
Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

author:One by one, gossip

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Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Edit: One One Chat

The most searched and amazing topic

The entry "Bailu Fan Chengcheng" suddenly topped the hot search, which instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens. I don't know, I thought these two celebrities had officially announced their relationship. clicked in and found that it turned out that in the latest episode of the "Run" program, Fan Chengcheng's act of putting paint on her face with her arms around Bailu seemed to be a little too intimate, and she was immediately accused by netizens of having no sense of boundaries. Whether this behavior is the effect of the show or something else has something else to hide, it quickly became a hot topic of discussion.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Cause: An uproar caused by an intimate interaction

The cause of this incident originated from an intimate interaction between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu in the latest episode of "Let's Run". Fan Chengcheng hugged Bailu and smeared paint on her face, although this move looks like a variety show, many netizens think that such an intimate act is a bit excessive. Especially the sibling relationship in the show, people can't help but question this level of intimacy. Some netizens believe that variety shows should also have a certain sense of proportion, and Fan Chengcheng's behavior has gone beyond the boundaries between ordinary friends and siblings.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Historical Behavior: A Review of Fan Chengcheng's Intimate Moments with Bailu

In fact, this is not the first time Fan Chengcheng has had close contact with Bailu on the show. In the previous episodes, Fan Chengcheng did something to Bailu many times, and even once put his hand on Bailu's lips. This kind of behavior not only made the audience feel uncomfortable, but also sparked a discussion about the boundaries of interaction between male and female artists in variety shows. Although Bailu and Fan Chengcheng seem to have a good relationship, in front of the camera, such an interaction will inevitably cause controversy and misunderstanding.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Netizens have different opinions: intimate interaction or deliberate hype?

For this intimate interaction, netizens have a lot of different opinions. Some netizens believe that Fan Chengcheng's behavior is indeed too intimate, and as a public figure, he should pay attention to his behavior, especially on a popular platform such as variety shows. Another part of netizens believes that this may be the program team deliberately hyping CP to attract more audience's attention and discussion. After all, in the highly competitive variety show market, topicality and popularity are very important for the program team.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Proponent's view: Pay attention to public image

Netizens who thought that Fan Chengcheng's behavior was too intimate pointed out that as public figures, Fan Chengcheng and Bailu should keep a certain distance in front of the camera. Especially on a public platform like a variety show, their every move may be amplified and interpreted by the audience. This part of netizens believes that no matter how close they are in private, they still have to pay attention to proportions in public, so as not to bring discomfort to the audience. At the same time, they are also concerned that this overly intimate interaction may have a negative impact on the public image of the two stars.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Opponent's view: the effect of the program comes first

Another part of netizens believes that all this is planned by the program team, in order to create topics and heat. These netizens said that it is a very common means to create some intimate interaction in variety shows, which can increase the entertainment and highlights of the show. They believe that the program team may be trying to attract more viewers and increase the ratings of the program in this way. This part of netizens also pointed out that the audience does not have to be too serious, because this intimate interaction may only be part of the performance and does not represent the real relationship between the two stars.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

The intention of the program team: to create a topic to attract the audience

From the perspective of program production, the success of variety shows largely depends on the audience's attention and discussion. Creating some controversial topics can effectively increase the attention and ratings of the program. In the current highly competitive variety show market, it is particularly important to keep the show fresh and topical. Therefore, the program team may trigger the audience's discussion through some controversial interactive scenes, so as to achieve the purpose of attracting the audience. Although this approach will cause some controversy, judging from the results, it does have the effect of increasing the popularity of the show.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Analysis of the current situation of the program: The dilemma and challenges of "Let's Run".

On the whole, the audience loss problem of the variety show "Let's Run" is indeed serious. The frequency of the appearance of the old members has made the audience a little aesthetically fatigued, and the new members such as Zhang Zhenyuan of the Times Youth League have not been able to bring much freshness. In this case, the intimate interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng became a highlight of the show and caused extensive discussion. Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that the program team will deliberately create this kind of interactive scene in the program.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Reason for audience churn: lack of freshness

"Let's Run", as a long-term hit variety show, has experienced many seasons of broadcasting. With the passage of time, the performance patterns and interactions of the old members gradually caused the audience to develop aesthetic fatigue. The audience wanted to see more fresh elements and new faces, however, the addition of new members did not fully meet this demand. Although Zhang Zhenyuan of the Times Youth League joined as a new member, his presence and expressiveness were not enough to fully arouse the audience's interest. This lack of freshness has led to the loss of viewers for the show becoming more and more obvious.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Interactive highlights: The intimate interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng

In the context of audience loss, the program team obviously needs some new highlights to attract the attention of the audience. The intimate interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng is an effective means. By creating some intimate interactive scenes, it can not only increase the entertainment of the show, but also arouse the audience's discussion and attention. Although this interaction caused some controversy, it is undeniable that it did become a highlight in the show, successfully attracting a lot of attention.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Hype point of view: the drainage strategy of the program group

In response to this intimate interaction incident, many netizens put forward the view that the program team may intend to hype up CP. In the current variety show market, CP hype is a very common and effective way to attract traffic. By creating intimate interaction between artists, it arouses discussion and attention from the audience, thereby increasing the popularity and ratings of the show. Although this method may cause some controversy, it may be worth a try for the program team as long as it can achieve the effect of attracting audiences.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Hype: Common and effective

In variety shows, CP hype is not a new concept. Whether it is a domestic or foreign variety show, it will use the interaction between artists to create topics. By deliberately arranging some intimate interactive scenes, you can quickly attract the audience's attention and increase the highlights of the show. For example, the former "Let's Love Each Other" successfully attracted the attention and discussion of a large number of audiences by simulating couples. Although this method is prone to controversy, its effect cannot be ignored.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Audience reaction: heated discussions and controversies coexist

For the program team, creating topics and triggering discussions is an effective means to increase the popularity of the program. However, this approach also has certain negative consequences. Some viewers may perceive these interactions as being too deliberate and lose their sense of authenticity, which can lead to disgust. Especially when it comes to the artist's private life, the audience's reaction may be more violent. Despite this, most viewers will still be interested because of these interactions and continue to pay attention to the program, thus achieving the desired effect of the program team.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Program effect: The popularity has increased significantly

Through this intimate interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng, the popularity of "Let's Run" has increased significantly. The first result of the hot search not only attracted a lot of attention, but also sparked a wide range of discussions. Many viewers said that it was because of these interactions that they repaid attention to the show. For the program team, although it may face some controversy, judging from the results, this hype method has indeed achieved the expected drainage effect. This also further proves the effectiveness and importance of CP hype in variety shows.

Bailu Fan Chengcheng appeared on the hot search, and the intimate interaction of "Running Man" caused controversy, and netizens hotly discussed that there was no sense of boundary

Long-term implications: A careful balance is needed

Although CP hype can bring a significant increase in popularity in the short term, in the long run, the program team still needs to carefully balance the use of this method. Over-reliance on hype can not only lead to aesthetic fatigue among viewers, but it can also have a negative impact on the artist's image. Therefore, when designing interactive scenes, the program team should take into account the audience's acceptance and the artist's feelings, and avoid the counter-effect caused by excessive hype. At the same time, improving the quality of program content and adding more interesting and meaningful links is the foundation to attract the audience's long-term attention.

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