
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis

author:Lijiang Hotline
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis

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"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis

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Insect species in northwestErn Yunnan

Tan screen top mantis

Kishinouyeum hepatica Zhang

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis

( Kishinouyeum hepatica Zhang )

The screen mantis belongs to the family Mantis, with a flat horned process on the top of the head, a narrow and long forethia, a pale red marking on the inside of the forefoot, a short mid-hind foot, and a leaf-like extension of the femoral segment.

There are many subspecies of the top-of-the-screen mantis. It inhabits the canopy of woodland trees. It is a genus endemic to our country.

Editor: Lijiang Environmental Education Center

Photo: Ma Xiaofeng

Text source: Baidu Encyclopedia

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis

Source/Lijiang Ecological Environment

Editor/Lei Fengjiao

Responsible editor/and crowd learning

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Produced by Lijiang Radio and Television Station

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" tan screen top mantis