
Giant panda twins in France were named "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot Toot"

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Xinhua News Agency, Saint-Aignan, France, November 18 Close-up: Giant panda twins in France are named "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot Toot"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yongchun Sun Xinjing

Giant panda twins in France were named "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot Toot"

This is the site of the naming ceremony held on November 18 at the Panda Pavilion at the Beauval Wildlife Park in Saint-Aignan, central France. The female giant panda twins born more than 3 months ago at the Boval Wildlife Park were awarded the Chinese names "Huan Li Li" and "Yuan Du Du" on the 18th, which symbolizes the friendship and healthy growth between China and France. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jing

Red lanterns, stone lions, hexagonal pavilions... The Panda Pavilion of the Beauval Wildlife Park in Saint-Aignan, located in central France, was filled with a strong Chinese style on the 18th. The female giant panda twins born in the park more than 3 months ago were awarded Chinese names "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot" on the same day, which symbolizes the friendship and healthy growth between China and France.

Xinhua News Agency reporters saw at the giant panda naming ceremony on the same day that in the temporary transparent display box, "Huan Li Li" and "Yuan Du Du" were hairy and pink all over, snuggling up to each other, and their posture was lovely. The park said that the two panda cubs are currently in good condition and all physical indicators are normal.

According to reports, more than 120,000 people participated in the online voting and selected Chinese for the baby panda. "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot" stood out from the 5 pairs of alternative names. The "Huan" character for "Huan Li Li" comes from the panda mother's name "Huan Huan", the word "Li" is taken from the French capital "Paris"; the first word for "Yuan Du Du" comes from the panda father "Yuan Tsai", and "Tu Du" means "Chengdu". These two names carry the wishes and expectations of the people of the two countries for the healthy and happy growth of the baby panda and the continuation of Sino-French friendship.

Chinese Olympic diving champion Zhang Jiaqi and famous French footballer Mbappe served as the "namers" of "Huan Li Li" and "Yuan Du Du" respectively. Mbappe said at the naming event that he felt "proud" and "honored" to attend the giant panda naming ceremony. Attending such an important event with China's Olympic champions was "an unforgettable moment.")

Giant panda twins in France were named "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot Toot"

These are the giant panda twins at a naming ceremony photographed on November 18 at the Panda Pavilion at the Beauval Wildlife Park in Saint-Aignan, central France. The female giant panda twins born more than 3 months ago at the Boval Wildlife Park were awarded the Chinese names "Huan Li Li" and "Yuan Du Du" on the 18th, which symbolizes the friendship and healthy growth between China and France. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jing

Zhang Jiaqi said: "In more than two months, another giant panda, one of the mascots of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the 'Ice Pier', will once again let the world focus on my hometown , Beijing." I also eagerly look forward to joining athletes from all over the world at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games! ”

Yu Jinsong, chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Chinese Embassy in France, said in his speech that the giant panda cooperation between China and France is about to usher in the tenth year. With the joint efforts of the two countries, especially the Boval Wildlife Park and the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, "Huan Huan" and "Yuanzai" settled in France, "Tim Ding Import" and lived happily, bringing a lot of joy to the people of the two countries and becoming a symbol of Sino-French friendship.

In 2012, "Huan Huan" and "Yuanzai" came to Boval Wildlife Park from Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base to start a 10-year Sino-French giant panda breeding cooperation program. In August 2017, "Huan Huan" gave birth to a male cub , "Dream Fulfillment", the first giant panda born in France. On August 2 this year, "Huan Huan" successfully gave birth to a pair of female twins.

Giant panda twins in France were named "Huan Li Li" and "Round Toot Toot"

On November 18, conservationists from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, sent their baby panda twins to the naming ceremony at the Panda Pavilion at the Beauval Wildlife Park in Saint-Aignan, central France. The female giant panda twins born more than 3 months ago at the Boval Wildlife Park were awarded the Chinese names "Huan Li Li" and "Yuan Du Du" on the 18th, which symbolizes the friendship and healthy growth between China and France. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jing

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