
She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

author:The second brother who loves to read novels

As we all know, in the modern Chinese Republic of China society, there have been many women with different styles. As socialites, they wander through social situations and become an important tool for catalyzing interpersonal relationships. Since the social flowers of the 1930s and 1940s, most people first think of the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Northern Continent, that is, Tang Ying and Lu Xiaoman. These two celebrities are good-looking and good at socializing, and often attend various dance halls. Today we are going to talk about this famous social flower called Tan Xueqing, and some people call her Kang Ke Ling Xi Shi. She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known.

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

Tan Xueqing was originally a sales clerk in Shanghai. At that time, Shanghai was the most prosperous place in Asia, with the most famous and high-end products from all over the world. Celebrities in the Republic of China like to use fountain pens, of which the "Kang Ke Ling" brand pen is the most popular, only large households can afford to use. This kind of pen only has a counter in high-end department stores, and the salesmen are all beautiful and moving, and Tan Xueqing is the most beautiful female saleswoman.

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

Tan Xueqing was born very beautiful, selling goods for american Concling pens, and at that time an American Conkling pen cost four pieces of silver. Even so, some celebrities are still eager for this place, many people come to see its appearance, spend four silver dollars to see the beautiful Tan Xueqing, it is really a good deal! Tan Xueqing has become a well-known "pen Xishi", is the dream lover of the majority of men, and such an attractive woman, who will eventually spend it?

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

Chen Du was born into a famous family, his father was the warlord Chen Tiaoyuan, Chen Du also came to admire the name, did not expect to talk to Tan Xueqing at first sight, from then on every day to find Tan Xueqing to buy a pen, Chen Du talked about humor, handsome looks, was born well, Tan Xueqing soon agreed to associate with him. After the Chen family knew about it, they were very opposed, but the two were in love and insisted on being together, and the Chen family felt that the young man was just a whim, so he went by him.

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

But soon after Talking about Xueqing was pregnant, Chen Du was very panicked after he knew it, Tan Xueqing said that it sounded good to be Empress Kang Keling, but in fact it was only a salesman, it was impossible to marry her, Chen Du's wife was not married, it must be everyone's bridesmaids, for the sake of the child, Chen Tiaoyuan agreed to Chen Du marry Tan Xueqing as a concubine, how could such an arrogant person as Talk Xueqing agree to be a concubine, the Chen family was too deceitful, in a rage, she was pregnant with Liujia and left her hometown, Chen Tiaoyuan had no way, reluctant to let the child suffer, I had to ask Zhang Shizhao to come forward to communicate with her.

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

It just so happened that Zhang Shizhao's concubine Xi Cuizhen had not yet given birth to a child, and after consultation, he took Tan Xueqingsheng's daughter and raised her, and Zhang Shizhao named her Zhang Hanzhi. After Tan Xueqing severed ties with Chen Du, she married a businessman surnamed Gu, gave birth to three children, and lived a very prosperous life in 1953. Zhang Hanzhi received a good education under the tutelage of Zhang Shizhao and Xi Cuizhen, and met and fell in love with Hong Junyan when he entered middle school in 1949.

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

Zhang Hanzhi entered the Beijing Foreign Chinese College in 1953, and in 1957 he married Hong Junyan and had a daughter, Hong Huang, who was Chen Kaige's ex-wife. In 1963, he was invited to become an English teacher for the first generation of leaders. She also became a diplomat of new China under his personal guidance, and her second husband was also a famous Chinese diplomat, Qiao Guanhua, and the two couples won a reputation for China in the diplomatic field.

She is a well-known socialite in the Republic of China, who was abandoned by her husband with a big belly and gave birth to a daughter who is well-known

Leaving aside Zhang Hanzhi's private life, she was beautiful and intelligent, and was an outstanding Chinese diplomat in the 1970s. He was also proficient in English and planned to write an autobiography in English, but later became too ill to complete it. On January 26, 2008, zhang Hanzhi died of illness at the age of seventy-two, and many writers and artists were very saddened by her death, and many people called her "the last famous lady".