
Great scientists such as Einstein and Newton have entered theology, is the end of science theology?

author:Kuang Zhenren
Great scientists such as Einstein and Newton have entered theology, is the end of science theology?

Albert Einstein once said that when scientists climb a mountain, they find that theologians have already sat there, and the meaning of this sentence is that the end of science is theology, and a survey done by the United Nations shows that 242 of the 300 outstanding scientists in the past 300 years are surnamed God. For there are many problems in the world that science cannot explain, but theology can easily explain them.

Great scientists such as Einstein and Newton have entered theology, is the end of science theology?

With the development of modern science and technology and the further improvement of observation capabilities, scientists have discovered the Milky Way, extragalactic galaxies, nebulae, black holes and so on. At this time, people found that the earth was just a grain of dust in the universe, and how small human beings were. The development of science and technology has not been for hundreds of years, and theology has existed in the Chinese civilization for five thousand years, and even in the world civilization for tens of thousands of years.

Humanity's understanding of the world in this process is also long and gradual. Many scientists tend to think that "God" is in charge of everything, the most famous of which is Newton, who when talking about the "first driving force" of the rotation of the planet, once explained that it was "God kicked a kick" and "God lit a fuse to make the universe run".

Scientists believe in theology not only Einstein and Newton, but also the great astronomer Copernicus, the father of modern mechanics Galileo, the father of the telegraph Morse, the father of the rocket Van Bolang, the great female scientist Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize founder Nobel, the first Nobel Prize winner Roentgen, the biological titan Pavlo, the entomology world titan Fabre, the Wright brothers who invented the aircraft, the founder of modern experimental science Bacon, the founder of quantum theory, Planck, the modern atomic energy scientist Pratt... Almost all of the top scientists who have made significant contributions to the development of science believe in the existence of God, and what is even more shocking is that 93% of Nobel laureates are believers in God. In addition to these scientific giants in human history, scientists around the world are by no means a minority of believers in God, and in the eyes of these scientists, science and theology are not exclusive, they can explore the mysteries of the world on the one hand, and praise the greatness of God on the other hand. What is it that puts these leaders on the path of believing in God?

We all know that human beings live in a three-dimensional world, and all cognition is largely limited by three-dimensional space. Even if science and technology are developed today, the objective world that human beings see themselves is actually only a small part of the world, accounting for less than 5% of the total mass of the universe, and 95% of the material world is unknown to human beings, and scientists call it dark matter and dark energy.

Great scientists such as Einstein and Newton have entered theology, is the end of science theology?

It is not difficult to understand the helplessness of many scientists who encounter bottlenecks in their respective fields and cannot be explained by the science of the time. French physicist Alan Espacott confirmed in 1982 that there is a "quantum entanglement" effect between microscopic particles. When the state of one particle changes, it will have an instant effect on the state of the other particle, no matter how far apart the two particles are, even at opposite ends of the universe. The theory of quantum entanglement has been confirmed by many laboratories around the world, but its exact meaning is not clear at present.

Great scientists such as Einstein and Newton have entered theology, is the end of science theology?

Human consciousness is produced by the collapse of entangled electrons in the brain, which not only exists in the human brain, but also is entangled with different electrons in the universe. Scientists say that the universe, the natural world, the folk say god, the Tao of Taoism, the Buddha of Buddhism, the God of Christianity, and so on, may be consciousness on the other side of the universe, perhaps 95% of the unknown world. The so-called dark matter and dark energy are only a synonym for God, and when the scientific giants exhausted the objective laws of the physical world at that time, they finally found that the final answer to the question of the universe can only point to God, so the end of science must be theology. Modern science has also found that 70% of the human brain is locked, while God's brain is completely open.

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