
What is the current situation of the boys' construction site receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University?

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

From the construction site to Tsinghua Park: a teenager's counterattack road, he used sweat to interpret what is the real struggle!

In the scorching summer, the sun is like fire. On a busy construction site, a teenager in a hard hat is seriously building steel bars. Sweat ran down his swarthy face, but it didn't affect his focused eyes in the slightest. This picture has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. And this teenager is Shan Xiaolong.

What is the current situation of the boys' construction site receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University?

In 2018, 18-year-old Shan Xiaolong was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 676 in the college entrance examination. However, fate seems to have played a joke on him. The poverty of his family prevented him from immediately stepping into the campus of his dreams, and instead came to a construction site not far from his home. The daily salary of more than 200 yuan per day has become his first pot of gold to pave the way for the future.

What is the current situation of the boys' construction site receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University?

This rural boy from Xiji County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, used his own hands to interpret what struggle is. His story has touched countless people, and has also triggered in-depth thinking about educational equity and the current situation of poor students.

However, fame is often accompanied by misunderstandings and doubts. It is rumored that Shan Xiaolong once said that "the college entrance examination questions are too simple and delay my part-time job", which once made him fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. In the face of such untruths, Shan Xiaolong resolutely denied it, emphasizing that he had never made such a statement, believing that it was an unwarranted fabrication. This kind of false information not only troubled him, but also made him feel helpless after becoming famous.

What is the current situation of the boys' construction site receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University?

In 2019, Shan Xiaolong finally stepped into the Tsinghua Garden that he had been thinking about. However, the identity of a poor student made him feel inferior for a while. In order to get rid of this mentality, prove himself and regain his self-confidence, Shan Xiaolong, who was promoted to junior year in 2021, made an unexpected decision - to join the army.

The tempering of his military career has made Shan Xiaolong stronger. He profoundly realized that the growth of a person requires not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also the tempering of the mind. This experience has become an indispensable asset in his life.

What is the current situation of the boys' construction site receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University?

Time flies, and on June 29, 2024, Tsinghua University held an undergraduate graduation ceremony. Shan Xiaolong, standing on the rostrum, had a firm and confident gaze. He not only successfully completed his undergraduate studies, but also obtained the qualification to study for a master's degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University without examination. The boy who sweated like rain on the construction site has now grown into a young talent who is about to continue to move forward on the road of scientific research.

What is the current situation of the boys' construction site receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University?

Looking back on the past, Shan Xiaolong was full of emotion. He knows that every step of his life embodies the expectations of his family, the cultivation of his teachers and the attention of society. In the face of the future, he has a more long-term vision. He hopes to one day pursue a PhD and make achievements in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence.

The story of Shan Xiaolong is not only a personal growth legend, but also a vivid portrayal of the fighting spirit of contemporary Chinese youth. He told us with practical actions that no matter what his background is, as long as he has a dream in his heart and strength under his feet, he will definitely be able to create a wonderful life of his own.