
Life help 丨 fresh egg shopping tips

Fresh eggs are one of the essential foods in people's daily lives, especially eggs, and the cooking methods are also diverse and loved by people. Then the food safety related to this must also be closely watched by people, today Cheng Cheng Xiaobian will give you a brief introduction to the health requirements and related standards of fresh eggs.

Life help 丨 fresh egg shopping tips

  Fresh eggs refer specifically to fresh eggs, China's Ministry of Health updated the "Fresh Egg Hygiene Standards" in 2003, the standard applies to all kinds of poultry production of fresh eggs, and stipulates the definition of fresh eggs, index requirements, labeling, transportation, storage and inspection methods.

Life help 丨 fresh egg shopping tips

  The first is the sensory indicators, and the standard is standardized from four aspects: color, organizational form, odor, and impurities.

  Color: Has the color inherent in poultry eggs.

  Tissue form: eggshell clean, non-cracking, egg yolk bulge after opening, complete, tough, clear and transparent protein, thin and clear.

  Odor: Has the inherent odor of the product, no odor.

  Impurities: no impurities, the contents must not have blood clots and other foreign bodies of chicken tissue.

  Then there are the physical and chemical indicators, because this standard is a sanitary standard, so the project mainly includes 4 heavy metals of lead cadmium mercury arsenic and 2 pesticide residue indicators of 666 and DDT, and the nutritional content and other items are involved in the product standards of fresh eggs.

Life help 丨 fresh egg shopping tips

  In addition, the variety and amount of food additives and the amount of use should also comply with the relevant provisions of GB2760.

  Cheng Cheng Xiaobian conclusion: When you buy fresh eggs, you can pay attention to the eggshell, if the eggshell is attached to a layer of frost-like powder and the eggshell color is bright, the pores are obvious, it is a fresh egg; the old egg is just the opposite, and there is greasy. You can also gently shake it by hand, the silent is the fresh egg, and the water sound is the old egg. You can also try it with cold water, if the egg lies flat in the water, it is very fresh; if it is tilted in the water, it has been stored for at least 3 to 5 days; if it stands upright in the water, it may be stored for 10 days, if it floats on the surface of the water, the egg may have deteriorated and is not recommended to buy.