
One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

author:The handsome third uncle film and television

The fourth season of the hardcore American drama "Yellowstone" is currently airing, but it is only updated once a week, which is really not enjoyable.

So in addition to "Yellowstone", what other equally hardcore American dramas are currently airing? Not to mention, there is really one, and it is quite good, and the key lead actor is an actor we are very familiar with.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

If you like Marvel movies, then for him, certainly not strange, recently his Marvel series is also airing, he has an heir in the show, yes, smart you must have thought, he is Hawkeye.

But the new drama I'm going to talk about is not Hawkeye, but hawkeye actor Jeremy Rayner's latest drama.

The film is starred by Hawkeye Jeremy Rayner, but the supporting roles of the film are also quite important, Kyle Chandler, Aidan Gillen, Diane West, Hugh Dylan and other old guys, said wrong, and other old-faced powerful actors are matched, and the plot is even more pit, Douban score 8.6.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

The first time you see this drama, you have the same super hardcore feeling as "Yellowstone", in fact, this drama is a new drama created by "Yellowstone" creator Taylor Sheridan.

The series tells the story of what happens in a strange town in Michigan, USA.

To say that it is peculiar is not to say that there is any supernatural phenomenon, but that there is something special about this town.

We all know that every place has its own characteristics, as well as its economic pillar industry, and the peculiar thing about this town is that it makes money from prison.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

Isn't it a little incredible to think about it? But that's the way it is, in a very small town, with 7 prisons and nearly 20,000 prisoners.

Savvy townspeople see business opportunities in this special group.

The leader of the town is the man known as the Mayor of Kingston, but he is not really the mayor. This man of high moral standing in the town specializes in solving troubles for cellmates, prison guards and others, and is a godfather-like presence in this town.

The mayor of Kingston has always been the mcLaski family here, and they have three brothers who have unparalleled power here, and whether it is a policeman or a criminal, or even a prison guard and a politician, they have to look at their faces.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

The boss is Mickey McCluskey, played by veteran actor Kyle Chandler, who is the current mayor of Kingston, but he only put soy sauce on the show because he received the lunch box in the first episode.

Who would dare to prey on the powerful Mayor of Kingston? A mysterious bearded brother, he went to the mayor of Kingston to run an errand, the mayor ignored him, but also received a beautiful woman, and then for some reason, it involved the mysterious bearded brother, he infiltrated Mickey's office, and finally shot Mickey.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

Learning that the eldest brother was killed, the other two members of the McCluskey family quickly arrived at the scene, the second eldest, that is, the protagonist played by Hawkeye, Mike McCluskey, and the third Kyle McCluskey, he was a police officer, originally the three brothers were united, the career of the McLaski family was booming, and I did not expect such a thing to suddenly appear.

Immediately after, Mike's words finally made people see the hardcore of the family, he told the police, do not catch the murderer and go to prison, because that means that the guy will at most go to jail for a lifetime, the implication is obvious, the person must pay for his life.

Soon, the killer is found and Mike solves the problem in his own way. Here it is enough to see the status of the McClashki family here.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

But the eldest Mickey is dead, that is to say, the mayor of Kingston is gone, and Mike must be allowed to take this position, but Mike actually has no intention of staying here, nor does he have the heart to be bound by things here like the eldest brother, but he is helpless, the third is a policeman, only he has to bear this responsibility.

The real story of the episode, here it really unfolds...

At first, I thought that Kyle Chandler's eldest brother Mickey was going to play a two-man drama with Mike hawkeye, but Chandler was just trying to make a wedding dress for Hawkeye.

However, this kind of scene that kills the protagonist at the beginning is indeed hardcore enough.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

In many ways, this drama does have the flavor of "Yellowstone", some people are still saying that this is basically the prison storm version of Yellowstone, and even worry that if this drama is popular, does it mean that Yellowstone is ready to end?

I want to say, it is useless to think more, since there is a good drama, then the brush is it, what do you do with other off-site things? You say yes?

If "The Mayor of Kingston" only watches the first episode, the story is enough to catch people's attention, the rhythm is slippery, do not drag the mud and water, the cause and effect, and the theme is set at once.

One episode into the pit, Douban score 8.6, the new drama starring Hawkeye is too hard

In the second episode, the rhythm is even higher, the plot is more hot, after Mike became the new mayor of Kingston, he actually implemented a series of measures that had never been taken before, the boldness seems to be better than the big brother, and the layers of the plot also hint that he will usher in more challenges.

Cass lineup is luxurious, the plot has a point to watch, black and white two kinds of grudges and hatred have explosive points, this is another hardcore punctual American drama after "Yellowstone", like this type of friends, do not hesitate, the third uncle has already given you a thunder.

The three uncles of the leper are filmed and television