
The advanced animality of monkeys

author:Skinny horses neighing and wailing
The advanced animality of monkeys

Monkeys are the closest animals to humans, and their IQ is relatively high in the animal class, and from them, people can understand something.

I went sightseeing at Monkey Island in Qiandao Lake a few years ago. As soon as you get on the island, you will be surrounded by dozens of monkeys. Tearing men's clothes and making all kinds of obscene gestures toward female tourists. You have to buy something to eat and throw it at them before they let you go. Otherwise, they will not be able to walk out of the heavy fence, and their pants and other clothes may be torn by them, and they may even scratch them.

After the monkey got the food, he first handed it to the monkey king sitting on the halfway point of the mountain. The Monkey King left the delicious ones behind and then let them take them and eat them for themselves.

The monkey is a social animal with a strong sense of hierarchy. The Monkey King, who has been spluttered out, has priority mating rights and will not be able to kill the idea of the child born of the former Monkey King. Later, it will be born in a big way to strengthen its own bloodline power. The Monkey King has priority ownership of food items. Rice, it does not eat, below the other monkeys do not dare to eat at all. The Monkey King will cultivate a few henchmen, and who dares to threaten the authority of the Monkey King, will be balanced by these thugs. All monkeys will pick up the Monkey King. There are also some female monkeys who have affairs with some young and strong monkeys. But don't let the Monkey King know, otherwise his life will be in danger!

When the Monkey King is about to get old and unable to do so, there will be a great battle for the Monkey King. I have seen in the Huaguoshan Monkey Park: the bloody and cruel battle of the Monkey King. At this time, no matter whether it is a father and son, a brother, every move will kill each other. After a big war, both sides will be scarred, and some are not far from death.

The defeated Monkey King would endure the pain and go away. Some may have been injured so badly by bleeding that they died within a few days. Some will seek a comeback and work hard again.

All the monkeys, at this time, will worship at the feet of the new monkey king, and do everything they can, including its mother. The new Monkey King could not care about the pain in his whole body, and immediately threw himself into the love of men and women to vent his previous oppressive emotions.

From the monkeys, we see the instincts of animals. And it is the property of a higher animal.

The advanced animality of monkeys

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