
Devouring the starry sky and the perfect world, they used to be masterpieces of Guoman, why are they scolded miserably now?

author:Autumn of the leaves

Although Riman was very popular in the past few decades,But now Guoman occupies a dominant position in the market。 After decades of development,Now Guoman has basically taken shape,Most of the Guoman masterpieces are 3D type,Among them, such as "Breaking the Sky", "Douluo Continent", "Perfect World", "Devouring the Starry Sky", etc. are all representatives. Maybe it's a popular IP foundation, or maybe the anime itself is well-made, or maybe it's the audience's personal favorite, these immortal cultivation works are also very popular, and they can still rank in the top 10 of the hot list.

Devouring the starry sky and the perfect world, they used to be masterpieces of Guoman, why are they scolded miserably now?

The animation "Perfect World" and "Devouring the Starry Sky" were both masterpieces of Chinese comics with a very good reputation. "Devouring the Starry Sky" is a Chinese comic adapted from the novel of the same name, and it is also one of the very popular works. The anime mainly tells the story of how a hanging king named Luo Feng opened the hanging. However, this work is a little different from most traditional immortal cultivation works: the story is set in the vast universe. In the past, most of the immortal cultivators were mixed in ancient China, and no matter how they escaped, they couldn't escape the fairy world of ancient China, but the "devouring" cosmic adventure plot also brought people a different visual experience, so it has been well received in the past.

Devouring the starry sky and the perfect world, they used to be masterpieces of Guoman, why are they scolded miserably now?

"Perfect World" mainly tells the story of a hanging king named Shi Hao who eventually became the Emperor of the Wasteland. The story background of this anime is the same as the traditional works of cultivating immortals, and it also tells the story of cultivating immortals in ancient times. Shi Hao has had an encounter different from ordinary people since he was a child, and when he grew up, he was out of control, and finally became the formidable Emperor of the Wasteland. I have to say that the anime also loves Shi Hao very much, and gives Shi Hao the best settings in almost all aspects, including appearance, strength, personality, etc., and because of this, Shi Hao and "Perfect World" are very popular.

Devouring the starry sky and the perfect world, they used to be masterpieces of Guoman, why are they scolded miserably now?

Recently, these hot Chinese comics have suddenly gone wrong, such as "Devouring the Starry Sky" and "Perfect World", which have been scolded by many people. "Perfect World", which has always been well received, was suddenly complained about, from the picture to the plot to the characters, it was almost scolded all over again. Some time ago, the "Xiandaohua Incident" caused a lot of trouble, and later because of the characters of Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi and other heroines, it caused everyone's dissatisfaction, until now, "Perfect" has gradually shown a trend of collapse. "Devouring the Starry Sky" is similar to it, a good work, but it was suddenly scolded miserably.

Devouring the starry sky and the perfect world, they used to be masterpieces of Guoman, why are they scolded miserably now?

Originally, "Devouring the Starry Sky" and Luo Feng have been developing and broadcasting in praise, but recently, there have been continuous criticisms of "Devouring", especially in terms of the combat power system, which makes people feel a little messy. On the other hand, some people have also begun to criticize the "devouring" character modeling, feeling that some of the characters are very perfunctory. From the masterpiece that everyone is looking after to now becoming a typical example of the opposite, what have these two works experienced? The reason for this is also very simple, to put it mildly, the quality has declined.

Devouring the starry sky and the perfect world, they used to be masterpieces of Guoman, why are they scolded miserably now?

Regardless of the plot, characters or pictures, these are the embodiment of the quality of the anime, and the reason why everyone scolds these two anime is nothing more than because the high-quality masterpieces of the past have suddenly declined, and at the same time, the plot, characters, and modeling are not as sophisticated as before. Audiences who are accustomed to high-quality works are naturally unacceptable to the quality they used to be, and it is no wonder that they cause dissatisfaction. In the final analysis, quality is the last word, and a decline in quality will cause dissatisfaction among everyone.

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