
Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

author:Koyanagi Health said
Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

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In the middle of summer, the sun is shining and the hot weather is breathless. In such a hot day, for the elderly, some small details of home life are particularly important.

Especially in the period after meals, how to arrange it scientifically is directly related to the health of the elderly.

Not long ago, an 80-year-old man almost caused a catastrophe because he did something wrong after eating. Here's what happened:

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

It was dog night, and the old lady had dinner and thought about going out for a walk in the nearby park. The son of the family saw it in his eyes and quickly stopped the old man: "Mom, don't go out, it's too hot!"

As soon as she heard this, the old lady was not very happy: "How boring I am at home, it is good to go to the park and blow a cool breeze." With that, she was about to go out.

Seeing this, the son hurriedly stopped his mother and repeatedly admonished, "Mom, stay at home." You're in the middle of a time when you're most susceptible to heat stroke in the elderly, so don't move around after eating.

If you really want to cool off, it's better to go back to the house and take a nap, which is much better than outside. "

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

After her son's persuasion, the old lady finally gave up. Fortunately, otherwise she would have suffered from heatstroke if she had gone outside to exercise after eating in the scorching heat.

Many people may wonder why the elderly can't go out and exercise after meals. What is the reason for this? A geriatrician explains this.

According to doctors, going out after meals is to stay away from the hot outdoor environment so as not to suffer from high temperature exposure. Modern nutrition studies have found that digestion and metabolism are vigorous after meals, and the human body is more sensitive to high temperatures in the outside world.

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

If you go outdoors and do strenuous exercise at this time, it is very easy to induce serious illnesses such as heat stroke.

In addition, the physical fitness of the elderly is generally poor, and the compensatory ability of digestion and absorption and other functions is limited, which is the key protection object of high temperature weather. The doctor stressed that the elderly like to take a nap indoors after meals, which is a well-deserved practice.

Only after a proper rest, when the sun goes down and the temperature drops, can they go out for a walk.

However, there are also some taboos to be aware of at home. The doctor reminds that there is a period of "three undesirables" after a meal:

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

First, it is not advisable to exercise vigorously.

The elderly belong to the group of people with conserved energy, and strenuous exercise will put the body in a state of excitement, affecting food digestion and sleep quality. Therefore, within an hour after eating, it is still mainly a small to medium-intensity household activity.

Second, it is not advisable to carry out high-temperature labor immediately.

In the same way, keep cool and rest for a period of time after eating, and avoid entering a hot environment or engaging in hot physical work immediately. Otherwise, it is easy to cause heat stroke, indigestion, dizziness and other discomforts.

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

Third, it is not advisable to fall asleep directly.

Some elderly people take a nap immediately after eating, which is also inappropriate. Going to bed immediately after a meal will hinder the smooth digestion and decomposition of food, which is counterproductive. The correct way to do this is to rest for 1-2 hours and wait for the initial digestion before falling asleep.

In addition to paying attention to the time after meals, the elderly should also arrange their daily routines reasonably. For example, get up early and go to bed late, take a proper lunch break at noon, do not overdo the amount of meals, and pay attention to drinking more water.

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

Only by fundamentally cultivating good living habits can we truly maintain health and prolong our lives.

The so-called way of health preservation lies in the subtleties. For elderly friends, every bit of life is related to health. Rather than regretting it afterwards, it is better to take better care of yourself from now on.

Repeated reminders: dog days, the elderly would rather take a nap and sleep after a meal than do 3 things after a meal

I wish all the seniors a peaceful summer and a happy and healthy old age.

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Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

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