
Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the emperor was drowned, and immediately called the generals who escorted him, and the result was only scolding

author:Take history as a mirror to talk about the past and the present

In 1366, when Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the emperor had been drowned, he could not help but be furious and scolded Liao Yongzhong, who was in charge of escorting the emperor, but did not do anything other than scolding.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the emperor was drowned, and immediately called the generals who escorted him, and the result was only scolding

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yellow River flooded several times, and the Yuan Shun Emperor marched 150,000 people to repair the Yellow River, at this time, in this army of river control, a sentence suddenly circulated: Mo Daoshi people have one eye, provoking the Yellow River world to rebel!

Immediately after, the people who repaired the Yellow River dug out a one-eyed stone man, and at this point, the world was full of rebel troops, and the Great Yuan Dynasty ushered in its own end.

So, why can the people who repair the Yellow River dig out a one-eyed man? How did that proverb spread?

Han Shantong, a native of Luancheng, Hebei Province, believed in the White Lotus Sect and planted land while preaching that "Maitreya was born and the Ming King was born." "Preparations have been made to overthrow the decadent Yuan Dynasty.

In 1351, in the face of several floods of the Yellow River, the Yuan Dynasty finally made a decision to govern, which was originally a project to benefit the people, but the Ministers of the Yuan Dynasty did not care about anything else, just took advantage of the opportunity.

Originally, the people who ruled the river were paid salaries and had enough to eat, but those hateful corrupt officials fished out all the money, and the people who ruled the river could only work hungry.

Naturally, there were complaints and dissatisfactions, and this was exactly what Han Shantong was looking forward to.

Therefore, he went around publicizing that "the stone people have one eye and provoke the Yellow River to rebel." "And one late one night, the one-eyed man who had been prepared quietly buried on the edge of the Yellow River."

Then there is the people who rule the river, who inadvertently dig out the one-eyed stone man, and then think about those two proverbs, people can't help but talk about it: Is it time for the rule of the Yuan Dynasty to end?

In 1351, Han Shantong declared that he was not surnamed Han, but the eighth grandson of Emperor Huizong of Song, and his right-hand man Liu Futong, who also claimed to be a descendant of the Southern Song general Liu Guangshi.

The two of them killed black cattle and white horses in Bailuzhuang, Yingzhou, and declared an uprising in the name of opposing the Yuan and Song dynasties.

Unfortunately, the news of the uprising was leaked, Han Shantong was arrested and sacrificed, and Liu Futong broke out, and after Liu Futong broke out, he continued to recruit troops and horses to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty.

Later, this team developed rapidly, because this team wore red scarves on their heads, so it was called the Red Turban Army.

Although Liu Futong was the manager of this team, he did not forget his sacrificed comrade-in-arms Han Shantong, and in 1355, Liu Futong found Han Shantong's son Han Lin'er.

In the face of his own powerful rebel army, he immediately honored Han Lin'er as emperor, calling him Xiaoming Wang, the national name of Great Song, and the era name of Longfeng.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the emperor was drowned, and immediately called the generals who escorted him, and the result was only scolding

After that, large-scale wars were launched with the Yuan Dynasty. When Zhu Yuanzhang first started his army, his strength was not strong enough.

In order to find a big tree that could cool off, he nominally accepted Han Lin'er's management, and at the same time used Han Lin'er's Dragon and Phoenix Year number, that is, nominally, Han Lin'er had a monarchy relationship with Zhu Yuanzhang.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang did not interfere with the appointment of internal personnel, how to solve the grain and grass problem, and how to develop and grow himself.

And Zhu Yuanzhang's team can develop rapidly, and he has to thank Han Lin'er's rebel army for fighting one large-scale battle after another with the Yuan Dynasty.

Because Han Lin'er was dragging the main forces of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty could not take care of Zhu Yuanzhang's small fighting soldiers and horses.

Zhu Yuanzhang took advantage of this opportunity to develop and expand his team.

In 1357, Han Lin'er, whose ranks were very large, ushered in his most brilliant moment and sent a three-way army to the Northern Expedition.

In the face of the menacing rebel army, Emperor Yuan Shun thought of moving the capital to avoid its sharp edge. Thanks to the repeated advice of the military generals, Emperor Yuanshun dispelled this idea.

However, when Han Lin'er's rebel army faced victories one after another, a terrible phenomenon occurred - the deterioration of military discipline.

When they occupied a city and the people welcomed the anti-Yuan and Song troops, they robbed the people of their belongings.

Imagine, what is the difference between this behavior and banditry? Can this be loved by the people?

Han Lin'er's rebel army also made a strategic mistake, that is, the battle line was too long, and the end could not take care of each other. Soon, the Yuan Dynasty organized the Mongol Iron Horse to counterattack the Han Lin'er rebels.

This team, which had an excessively long front, was unintended, and had difficulty defending the city began to retreat.

In 1363, Han Lin'er, who had been defeated and retreated, retreated to Anfeng, but was immediately attacked by a joint attack by the Yuan army and Zhang Shicheng, and Han Lin'er, in the name of the emperor, asked Zhu Yuanzhang to reinforce.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang led the army to set off, Liu Bowen raised objections, the reason is very simple: Our ideal is to fight the world ourselves, if you rescue this emperor, how to resettle? Do you go to him every day to ask for instructions and report back?

Besides, if all our soldiers and horses went to rescue Anfeng, then the base area of Nanjing would become an empty city, and what if the opponent Chen Youyu took advantage of the void and entered?

Liu Bowen's analysis was very correct, but Zhu Yuanzhang did not listen, he believed that Han Lin'er was our nominal emperor, the emperor was surrounded, we did not go to the rescue, we could not say it.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the emperor was drowned, and immediately called the generals who escorted him, and the result was only scolding

Besides, if Han Lin'er is eliminated, Zhang Shicheng's strength will greatly increase, which is not a good thing for us.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang led an army to rescue Han Lin'er.

At this moment, Liu Bowen's prediction really came true, and Chen Youyu led an army of 600,000 and thousand warships to attack Zhu Yuanzhang's empty Nanjing.

At this time, thanks to Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew Zhu Wenzheng, with 20,000 troops, chen Youyi's 600,000 troops were contained in Hongdu, and they persisted for 85 days.

During these 85 days, Zhu Yuanzhang rescued Han Lin'er of Anfeng, and then he commanded Poyang Lake and destroyed Chen Youyu in one fell swoop with 200,000 troops.

The demise of Chen Youyi laid a solid foundation for Zhu Yuanzhang to unify Jiangnan.

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang recalled that he did not listen to Liu Bowen's advice, causing an emptiness in Nanjing, and was almost eliminated by Chen Youyi.

Liu Bowen is worthy of being a divine machine army master, and his predictions are very accurate, at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang will have to face another prediction of Liu Bowen, how to deal with his own nominal emperor.

With Zhu Yuanzhang's personality, would he let this emperor ride on his head?

No, it won't.

In 1366, Zhu Yuanzhang's power in Jiangnan was unmatched, so he sent Liao Yongzhong and led a water division to bring Han Lin'er from Chuzhou to Nanjing.

However, when the mighty sailors reached Guabu, Emperor Han Lin'er's ship actually sank, and Han Lin'er was also drowned.

Imagine that Liao Yongzhong was the best admiral of the water army under Zhu Yuanzhang, and the ship of an emperor would actually sink under the escort of the best admiral of the water army.

No way!

The only possibility is that Liao Yongzhong did something, but it is not clear whether Liao Yongzhong followed Zhu Yuanzhang's orders or guessed Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts and did this.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the emperor was drowned, and immediately called the generals who escorted him, and the result was only scolding

However, when Zhu Yuanzhang was a great founding hero, he made Liao Yongzhong the Marquis of Deqing, and said: Liao Yongzhong has made great achievements in battle, has seen qigong many times, and should have been made a duke, but he and the scholars around him vainly guessed that I had done something wrong, so he only made him a marquis.

Doing the wrong thing, of course, refers to the fact that Han Lin'er was drowned, this pot, Zhu Yuanzhang will not carry it, then only Liao Yongzhong's back.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, although Han Lin'er's rebel army failed, his former vigorous and powerful blow to the foundation of the Yuan Dynasty.

It was precisely because his soldiers and horses once traversed the Central Plains that Zhu Yuanzhang had the opportunity to develop and grow. Therefore, the establishment of the Ming Dynasty of Zhu Yuanzhang, Han Lin'er has indelible credit.

#知识辞海计划 #

Source: Ming Shi.

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