
8 kinds of edible mushroom nutrition full contact [exclusive evaluation]

author:Salted fish turned over with chopsticks

(Note: This article is purely hand-lost, if there are typos, please understand!) Its purpose is to let more netizens understand some professional knowledge, for learning reference only)

Testing unit: Department of Food Science and Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University

Sample types: oyster mushroom, shiitake mushroom, black fungus, enoki mushroom, double spore mushroom, tea tree mushroom, apricot abalone mushroom, white spirit mushroom (fungus is dried, others are fresh)

Source: Tea tree mushroom, apricot abalone mushroom, Bailing mushroom are provided by a mushroom center in Gansu, and the others are purchased in Lanzhou Farmers' Market, Gansu Province

Conclusion: The 8 kinds of edible mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, crude fiber, a variety of minerals, proteins and a variety of essential amino acids, which are high protein and low fat foods, which should be added to the recipe and appropriately increase the amount of consumption.

Edible mushrooms are suitable foods for all ages, known as "meat in the vegetarian", and northerners are used to calling it "mushrooms". According to statistics, there are currently more than 2,000 kinds of edible mushrooms in the world, and there are 720 species in China. China is one of the earliest countries in the world to understand edible mushrooms, but the consumption of edible mushrooms in China is quite different from other countries. At present, the annual per capita consumption of edible mushrooms in the United States is 2.5 kg, france is 4.5 kg, and Japan is also 3 kg, while the per capita consumption of mushrooms in China is only about 2 kg.

Spring colds are frequent, just past the Spring Festival let many people gain weight, toxin accumulation, at this time eat more can regulate immune function, cleansing intestinal liposuction is the best dietary choice. What is the difference in the nutritional value of so many mushroom foods, and how to eat more nutritious? Nutrition experts from the Department of Food Science and Engineering of Gansu Agricultural University will tell you the answer through the test results.

8 kinds of edible mushroom nutrition full contact [exclusive evaluation]

Conclusion: The measurement results show that the fat content of edible mushrooms is generally 2%, only 1/6 of pork; and edible mushrooms contain a large amount of calcium needed by the human body, if each person eats 300 grams of oyster mushrooms per day, it can meet the body's demand for calcium.

Among the 8 kinds of edible mushrooms, tea tree mushrooms contain the highest amount of protein (248k/kg), and shiitake mushrooms contain the highest amount of crude fat (22.4k/kg). The highest crude fiber content is Enoki mushroom (137.2 g/kg) and the highest total sugar content is apricot abalone mushroom (416.1 g/kg). Crude fiber is an important form of dietary fiber, and dietary fiber is known as "intestinal scavenger". The intake of edible mushrooms rich in crude fiber is in line with the requirements of changing the dietary structure that are generally advocated at home and abroad.

The 8 kinds of edible mushrooms are rich in essential mineral elements, such as calcium, iron, zinc and so on. The highest calcium content is black fungus, which is tens or even hundreds of times that of other measured mushrooms; the highest iron content is bisporus mushroom; the highest zinc content is also black fungus. The ash content of black fungus is as high as 68.8 g/kg, which is rich in a variety of mineral elements. In addition, its calcium and zinc content is also very high, and the fat content is low, especially suitable for the elderly and children who are growing and developing.

8 kinds of edible mushroom nutrition full contact [exclusive evaluation]

Total amino acids 98.7

Note: The water is divided into the content of fresh mushrooms (except for black fungus), and the rest of the ingredients are dry weight content.

Proteins and amino acids are an important part of the nutrient content that makes up food. After testing, all edible mushroom samples contained 8 essential amino acids. According to scientific research, 2 kg of fresh mushrooms is the same nutritional value as 1 kg of beef. 1 kg of edible mushrooms contains crude protein equivalent to 1.7 kg of pork, of which most of the fresh edible mushrooms crude protein content is on average 3.22%, equivalent to more than 2 times that of vegetables, nearly 10 times of general fruits, so it is considered to be the most ideal source of protein in the world.

Conclusion: From this test, it can be seen that in the oyster mushroom, enoki mushroom, bisporum mushroom, white spirit mushroom, apricot abalone mushroom, tea tree mushroom, the 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body are more than 40% of the total amino acids, of which the total amino acid of the golden needle mushroom is as high as 202.3 g / kg, especially the content of essential amino acids such as lysine and arginine is significantly higher than the content in other edible mushrooms. Therefore, the mushroom can promote children's physical health and intellectual development, and the Japanese call it "wisdom mushroom".

Fungi not only taste delicious, rich in nutrients, and a variety of edible mushroom polysaccharides have immunomodulatory effect, fungal polysaccharides are a non-specific immune promoter, can enhance the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system, through the role of lymphocytes, macrophages, reticuloendothelial system, etc., improve and regulate the body's immune function. Some polysaccharide substances of edible mushrooms also have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects, and these polysaccharide substances can stimulate the formation of antibodies, thereby improving and adjusting the active defense system inside the human body.

Fungi eat the most nutritious in this way

Oyster mushroom hand tear is more human

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most common edible mushrooms, but the nutrition of this "civilian mushroom" is not lost to other mushrooms at all. The proteoglycans in Oyster mushrooms have a strong inhibitory effect on cancer cells and can enhance the body's immune function.

Pick the oyster mushroom do not blindly map large, pay attention to the shape of the fungus cover, the edge is relatively neat, slightly rolled down the best, if the edge has been flat or even cracked it is too old. Smaller oyster mushrooms are more tender and delicious, with a diameter of about 5 cm. Thick meat, short stalks, and small water content are good oyster mushrooms.

Cooking oyster mushrooms should not be cut with a knife, but it is best to tear them by hand so that the taste is good and more conducive to the release of the umami flavor of the mushrooms.

Dried shiitake mushroom stew, freshly cooked and stir-fried

Shiitake mushrooms are known as the "King of Hundred Mushrooms". Among all kinds of mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms open up rich shiitake mushroom polysaccharides, and the anti-cancer effect is the best. The content of vitamin D in shiitake mushrooms is significantly higher than that of other varieties, which helps the absorption of calcium in the human body and prevents osteoporosis.

When choosing shiitake mushrooms, it is best to buy mushrooms with cracked flowering patterns on the lid, which is the best of the shiitake mushrooms. Ordinary shiitake mushrooms are best to choose varieties with inner rolls, thick, and whiter folds, and do not choose those with flat and thin mushroom caps.

Dried shiitake mushrooms produce a large number of aromatic substances during the drying process, so the aroma is stronger and suitable for stewing, while fresh shiitake mushrooms have a weak taste and a relatively refreshing taste, and it is better to cook and stir-fry with vegetarian dishes. When soaking dried shiitake mushrooms, the time should not be too long, 20-40 minutes is better, otherwise its aroma and nutrition will be lost.

Enoki mushroom lid to make soup, mushroom stalk minced filling

Enoki mushroom contains a full range of essential amino acids, lysine and arginine content is particularly high, beneficial to children's brain cell development, known in foreign countries as "nootropic mushrooms", especially suitable for children to eat, but people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat more.

Common enoki mushrooms are usually available in both yellow and white. White enoki mushrooms are tough and a little stuffy, while yellow has a strong aroma and tender taste, which is more delicious. Buy enoki mushrooms to choose mushrooms with hemispherical lids, do not grow open. Either way, if the color is uniform and bright throughout, it is likely to have been smoked, rinsed, dyed or treated with additives, which can be smelled, and if there is an odor, it is not suitable for purchase.

Enoki mushrooms are smooth, crispy and fresh, and the most common way to eat them is to mix them with cold vegetables or shabu-shabu. The lower half of the mushroom has a high dietary fiber content and poor taste, and when cooking, the upper part can be used to make soup and stir-fry meat, and the lower half is chopped and stuffed, so that it is not wasted and the taste is good.

The soup with bisporus mushrooms has a refreshing taste

Northerners often refer to bisporus mushrooms as mushrooms, and their biggest advantage is the higher zinc content. Zinc is a very important trace element needed by the human body, if the child is deficient in zinc, growth and development will be affected, such as short stature, limited intellectual development, etc., and adult zinc deficiency will also appear physiological dysfunction.

Mushrooms are often caught in the rinsing storm, so when choosing, we should pay attention to the "original ecology", preferably with a little soil, the fungus body is not smooth, and the roots are brown. Mushrooms are delicious and can be cooked with light vegetables, and the taste is very refreshing, and it is also suitable for vegetarian stir-fry and stir-fry meat.

Black fungus raw mix is the most nutritious

Black fungus is a commonly eaten fungus, of which soluble dietary fiber has good water retention, can keep the mouth, throat moist and intestinal lubrication, avoid and alleviate constipation.

High-quality black fungus is dark black, the flower surface is dark and shiny, and the back of the ear is dark gray; good fungus feels very light in the hand and is easily broken by hand; fresh fungus does not have a sour odor and other odors.

If you want to retain the nutrition of black fungus, the best way to eat it is to mix it cold, soak the black fungus with cold water, and add seasoning. If you are not used to eating raw mix, you can quickly blanch it with boiling water and mix it again.

Apricot abalone mushrooms are the most diverse cooking methods

Unlike other fungi that mainly eat mushrooms, apricot abalone mushroom mainly eats its stalk. The mushroom is thick and smooth, dense and firm in structure, and tastes like abalone. It is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, trace elements, vitamins and more than a dozen amino acids, which can effectively reduce postprandial blood sugar.

When selecting apricot abalone mushrooms, you should choose the cap as a disc,not opened, and the stalk is about 10 cm. As long as the mushroom body is firm, the mushroom shape is round, the cap is light brown, the stalk is milky white, and there is no odor.

Apricot abalone mushroom is the most suitable edible mushroom for cooking, because the meat is tender and fragrant, suitable for various cooking methods, such as frying, stewing, filling, etc., and it is not soft after cooking.

Tea tree mushroom stew is the most fragrant

Tea tree mushrooms have a fresh taste and a crisp handle, which is an excellent wild edible mushroom and a medicinal mushroom with special medicinal value. Fujian minxi folk commonly use the mushroom fruiting body decoction, treatment of stomach cold and nephritis edema, urinary disadvantage, etc., the effect is very good, in the folk known as "god mushroom".

When selecting tea tree mushrooms, pay attention to the selection of tea tree mushrooms with the same thickness and size. If the sizes are different, it is likely that it is not the same growth period, and it may be mixed with aged tea tree mushrooms. In addition, the stalk is brown and thinner, and the smell is fragrant, and the musty tea tree mushrooms should never be bought.

Fresh tea tree mushrooms can be stewed with meat and have a strong flavor, and can also be fried with fresh eggs and eaten in soup.

The white spirit mushroom soup is the most delicious

Bailing mushroom, also known as Ferula side ear, Fergus mushroom, is known as "porcini mushroom on the grassland". Bailing mushroom has certain medical value, has the effect of anti-accumulation, insecticide, antitussive, anti-inflammatory and prevention of gynecological tumors.

When selecting white spirit mushrooms, pay attention to the selection of mushrooms with white color, solid flesh, no deformity, and no damage. Do not choose if the fungus folds become brown and the mushroom surface is yellow and brown.

White spirit mushrooms can be boiled with other mushrooms such as black fungus and shiitake mushrooms, and the umami flavor is sufficient, and can also be added to the soup base such as chicken soup. In addition, it is also suitable for a variety of cooking methods, such as stir-frying, shabu -shabu (hot pot), frying, frying, stewing, pot, grilling, etc. can be selected.

Source: Original Food Guide Author: Zong Chunxia