
Shanghai first launched three new policies for foreign talents "team-style" introduction of "foreign think tanks"

author:China News Network

China News Network, January 17 (Reporter Li Shuzheng) Shanghai first launched three new policies for foreign talents, introducing "team-style" into "foreign think tanks".

Gao Ziping, deputy director of the Personnel Department of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and chief expert of the "Overseas Talent Research" innovation team, said in an interview with China News Network reporter on the 17th that from "single" to "team-style", Shanghai is at the forefront of China in the introduction of foreign talents.

China's Ministry of Public Security and the Shanghai Municipal Government launched the "Shanghai Entry-Exit Gathering Plan (2017-2021)" in Shanghai yesterday. According to the plan, China's Ministry of Public Security will successively introduce a number of entry-exit policies in Shanghai, focusing on attracting high-end foreign talents that are urgently needed and scarce in China.

Lou Pengying, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau's Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, said that this year Shanghai will launch the first three new entry-exit policies: First, to facilitate the application of permanent residence for foreign core members of the top scientific research team. That is, to grant top talents the right to independently recommend, to provide support for their formation of scientific research teams; the second is to allow "double self" and "double creation" foreign talents to innovate and start businesses part-time. That is, to break through the restriction that foreigners can only work in one unit, to provide a broader stage for foreign talents to fully display their talents; the third is to provide long-term residence and permanent residence facilities for the development of outstanding foreign graduates from all over the world. That is, foreign outstanding graduates can directly apply for a 2-year residence permit with a graduation diploma; those who have worked continuously for 3 years and meet certain conditions can apply for permanent residence.

There are many highlights of the three new talent policies. Gao Ziping pointed out that from the past "single style" to the current "team style", it reflects the official "great breakthrough" in the introduction of foreign talents.

First of all, the introduction of high-level talents in a "team-style" will have a higher energy contribution to the construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center. Gao Ziping believes that the high-level talents needed for the construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center are no longer "grasping the difference and filling in the gaps" in the traditional sense. "This requires team-based introduction based on our industrial layout to form some relatively high-end, world-cutting-edge innovation teams."

"The higher the level of talent, the smaller the liquidity, the greater the risk of mobility," Gao Ziping said, adding that the world's top foreign talents have many concerns about families and teams, and the introduction of teams and families can eliminate the worries of top-level experts.

"In the future, I can lead foreign doctoral students, postdocs and colleagues to China COMAC together." Ren He, deputy chief engineer of COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd., said that this policy can well encourage foreign talents to "come and stay" and be willing to live and work in Shanghai.

According to Lou Pengying, the "Juying Plan" will be gradually implemented in 5 years, in addition to the three new policies for foreign talents, China's first "immigration center" will also be prepared. "We are setting up a special venue in the zhangjiang core park to provide a one-door social integration service to help foreign talents integrate into Shanghai faster and better." (End)