
The company is a big tree full of monkeys (you can not do it, but you must understand it)

author:Lean consulting teacher Liu Zhi

The unit is a big tree full of monkeys, and when you look up, it's all red butts; Looking down, it's all smiling faces; Looking left and right, it was full of ears and eyes.

1. Should you keep a low profile?

There is such a saying in the ancient Chinese saying: Be sensitive to action and be attentive to words. It means doing more and talking less. In the real world, this is worth scrutinizing.

There is a saying that also says well: whether a cat walks in a straight line or not depends entirely on the mouse.

In the same way, in today's society, whether you do things in a low-key manner or in a high-profile manner depends on your current leader and the next leader who is together. Your leader is something you can't change, so you have to adapt to him, instead of blindly complaining about how he doesn't know how unfair. If he is a faint king, you should be a peacemaker; If he is Mingjun, you should be Wei Zheng.

It's a bit shameless to say this, but if you really have a clear heart, then please first become a traitor and then be a clear leader, otherwise you can't even get to the top, what ambition is there? Look at the leader you agree with and admire around you or not far away, his leadership must have been admirable, and he may have come over like this.

Look at the newspapers and magazines that often write that in the world, people must have a little bit of true self and retain a little innocence, which is right, but please keep a little bit is enough, don't play the Quanzhen Religion, otherwise you will die a miserable death. If you are ambitious enough, wait until you have the ability to change it, this is the most realistic reality. Do things in front of the boss, do the things assigned by the boss well, and carefully help the boss solve his worries......

There is a joke:

The unit is a big tree full of monkeys, and when you look up, it's all red butts; Looking down, it's all smiling faces; Looking left and right, it was full of ears and eyes.

2. Learn to empathize

As long as you always have this mentality, you will learn to be tolerant and tolerant, and it will make you broad-minded and extraordinary.

We often complain that our boss is harsh on people, and we often think that our friends are unfair to you, but what would I do if I were the boss or the other party?

Don't say anything: if I were the boss, I would give a lot of money to the employees, a lot of vacation, think about it, touch your conscience and say, if you are the boss, maybe it is even more excessive than him; If you're the other party, maybe it's even worse.

When you think like this often, a lot of your anger will gradually subside, you will be able to understand the needs and characteristics of the other person, and you will be able to treat him with a more rational attitude.

Being empathetic will help you make more good friends, and you will be able to make everyone feel more and more about you in the long-term cooperation.

But sometimes we also find that even if you empathize, you will feel that the other party is too excessive and unreasonable, so what are you hesitating about? Fight back harder. Being empathetic doesn't mean being patient!

In the actual society, a person who only has the evaluation of "good" usually does not mix well in society, and if he is a little tougher, he will find that it will also help to improve the status of his circle.

Third, the effort may not be rewarded

This is really a truth, don't think about how much you give, you will definitely gain how much, that is pre-adult education.

In this society, you have paid a lot of sweat and tears, but sometimes you have to face the dilemma of not getting a harvest, this kind of disappointment and sadness, I believe everyone has experienced.

I watched the Go game and noticed a detail, every time Shi Buddha won or lost, he was not immediately frustrated, uncomfortable, or happy, but calmly reviewed the game.

That's what I want to say: before you give, you have to understand that there is not always a return; Once you know the result, it's time to reminisce about the process, sum up your experience, get ready, and set off again. You think you're not getting anything, but you're getting a lot when you're giving.

Spiritually, build yourself into a general whose victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers; In terms of action, he has built himself into a cautious special forces soldier who goes to the front line.

Fourth, physical health is the absolute first priority

Almost everyone would not disagree with this statement, but in reality I found that almost everyone does not take care of their bodies to a greater or lesser extent.

I don't want to say too much about this topic, but once again, I solemnly and solemnly remind everyone. Don't buy money for your life in the first 40 years and buy your life in the next 40 years. Without good health, your quality of life is lost. It is recommended to remember that you are still healthy and feel this happiness at least once a day.

Don't make any excuses, say that if I don't do anything, the end will be miserable or something, as long as there is an encounter in your life that lies in a hospital bed for a long time, your whole outlook on life will change dramatically.

5. Do actions that are appropriate for your age

A twenty-one or twelve-year-old young man, after reading these articles, thinks that he should quickly cultivate to the realm of extremely deep city, preemptive strike, and treacherous and ghostly, then he is wrong.

Young people should be energetic; Middle-aged people should be mature and steady; Older people should be calm. It's a basic law, and if you break it, the people around you will look at you like a clown, that's for sure, you know, what a terrible thing a grandmother without wrinkles is.

In fact, it is ridiculous for a twenty-year-old young man to pretend to be old, and pretending to be B is like peeling an onion, which is hierarchical. Playing your role smartly and moving on to the next role at the right time in advance is the most important thing you should do.

Here's an example:

Two girls, both very beautiful, in the unit, one day long using their beauty and everyone's good impression of themselves, wandering between colleagues, she is not stingy to give her smile and coquettishness to the male colleagues, fatally, she also knows how to grasp the measure, do not cross the line.

The other girl is very disdainful, just doing her own thing, and never talking and laughing with others easily. As a colleague, which set do you eat? Hehe, I think most people will say that if you want to marry a wife, of course choose the second one; And only as a colleague, of course, will be willing to help the first to do something.

Therefore, before entering a unit, if you expect that you will stay in this unit for a long time, then don't disguise yourself and dress yourself up as a hardworking, positive and perfect person.

What is a colleague?

That's 365 days a year, the person who accompanies him the most time, and the person who can disguise himself for so long, who doesn't know who? The same is true in officialdom and business, in front of long-term partners, don't disguise, show sincerity, this is a kind of wisdom that returns to simplicity.

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