
On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

author:Global Bureau of Investigation

The trees want to be quiet and the wind is not stopping!

In the context of the great changes and the arrival of the epidemic, chaos and turmoil seem to have become the main theme of the current international situation, and no one can predict what will happen in the next moment.

On November 17, three eye-catching events occurred in the world, both expected and unexpected, and closely related to the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and other countries.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

First, the "civil unrest" in the United States escalated! 22 states in the United States sued the White House.

On the 17th, 12 states, including Louisiana and Montana, jointly sued the White House, demanding that it cancel the new crown vaccine injunction against medical staff, and said that biden's vaccine injunction seriously violated the US Constitution and violated the powers granted by the Constitution to states.

Note that as early as the beginning of this month, 10 states, led by Florida, have already taken the Biden administration to court with a mandatory vaccination order.

In other words, 22 states in the United States have joined forces to sue the White House, which is almost "half of the United States". And, over time, the number of states that have joined the "White House" ranks is increasing.

So, what is the reason for the rise of "half of the United States"?

It turns out that in response to the stagnation of vaccination rates in the United States, Biden recently issued a decree requiring U.S. government employees, contractors, and all personnel who have accepted U.S. government funding agencies to be vaccinated by January 4 next year, otherwise they will be forcibly fired.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

Although biden's move is a good starting point, the coercive and coercive government decrees have attracted a lot of dissatisfaction and opposition.

First, Biden's decree is not only harsh, but also mandatory, which is equivalent to forcing the American people to choose between vaccination and work, which will naturally attract public dissatisfaction.

Second, the stagnant vaccination rate in the United States has shown that a large proportion of the population is indeed reluctant to get vaccinated and would rather lose their jobs than compromise.

In this case, the US state governments began to be anxious, if the mandatory vaccine order is in effect, a large number of US government workers are dismissed, how will the United States operate?

In particular, if there is a large-scale "wave of departures" in hospitals funded by the US government, how will the anti-epidemic work be carried out?

Don't forget, there is a shortage of medical personnel in the United States today, and not long ago, New York State declared a state of emergency for the entire state because of the "lack of people".

Third, in addition to the impact of the US government and hospitals, there will also be turmoil in American society, and some companies may take advantage of the banner of "compulsory vaccine orders" to take advantage of large-scale layoffs.

At that time, the US unemployment rate will soar again, and the US economy is bound to suffer a heavy blow.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

Therefore, under the combination of multiple considerations, it has become inevitable that the US states will join hands to sue the White House and prevent the mandatory vaccine order from taking effect.

What do you think about that?

1, the epidemic is profoundly affecting the economic, political and social order of the United States.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the United States has first unexpectedly become the most serious country in the world, and then the US economy has continued to decline, forcing the White House to open the "printing mode" again and again, triggering a severe inflation crisis.

Now, because of the epidemic, 22 states across the United States have joined forces to sue the White House. It is clear that the pandemic is profoundly impacting the foundations of the United States.

At present, how to deal with the epidemic and the economic, political and social crisis caused by the epidemic has become Biden's top priority. Otherwise, if the crisis is allowed to continue, the "America is back" that Biden shouted when he took office is doomed to become a joke.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

2, "half of the United States" joined forces to sue the White House, which is obviously another manifestation of the stability of the United States of America towards the "Secession of the United States".

At the same time, how can Biden's mandatory vaccine order not be one of the embodiments of American hegemony? The 22 states in the United States have joined forces to counter the White House, which is also another example of "American hegemony" being opposed and countered by their own people.

It can only be said that many acts of injustice will kill themselves, and sooner or later they will have to pay it back! The dilemma and predicament of the United States today is closely related to its inaction, dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty in the face of the fight against the epidemic.

Where to go, Biden really has to think clearly this time.

However, just as the Americans began to counter the hegemony of the United States, Europe, thousands of miles away, also sounded the "anti-American" horn.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

The second thing is to carry out the anti-American to the end? The European Union decided to form a "European Army" to break away from its dependence on the United States.

On the 17th, the European Union announced that it would set up a joint force of 5,000 military personnel by 2025 at the latest, so that Europe could respond to various crises without relying on the United States. Moreover, in March next year, the EU will officially finalize the formation of a "European army".

The 5,000 soldiers will be from EU countries and will not invite the United States to join. However, the EU also said that the 27 member states do not need to be fully involved, and there are still consultations within the EU.

What does this mean? At least 3 o'clock.

First, the EU has already made up its mind this time to build a separate military force around the United States.

This suggests that the EU's trust in the United States is declining, that its disappointment with the White House is rising, and that the EU has begun to realize that the United States is no longer reliable and that it is time for Europe to rely on itself.

Second, the "European Army" formed by the EU alone will have a "check and balance" impact on NATO, and even "overhead" NATO.

After all, the purpose of the EU to establish a "European army" is to better safeguard European interests; while NATO, under the leadership of the United States, is more of a stranglehold on Russia.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

But the problem is that Europe's opposition to Russia is only good for the United States and is not in the interest of all EUs.

Therefore, once the "European Army" is established and thrives, the EU countries will inevitably be more inclined to the "European Army" and leave NATO.

At that time, the United States will not only lose its strategic influence in Europe, but also disintegrate the pattern of "the United States and Europe jointly balancing Russia" that it has maintained for many years.

Third, the rift within the EU, or thus widening.

After all, seeing that the EU wants to stand on its own, the United States and NATO will certainly not be indifferent, and they are bound to obstruct it, perhaps continuing to concoct the so-called "Russian threat" and forcibly tying Europe to the car; it may also be to incite Poland and other countries, create contradictions within the EU, and prevent the establishment of a "European army".

In short, Europe is important to the United States, and the White House will not watch it leave itself, let alone see it fall to Russia.

Therefore, the formation of the "European Army" by the EU is indeed an important step to get rid of the dependence of the United States and move toward independence and self-reliance, but it is only the first step, and there is still a long way to go.

Next, let's see how the United States and Europe make moves.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

Finally, let's talk about British Prime Minister Johnson's blatant provocation of Russia.

On the 17th, johnson once again warned Europe that it must choose between the "Nord Stream 2" project and support Ukraine, and accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of promoting the "Nord Stream 2" project despite the opposition of the United States and Britain.

The implication is that britain wants to call on European countries to boycott the Nord Stream 2 project and confront Russia, and even Germany, which is a member of Europe, has become the object of Blame in Johnson's mouth.

Moreover, against the backdrop of the recent deepening of the belarusian border migration problem and the deterioration of Russian-Ukrainian relations, it is obviously not a coincidence that Britain has suddenly and openly provoked Russia.

At least 3 intentions.

1. Taking advantage of the recent escalation of The Contradiction between Russia and Europe and the Ukraine Issue, the United States and the United Kingdom are "cooperating" together to break up Russian-European relations and achieve their goal of "encircling Russia";

Second, further destabilize the situation in Europe, prevent European integration and self-reliance, and force the EU to side with the United States.

Third, by accusing and smearing the "Nord Stream 2" project, Russia is prevented from sending gas to Europe, paving the way for the United States to regain the European gas market.

On November 17, three things happened in the world: 22 states in the United States sued Biden; the United Kingdom once again called out Russia

Whatever Britain's aims, however, Johnson should not forget that as Russia-EU relations cool, it will only be the United States, not Europe, that will ultimately benefit.

Don't forget, winter is just around the corner, and if Europe rejects the Nord Stream 2 project, it will be extremely difficult. At that time, the United States will sell high-priced natural gas to Europe on a large scale, and Europe will inevitably be hit hard.

In short, the past has long shown that the United States is not a reliable ally, and even former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger lamented that being an enemy of the United States is dangerous and being an ally of the United States is fatal.

What to do, Britain, France and Germany really have to think clearly.

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