
Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

author:BoBo's small dried fish

Do you remember Tang Bohu in "Tang Bohu Dian Qiu Xiang"? Young and famous, handsome and handsome, charming, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, ranked first among the four talents in Jiangnan, and also married eight wives like fragrant jade, and finally lit autumn incense. It is really the ceiling of the "high, rich and handsome" in the ancient puppet world of the Ming Dynasty. The fact is that you think too much, the historical Tang Bohu is not a "rich and handsome", he is at best a self-proclaimed high- and unruly, unruly and unruly talent who likes to pick flowers and stir up weeds.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

Tang Bohu was born in Suzhou five hundred years ago, there is a brother and a sister below, his father opened a tavern, and his family is also considered to be well-off. Tang Bohu's father hoped that he could become a bully from childhood, he did not disappoint his father, from childhood to learn well, proficient in piano and chess, poetry and painting, 16 years old county examination took a first place, married at the age of 19, gave birth to a son at the age of 20, so all the way smoothly and smoothly lived to the age of 24.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

That year, Tang Bohu's life began to be unlucky, his father was suddenly born, and not long after, his mother was also sad and overly gone, and the next year his wife and married sister died again, and his son also died prematurely. The closest relatives and loved ones around him have gone one by one, and the only brother left has a bad relationship with him. Tang Bohu tore his heart and lungs in pain, wailed, and he was overly sad, and he was only 26 years old and had gray hair. "Bereavement of father, loss of mother, loss of wife, loss of son" a series of blows, so that he can not face the huge pressure, began to gradually decadence, all day long to borrow wine to dispel sorrow, fortunately there are three other four talents in Jiangnan to accompany, comfort, and encourage him, the eldest of his 10-year-old friend Zhu Zhishan often advised him to regain his strength, study hard, take the imperial examination, Tang Bohu actually did not like this kind of old-fashioned eight-strand examination, but think about the death of his father and mother, the tavern also closed, his current life can only barely eat and starve If he does not take the exam to earn a meritorious name to support himself, then he can not always go to the field to cultivate the land, after thinking clearly, he promised Zhu Zhishan to study well and participate in next year's township examination, he vowed to Zhu Zhishan: I want to participate in next year's township examination, if I fail the examination, I will give up. Zhu Zhishan listened, was frightened, and thought: One year, my brother, don't you drink bad brains? How many people in this township test have not won the exam in their lifetime, I have taken the exam five times before I passed the exam, and your cowhide is blown too much. However, based on the fact that this person had just perked up in decadence, Zhu Zhishan only thought about it in his heart and did not have the good sense to say it.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

However, a year later, Tang Bohu was really shocked by the jaws of everyone, and people really studied hard for a year and got the first place in the Nanjing Township Examination - Xie Yuan. For a time, this talented, mercurial, freshly dressed and angry young talent once again moved Nanjing, became popular overnight, and became a big IP owner of Internet celebrities with their own traffic. After this fame, Tang Bohu personally experienced what is called "Yan Ruyu in the book, and there is a golden house in the book". After the explosion of popularity, Tang Bohu, without the discipline of his family, was more and more cynical, often lingering in the land of fireworks, during which he married his second wife, the second history book is not recorded, I don't know who named whom, the third married a rich lady He Shi. With this success, Tang Bohu regained his confidence. I want to think that what is the first thing to do in the examination, I still have to take the exam.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

At the age of 30, Tang Bohu packed up his baggage and went to Beijing to catch the exam. Who knows, in the middle of the way, he met his nemesis in life, one of these two people is called Xu Jing, and the other is called Du Mu. The three of them talked happily all the way, and after coming to the capital, they often played together. One day before the exam, Xu Jing took Tang Bohu to meet with cheng Minzheng, the chief examiner at the time, and said that he would spend a lot of money to write inscriptions for his deceased relatives. After the test results came out, Tang Bohu ranked first, Xu Jing also won the list, Du Mu fell on the list, the heart was very unbalanced, he reported that Tang Bohu and Xu Jing were cheating, the above checked the test paper, although no evidence was found, but the two had privately gone to the main examiner before the exam This is a fact, and this matter has also been spread in the people of Beijing, so the punishment is lighter, but it is still necessary to sentence. Not long after, the government sent people to arrest Xu Jing, Tang Bohu, and the chief examiner Cheng Minzheng and put them in prison, and sentenced them to disqualification from the examination and could not participate in them for life, the two were sentenced to exile and fill the army, and Tang Bohu was sentenced to a minor official with no grade in Zhejiang. Tang Bohu, who was arrogant and arrogant, was not convinced and resolutely did not go. After getting out of prison, Tang Bohu packed up his things and returned to his hometown of Suzhou, but this time he became a street rat, and wherever he went, there were people pointing and pointing, and even scolded him on the street. His wife, who had hoped to rely on him to bring glory and wealth, but the rich could no longer be counted on, quarreled and divorced him.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

After this series of blows, Tang Bohu began to seriously doubt life, and from then on he stopped doing what he thought, and put all his thoughts on calligraphy and painting. 34-year-old Tang Bohu, just by selling calligraphy and paintings to maintain his life, fortunately, Tang Bohu still has some iron powder, so from time to time someone pays for his inscriptions and paintings, but more often he has to rely on the stalls to sell calligraphy and paintings to maintain his life, he sells calligraphy and paintings all spent in the land of drinking and fireworks, when there is no money, he goes to the stalls to sell calligraphy and paintings, and sometimes he borrows money from his good friends Zhuzhishan to live a life.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

When he was 37 years old, Tang Bohu found a deserted mansion, this house environment is very good, very quiet, the inner courtyard of the house is planted with peach blossom trees, he cleaned up the house, he moved in, and also gave the house a nice name, called Peach Blossom An, he himself is called Peach Blossom Immortal, he lived here in the second half of his life, most of his masterpieces, are from this place.

The 40-year-old Tang Bohu ushered in his fourth spring, the only red-faced confidant in his life, Shen Jiuniang, Shen Jiuniang was born in Qinglou, but she had her own integrity, she admired Tang Bohu's talent, and was willing to share happiness and hardship with him. After the two people got married, the husband sang with the woman, which was very loving, but unfortunately, three years later, the ninth lady died of overwork, leaving a daughter. After the death of the Ninth Niang, Tang Bohu saw through the red dust and never married for life. All his thoughts were devoted to writing poetry and painting, and his life was poor, he lived by setting up stalls and selling calligraphy and paintings, and often relying on friends for help.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

When he was 44 years old, because he mistakenly believed in Zhu Chenhao, the king of Nanchang in the Ming Dynasty, he was tricked into going to the Nanchang king's palace, and when Tang Bohu found out that the king of Nanchang was going to rebel, in order to save himself, let the king of Nanchang let him go home, he pretended to be crazy, and often ate and urinated, and even ran naked on the street, so that the king of Nanchang believed that he was crazy and let him go home. Since then, Tang Bohu has been even more depressed, and has turned to Buddhism, calling himself "Six Ru Lay People".

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

Tang Bohu, a talented man of a generation, has been depressed in his heart all his life, and he has been borrowing wine all day long to pour sorrow, and his body and mind are damaged. He died of illness at the age of 54 in Taohua'an, when he died, he was desolate and desolate, there was no one around to accompany him, and no one collected the body after his death, and finally his friend Zhu Zhishan collected the body for him.

Tang Bohu, a "rich and handsome man," actually made a living by setting up a stall on the ground

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