
Morning Thoughts Cycle Repeats

author:Ben Ai lives

Seven days a week, twelve months a year, spring, summer, autumn, winter, four seasons cycle...

Everything seems to be an established circle, and the cycle repeats.

Everyone personally cares about and considers their own destiny. The fate of the individual is closely related to many factors such as family and industry from a small aspect; the large aspects must be integrated into the national fortune.

Therefore, while people go with the flow and strive hard, they have more love and responsibility, more dedication, and integrate, influence or change the environment everywhere; in this way, they may inadvertently change their destiny.

Life is a straight line (or a trajectory formed by countless straight or curved lines) from a flat point of view; from a three-dimensional point of view, it is a pattern composed of countless circles.

On this day of the week, I will give myself a vacation psychologically, get up a little later, and the pace will be slower... Anyway, it's all a cycle...

Morning Thoughts Cycle Repeats

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