
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

author:The theory of war

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is referred to as the In this 14-year-long national catastrophe, our sons and daughters of China have united their hearts and minds, feared no sacrifice, and used their own flesh and blood to deal a devastating blow to the Japanese aggressors.

According to relevant data, in the 14 years from the "918" incident to Japan's surrender, a total of 104 Japanese general-level officers were killed by Chinese anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, including 4 major generals, 37 lieutenant generals, and 62 major generals. These Japanese soldiers are the culprits and executioners of Japan's invasion of China and the massacre of the Chinese people, and they will forever be nailed to the column of shame of history. No matter how many Japanese monks pray for them, they can't reduce their sins!

In the frontal battlefield, the Chinese army dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army, of which more than 30 Japanese lieutenant generals and major general officers were killed by our army. (Here are just a few examples)

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Guinan: In November 1939, the newly organized Fifth Army of the Kuomintang fought a bloody battle at Kunlun Pass against the Fifth Division of the Japanese "Steel Army", the battle was extremely fierce, and the casualties were heavy on each other, and the Fifth Army attacked the kunlun pass after more than 10 days of hard fighting until the 31st. Annihilated more than 4,000 Japanese troops, killed The Japanese major general brigade commander Masao Nakamura, and achieved a major victory in the battle of the Chinese army since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Yichang: In May 1940, the Battle of Yichang began. In order to cooperate with friendly forces in the Battle of Yichang, the Kuomintang 30th Army decided to take advantage of the gap to sneak attack Ruichang. Because the main force of the brigade participated in the Battle of Yichang, Tengtang Gaoying had no troops to send, so he had to personally lead a thousand people guarding Jiujiang to rush to the rescue. When it reached the outskirts of Ruichang City, it was suddenly ambushed by the main force of the Nationalist army, and the Japanese army was caught off guard, hastily confronted the battle, and was immediately annihilated. Brigade commander Takayo Fujido led the rest of his troops to break through desperately, and was killed on the spot by the Chinese army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Nakajō-san: In May 1941, the Battle of Nakajō-san broke out. The 12th Division of the Nationalist 3rd Army, under the command of division commander Cun Zhiqi, ambushed the 227th Wing of the Japanese 37th Division in the Zhangjiaping area. In the whole battle, when the Chinese army was at a disadvantage, General Inch Qi relied on his outstanding command skills to completely annihilate the main force of the Japanese 227 Wing and killed the Japanese wing commander, Major General Ueda Katsu.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Zhejiang: In May 1942, the Battle of Zhejiang began. Naoji Sakai, commander of the Japanese 15th Division, set out from Xiaoshan and attacked Quzhou with the intention of destroying air bases in southeast China for U.S. forces. In order to prevent the Japanese from attacking, Huang Tuwei, commander of the engineering battalion of the Nationalist 146th Division, was ordered to lay mines on the road. At about 8:00 a.m., the forward of the Sakai Division fell into a mine formation and suffered heavy casualties. At 10:30 a.m., Sakai accidentally struck a mine near Orchid Creek. Sakai was lifted by a huge shock wave more than three meters high and killed on the spot.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Yuzhong: Chiyo tai Kimura, a Japanese lieutenant general, led his troops to participate in the Battle of Henan on April 18, 1944. In the early morning of June 11, 1944, Chiyota Kimura was killed by a bombing near the town of Yuluo in Henan Province, during a transfer.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Western Yunnan: Yasumi Kurashige, Major General of the Japanese Army, graduated from the 26th Infantry Section of the Army Non-Commissioned Officer School. In 1943, he was appointed as the commander of the 148th Wing of the Burmese Front, the 15th Army, and the 56th Division. On August 13, 1944, he was killed by our army in Tengyue, Yunnan.

In the guerrilla operations carried out by the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, the South China Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force, and other anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of our Party in the enemy-occupied areas, a large number of Japanese troops were annihilated, including more than 20 Japanese generals. (Here are just a few examples)

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region: The main force of the Eighth Route Army killed Lieutenant General Norihide Abe, the "flower of famous generals" of the Japanese army, in the Battle of Wutai Bailan, Shanxi; Major General Kiyomi Shimizu Kiyomi, commander of the 15th Brigade of independent infantry, in the battle at Wutai Bolan, Shanxi; Major General Gao Yuma, adviser to the General Administration of the Puppet Public Security Army, killed Major General Gao Yuma, adviser to the General Administration of the Pseudo-Security Army, during the anti-sweeping campaign in the eastern Hebei District in 1942; and the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region's armed engineering team killed Lieutenant General Shimoda Lixuan in the sneak attack battle of Niangziguan on the Zhengtai Railway.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Jin-Hebei Luyu Military Region: In the "Battle of the Hundred Regiments", the troops of the Ji'nan Military Region killed Lieutenant General Taijiro Iida.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Rusi Military District: In the Liaocheng ambush, the troops killed Lieutenant General Numata Tokushige.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Luzhong Military District: In March 1945, the Japanese launched an offensive known as "Operation Xiuling No. 1", and in order to boost morale, Major General Yoshikawa, commander of the 35th Brigade of the 59th Division, personally went to the front to supervise the battle. In the process of taking a photo with reporters, he was shot in the head by snipers of the Eighth Route Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

New Fourth Army: Killed Lieutenant General Yamagata Yaichi, commander of the 119th Brigade of the Japanese 116th Division, in an unbeatable anti-"sweeping" operation; In the Battle of Cheqiao, he killed Major General Kaneo Misawa, the commander of the 60th Independent Infantry Brigade.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Hainan People's Self-Defense Force: Killed Major General Junjiu Wada in an ambush in Danxian County.

In the "918 Incident", 300,000 Northeast Troops retreated without a fight, and a large part of the country fell into the hands of the enemy. Contrary to this, the people of all nationalities in the northeast, under the leadership and impetus of our party, formed anti-Japanese armed forces one after another and waged an extremely arduous struggle against the Japanese Kwantung Army that invaded and occupied the northeast. Among them, more than 10 Japanese general-level officers were killed by our anti-coalition fighters.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of the West Wind mouth of the Tuoli River: On September 28, 1938, the Cui Shiquan Department of the 7th Anti-Japanese Army ambushed a Japanese airboat at the Tuoli River.

All 39 people, including Major General Takeo Hino, senior military adviser to the puppet Manchukuo Military and Political Department, who had come to inspect the border for defense, were all killed.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Andong Ambush: In January 1939, Major General Wakuo, commander of the 11th Division of the Japanese Kwantung Army, personally led the main force of his unit to "encircle and suppress" the northeast anti-Japanese general Ma Zhanshanbu in the Harbin area of Heilongjiang Province. When they reached the Andong area, they were suddenly ambushed by the main force of the Anti-Japanese Coalition and killed on the spot. (Watanabe was the first Japanese lieutenant general to die on the battlefield in China.) )

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Xin'antun Ambush: In response to the Soviet Union, beginning in 1942, the Japanese began to build a large number of fortifications north of Qiqihar, and Major General Tsunzaburo Hosoya, commander of the 1st Engineer Regiment of the 1st Division of the Construction Specialist Division. Hosoya, the butcher, captured countless ordinary people from the local area and sent them to repair the project. As soon as the project was completed, all the laborers were buried alive. Countless Chinese were killed, and the local people hated the grain to the bone. On December 19, 1942, the Japanese military project in the north collapsed, and the project was in a hurry. The small valley that lived in the county town did not care about the danger, and called two guards on horseback to go on the road. After the local people Wang Mancang discovered the whereabouts of Xiaogu, he hurriedly reported it to the Northeast Anti-Japanese League. Just as the three of them were marching to Xin'antun on the Nehe River (now Xin'antun in Liuhe Town, Nehe City), they were shot and killed by anti-Coalition fighters who were ambushed in the snow.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Sun Wu Ambush: Lieutenant General Hattori Kotaro, Japanese Army Lieutenant General, graduated from the 24th Engineer Section of the Non-Commissioned Officer School, and served as the commander of the 1st Division for many years. In August 1944, just as he was about to be transferred back to China after receiving the order, he was killed by the fourth detachment of the Anti-Japanese League on the way to Sun Wu County.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Suifenhe Ambush: Masao Suzuki, Major General of the Japanese Army. On July 18, 1924, he graduated from the 36th Infantry Section of the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School. On the way to the Sino-Soviet border, he was killed by the Northeast Anti-Japanese Company on the suifen river.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, many masses spontaneously formed anti-Japanese armed forces and dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army that burned and plundered along the way.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Nishienko Ambush: The people of Nishiki once killed Major General Koga Kentaro, the 27th Wing commander of the 38th Cavalry Brigade of the Japanese Army invading China.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Battle of Tuchengzi, Liaoning: The Zhuanghe Great Knife Society once killed Major General Mori Hideki of the Kwantung Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

During the Tulongshan Rebellion: The local population killed Major General Asayoshi Iizuka, the commander of the 63rd Infantry Regiment of the Mixed 33rd Brigade of the Kwantung Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

Hongkou Park assassinated Japanese Army General Yoshinori Shirakawa: Shirakawa Yoshinori was the leading figure of the hardliners in the Japanese military circles against China, and under his protection and support, the Japanese army invading China committed adultery and murder everywhere in China, doing everything. Among them, the indiscriminate bombing of Downtown Shanghai in the "Jinan Massacre" and the "Battle of Songhu" that shocked China and foreign countries was even more due to its single-handed planning.

The person who has his eye on Shirakawa Yoshinori is Wang Yaqiao. Wang Yaqiao, a cautious and assassination-savvy man, first fully understood Shirakawa's mode of action, and then contacted the Korean warrior Yoon Bong-gi to disguise himself as a Japanese with high explosives and blend into Shanghai's Hongkou Park, where the Japanese were holding a grand military parade.

At 11:40, just as the parade was at its climax, Yin Bongji threw the prepared bomb directly on the rostrum, and a violent explosion followed, and Shirakawa Yoshinori (army general) was directly disemboweled by shrapnel and killed on the spot. Japan's ambassador to China, Aoi Shigemitsu, was blown off a leg and left permanently disabled. Nomura Yoshizaburo, commander of Japan's 3rd Fleet, and many other senior military and political officials were not "spared" and were all covered in color.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

In addition, our army has also created brilliant achievements in air defense operations, such as the special plane of the Japanese Minister of the Navy, Ōkaku Cen Sheng (Senior General), which was shot down by the 3rd Column of the Kuomintang 12th Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how many Japanese "senior officials" were killed by our army in China?

The plane of General Tsukada, chief of the general staff of the Japanese Southern Army, the main culprit of the Nanjing Massacre, was shot down by the 138th Division of the 48th Army of the Kuomintang 21st Army. The plane of Lieutenant General Tsuyoshi Izumi, deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, was shot down by the Chinese Air Force. (Due to space limitations, I won't go into detail here.) )


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