificate at the end of the second semester at the C1 level.

"Studying in Germany" Direct recording of Goethe B2 of the Munich Institute of Technology, the last season

(Screenshot of the official website of RWTH Aachen University)


All in all knock on the blackboard!

Beyond sister or suggest that students in the case of Defu accidentally canceled, the test of a Goethe B2 certificate is also very helpful for the application conditions for admission, not to mention that there are still some German schools that recognize Goethe B2.

At present, the university policy is changeable, and The Sister Beyond will bring you the latest study abroad information in a timely manner, remember to continue to pay attention to it ❤

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