
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

author:Ginkaze Society
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

There is no doubt that there is a causal relationship between Ma Chaoqibing and Ma Teng's killing, and it is also true that Ma Chao pitted the whole family, but there are not many people who sort out the details in the middle, so here we will introduce the causes and consequences a little.

Let's start with the timeline:

In the first month of the sixteenth year of Jian'an (211), a rebellion broke out in Taiyuan, and Cao Cao sent Xiahou Yuan Xu Huang to lead troops to quell it.

Taiyuan Shangyao and others rebelled against Daling and sent Xiahou Yuan and Xu Huang to besiege it.

In March, Cao Cao sent Zhong Xuan, a lieutenant colonel stationed in the Hongnong area, to meet with Xiahou Yuan, who had completed the Taiyuan rebellion, and others to meet in Hedong to prepare for a crusade against Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, and the Guanzhong warlords suspected that Cao Cao intended to attack him, so he chose to join forces and pulled Han Sui from Liangzhou as his leader.

Zhang Lu according to Hanzhong, in March, sent Chung To discuss it. Minister Yuan waited out of Hedong and Huihui.
When the generals in Guanzhong were suspicious of wanting to attack themselves, Ma Chao rebelled with Han Sui, Yang Qiu, Li Kan, and Cheng Yi.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Ma Chao raised an army

Cao Cao ordered Cao Ren to join Zhong Xuan and others in a crusade against the Guanzhong coalition forces, and he himself gathered a large army to reach Tongguan in July, and the Guanzhong coalition forces were in a bad situation, and asked Cao Cao for peace, but he refused, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

Chao Tun Wei Nan, sent a letter to ask for peace west of the river, and the public did not allow it.

In September, Cao Cao crossed the Weishui River and formed a trapped posture against the coalition forces, the coalition forces continued to seek peace, and offered to send hostages, Cao Cao pretended to agree to the peace talks, and took the opportunity to divide and disintegrate the coalition forces. In the end, the peace talks broke down, and the Cao army defeated the coalition forces in the decisive battle, and the allied troops were either killed or defeated.

In September, marched into Duwei. Challenge the number of super-equals, and do not allow it; please cut the land, ask for the son of Ren, use jia xu plan, and falsely allow it. Han Sui asked to meet with Gong, who was the same age as Sui's father, and was also a contemporary of Sui, so when the language of Jiaoma shifted, it was not as good as the military, but when he said that Kyoto was old, he laughed. Having said that, the super asked: What is the public saying? SUI: Nothing is said. Super doubtful. On his day, the public and the book of Fulfillment, many points, such as those who have changed the decision; the super-level is more and more suspicious.

In October, Cao Cao marched north in pursuit of Ma Chao and Yang Qiu, forcing Yang Qiu to surrender, during which time a rebellion between Su Bo and Tian Yin occurred between the rivers in Jizhou, and Cao Cao sent Cao Ren to quell the rebellion.

In the winter of October, the army marched from Chang'an to Yang Qiu and besieged Anding. Autumn descends, restores his title, and keeps his people.
Ma Chao defeated Weinan Ye and went to Protect Zhurong. Taizu chased after Anding, while Suber rebelled against the river and led the army back to the east.

In December, Cao Cao returned from Anding to handle Hebei affairs, leaving Xiahou Yuan to guard Chang'an.

In December, since the stability of the return, stay xiahou Yuantun Chang'an.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Cao Cao

In the first month of the seventeenth year of Jian'an (212), Cao Cao returned to Yicheng, Xiahou Yuan led an army to kill Liang Xing, Ma Chao counterattacked Longshang, the counties responded, and besieged Jicheng, and soon the rebellion of Su Bo and Tian Yin was quelled.

In the first month of the spring of the seventh year, the public returned to Ye. The Son of Heaven ordered the public to worship the nameless, not to enter the dynasty, and to walk on the temple with the sword, such as the story of Xiao He. Ma Chao and Liang Xing and other Tun Lantian made Xiahou Yuan flatten him.
Rejoice and wait for fear, and gather the rest of the people in the city. Taizu sent Xiahou Yuan to assist the county in attacking it, and Hun led the officials to the front and beheaded Xing and his party.
Chao Guo led Zhu Rong to attack Longshang County, Longshang County, and kill Liangzhou Assassin Shi Weikang, according to Jicheng, there were many of them.
Fu led more than a thousand people of the Guoshi Master and the sons of the clan to defeat the soldiers, so that his brother Yue made a Yanyue battalion in the city, engaged Chao, and refused to defend from the beginning to August and did not come to the rescue.

In May, Ma Teng was wiped out of the three tribes.

In the summer of the seventeenth year, in May, He Wei, Ma Teng, yi three tribes.

In August, Ma Chao captured Jicheng and occupied Liangzhou.

Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Ma Teng was exterminated

The above is almost the whole process from Ma Chao's rise to Ma Teng's killing.

Ma Chao's family was killed by Cao Cao after half a year after the Battle of Tongguan, and more than a year after Ma Chao started his army, to understand why Cao Cao killed the killer so late, we must first understand the situation at that time. Ma Teng's father and son did not unify Guanzhong, from the beginning of the Sanfu Rebellion, Guanzhong was distributed with warlords of all sizes, Ma Teng was only the strongest of them, and nine of the warlords in this pile participated in the later Guanzhong Coalition. Han Sui was a warlord in Liangzhou, his territory was not in Guanzhong, Ma Chao and others rebelled under his banner and invited him to be commander-in-chief, in fact, they wanted to pull him as foreign aid.

Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Han Sui and Ma Chao

These ten people and horses can be roughly divided into five factions, and Both Wudi Ji and Ma Chaochuan specifically listed the names of Ma Chao, Han Sui, Yang Qiu, Li Kan, and Cheng Yi, and the five of them were the five stronger in the coalition army. Historical records record that Li Kan, Hou Xuan, and Cheng Yin were all forces that came to Guanzhong from Hedong, and these three people should be a faction.

Chao unified the crowd, so he joined forces with Han Sui, and Formed a combination with Yang Qiu, Li Kan, and Cheng Yi, and marched to Tongguan.
Sometimes there were Cheng Yin, Hou Xuan, Li Kan, all Hedong people, xingping rebellion, each with more than a thousand families.

Yang Qiu is a native warlord of Anding County, and this person should be a faction of his own. Liang Xing and Zhang Heng had participated in the campaign against Li Dai, and these two people should be in the same group, and it is not known whether they are specifically inclined to Ma Chao or Cheng yi, Liang Xing was once known as "Ma Chao Yu Zhong", and his relationship with Ma Chao should be good. In the text of Emperor Xian's canonization of Cao Cao as the Duke of Wei, Ma Chao and Cheng Yi are specifically listed, and it can be seen that Cheng Yi's strength is also relatively strong.

Li urged Bao Huang Baicheng to be moved, and Liang He, Zhang Heng, and others broke it and sent it to his head.
Ma Chao and Cheng Yi, who are in harmony with evil, are on the banks of the river and Tong, and seek to do whatever they want.

The reason for this group of people rebelling was that Zhong Xuan and others had gathered heavy troops in Hedong. Geographically, there was no problem for Hongnong's Zhong Xuan and Taiyuan's Xiahou Yuan to go to Hedong to meet with each other, because Hedong was between the two places. The problem was that Zhong Xuan's reason for gathering troops was to attack Hanzhong, if he set out from Hongnong to Hanzhong, taking Hedong was taking a detour, if this large army crossed the Yellow River from Hedong, then Cao Cao sent troops to Tongguan, he wrapped Guanzhong from both the east and north directions, in fact, Cao Cao relied on this strategy to suppress the Guanzhong coalition army during the Later Battle of Tongguan.

From this, Taizu sent the Gurudwara servant to shoot the salt supervisor, and the lieutenant lieutenant zhi Hongnong.

In addition, when Ma Teng was coaxed by Zhong Sui's army zhang jielian to come to Yecheng, Ma Chao also told Han Sui that Zhong Sui had let himself kill Han Sui and thought that the Kwantung people could not be trusted. Zhong Xuan served as a lieutenant colonel for more than ten years, and he had many maneuvers with warlords such as Han Sui and Ma Teng, and it is estimated that the arch fire fooled the people and made the warlords weaken each other. Because of this, the Guanzhong warlords naturally suspected that the object of Cao Cao's crusade was himself, and if he allowed Zhong Xuan to cross the river, it would be equivalent to letting Cao Cao's sword be mounted on his neck.

Taizu would conquer Jingzhou, while Teng and others would divide Guanzhong. Taizu fu dispatched Both Yu Teng and so on, and ordered Shibu Qu to return. Teng had promised and hesitated even more, fearing change, but moved to the counties to promote the reserves, and the two thousand stone suburbs greeted him. Teng had no choice but to send East.
And the covenant also, chao said: "The former Chung Si was subordinate to the chao envoy to take the general, and the Kwantung people could not be trusted." ”
The generals Ma Teng and Han Sui in Shi Guanzhong each supported strong troops and fought with each other. Taizu Fang had something to do with Shandong, and guan right was worried. He was a lieutenant of the Guards of the Guards, a lieutenant of the Guanzhong Army, entrusted with the affairs of the future, and the special envoys were not informal.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Zhong Xuan

It should be noted that the rebellion was not ma Chao's idea alone, but the collective decision of the guanzhong warlords. Are there any warlords who refuse to join the coalition? Some, Liu Xiongming, who supported the army in Lantian, refused to join the coalition rebellion, and was immediately broken by Ma Chao.

Jian'an Zhong, a subordinate state county, the state county table recommended as a young general. Ma Chao waited for the opposite, refused to follow, and broke it.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

So the situation at that time was that it was easier for the warlords in Guanzhong to rebel than not to rebel, even if you wanted to give up the support of the army and surrender to Cao Cao to welcome the Wang Division, then you first had to pass the level of the coalition army, Pusaka and Tongguan were in the hands of the coalition army, and the troops of Zhong Xuan and Cao Ren could not save the Supporting Cao forces in Guanzhong. If Ma Chao and Cheng Yi were more powerful, if they wanted to surrender to Cao Cao, they would have to go to war with other Guanzhong forces first.

At the same time, after Ma Chao's army, is Ma Teng bound to die? In fact, the probability is not. When Han Sui's general Yan Xing sent an envoy to Cao Cao before, he offered to send his parents as hostages, and also persuaded Han Sui to hand over his son, and later when the two sides negotiated peace at the Battle of Tongguan, Cao Cao specifically reminded Yan Xing to remember to be a filial son, because Yan Xing had always supported Han Sui's rebellion, and Cao Cao deliberately spared Yan Xing's parents when he killed Han Sui's descendants. Therefore, Cao Cao still attaches great importance to the role of hostages as a hostage, and if Ma Chao does not intend to resist to the end, his first military campaign will probably not affect the lives of his family.

By the fourteenth year, taizu was entrusted to the covenant, and Taizu was generously treated, and the cousin was worshipped as a taishou. Xingyin asked his father to enter Suwei, and Xi also met with the covenant, and Xuan Taizu taught Yun: "Xie Wenyue: When Qing first started his army, he was forced to do something, and I knew what I had. When the early come, gong Kuang auxiliary kingdom dynasty. The cause of the line is about: "Xing is also a general, since the revival of the army for more than thirty years, the militia is tired, and the place is narrow, it is advisable to attach itself as soon as possible." It was before in Yi, since the qi when the old father Yi Jingshi, sincerely said that the general should also send a son to show Danchi. Jo: "And you can look back and see for years!" "Then he sent his son to be with his parents.
And Taizu and Yue Jiaoma, after which Taizu looked forward to saying, "Be a filial piety." "And the super class is broken, and the line is returned to the golden city with the covenant." Taizu heard the previous intentions, so he asked his descendants to be in the capital.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Yan Xing

What is more interesting is that when Han Sui heard that Cao Cao did not kill Yan Xing's parents, he planned to deliberately let him be killed in order to cut off Yan Xing's idea of surrender, so he forcibly married his daughter to Yan Xing, and cao Cao became suspicious.

He who hears that the Father is alone, and that he wants to make and be killed, with one heart, but he is strong in the way of a young woman's wife, and he will not be able to do so. Taizu Guo was suspicious.

At the same time, after Cao Cao arrived at Tongguan, the coalition forces were actually trying to find ways to make peace with the other side, first proposing to cut the land, and then proposing to send hostages, and originally did not intend to die to the end, if it were not for the final defeat to Cao Cao, the conditions they proposed might not be accepted. However, in this peace talk, the two sides were also pregnant with ghosts, Cao Cao wanted to take the opportunity to alienate each other, and Ma Chao wanted to capture Cao Cao, and even Cao Cao felt a false alarm after hearing about it.

Wei Taizu and Ma Chao would speak, super conceited and multi-force, trying to make six rice sacs, and walking east and west. Taizu sought to know, "A few are deceived by cunning." ”

In fact, Yang Qiu, who surrendered after the defeat, achieved considerable treatment in Cao Wei, and when Cao Pi was proclaimed emperor, he ranked fifth among the military generals on the list of persuasion, and was even higher than Cao Hong, Cao Xiu, Cao Zhen and others. Cheng Yin, Hou Xuan, and others fled to Hanzhong to join Zhang Lu, and after Zhang Lu surrendered to Cao Cao, he was restored to the title of official. If Ma Chao surrendered to Cao Cao after the Battle of Tongguan, his position would not be below Yang Qiu's.

Silver, xuannan into Hanzhong, Hanzhong broken, Yi Taizu descended, all reinstated as officials.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Yang Qiu

The second question involved here is why Ma Chao refused to surrender after his defeat at Tongguan. The main reason for this was that Ma Chao still had considerable strength at that time, and after Cao Cao's withdrawal, his strength in the northwest was obviously stronger than that of Cao Jun.

In the second month of Cao Cao's retreat, Ma Chao led the Qiang people to make a comeback, and Longshang County responded one after another, and even Zhang Lu sent more than 10,000 people to assist Ma Chao, and at that time, Liangzhou did not drive Yan Wen to concurrently serve as the commander of Shangyi County, and as a result, after Ma Chao came to Shangyi, Yan Wen could not stop the people below to meet Ma Chao, and had to flee to Jicheng. Ma Chao led his army to besiege Jicheng for eight months, and Xiahou Yuan, who was guarding Chang'an, failed to come to the rescue.

The commander of the Zhurong Canal commandery attacked Longshang County, and longshang County should be treated, but the Jicheng Fengzhou County was firmly defended. Chao exhausted the crowd of Long Right, and Zhang Lu sent the general Yang Ang to help him, and all the more than 10,000 people besieged the city.
Yan Wen zi Bo Jian, Tianshui Xicheng people also. Take Liangzhou don't drive to guard the Shangyi Order. Ma Chao ran to Shanghao, and the county people Ren Yang and others greeted him. If it is not forbidden, it will be returned to the state.

Judging from the relevant records, the situation that Xiahou Yuan was facing at that time was quite bad, and Liang Xing, who had previously been defeated in Weishui, started another incident in Lantian, which was only fifty kilometers away from Chang'an, which meant that there were Ma Chao's men and horses around Chang'an, and the People of Qi, who had been pacified during the previous crusade against Yang Qiu, had rebelled at this time.

Make Huang and Xiahou Yuan ping kui, Wang Zhuyi, and Taizu will be stable.
Ma Chao besieged Liangzhou to stab Shi Weikang in Ji, Yuan rescued Kang, did not arrive, and Kang was defeated. Go to Ji for more than two hundred miles, surpass the counter-war, and the army is unfavorable. The rebels rebelled, and the Yuan led the army back.
Ma Chao was in Hanyang, fu was harmed by Qiang and Hu, and the king of Qi rebelled against Ying Chao and Tun Xingguo. Make Xiahou Yuan plead.

And when Liu Xiongming, who refused to rebel, returned to his hometown to recruit his subordinates, he was actually tied up by his subordinates to forcibly rebel, and thousands of people occupied the Wuguan Pass. As a result, after Ma Chao occupied Liangzhou for more than a year, Xiahou Yuan could not do anything with him, and finally relied on Yang Fu and other Liangzhou clans to spontaneously expel him.

After Taizu, Taizu held his hand and said: "Entering the customs alone, dreaming of a god and a man, that is, Qing Evil!" "It is a generous courtesy, and he worships as a general and sends orders to welcome his party." The ministry did not want to surrender, so they plundered and rebelled, and all the outlaws followed it, and there were thousands of people, according to the Wuguan Pass.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Xiahou Yuan

Judging from Liu Xiongming's situation, some warlords were powerless even if they wanted to surrender to Cao Cao, because the people below refused, and eventually they would even be tied up to rebel. This is also a major feature of the northwest, and Han Sui and others were forcibly established as leaders by the rebels in the early years.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand Ma Chao's thoughts when he started the army for the second time, his subordinates naturally refused to surrender, he himself felt unwilling, felt that there was still a chance to fight, plus the father who was a hostage for so long was fine, so he gritted his teeth and gambled again, and as a result, this time he sent the family.

Finally, some other questions. Because of the impression brought by many literary and artistic works (such as novel games), most people believe that Ma Chao's rebellion is completely useless, and it is better to hit the stone with a pebble, and it is better to surrender early in exchange for the life of his family. But the actual situation is not so, after the end of Li Guo's rebellion, guanzhong's strength has been restored to a considerable extent, so the strength of the Guanzhong warlords has increased greatly, and Ma Chao is very appealing among the Qiang people, and the relationship between the Guanzhong warlords and Zhang Lu is also very good, there is no worries at all, they can fight against Cao Cao with all their might, plus Han Sui, a foreign aid, so the coalition army that was finally pulled had as many as 100,000 people.

When the four sides had a great return to the people, the Guanzhong generals often quoted it as a part, coveting the book and Xun Yu: "The anointed land in Guanzhong was desolate, and the people flowed into jingzhou more than 100,000 homes, smelling the tranquility of the locality, and all hoping to return home." And the returnees have no self-employment, and the generals will compete for their own favors, thinking that they are parts. Counties and counties are weak and cannot compete with each other, and the soldiers are strong. Once it changes, there will be worries. ”

If the Guanzhong coalition army can be effectively integrated, its strength is obviously stronger than that of He Bayue and Yuwen Tai, who later divided Guanlong, and Zhang Rail, who divided Liangzhou, but unfortunately, the coalition army that lacked a unified order was only a seemingly powerful empty shell.

In addition, Cao Cao's control over the north at that time was also very limited, Hebei was a newly occupied territory, after the Battle of Chibi, Yangzhou, Hezhou, Jizhou all rebelled, and even more than 100,000 people fled, Qingzhou and Xuzhou were appointed to the local powerful, like Yuzhou, such a confidant, the position of assassin history is actually father and son succession.

At the beginning, Cao Gong feared that Jiangbin County was the power of the county, and ordered it to be moved inward. The people turned to surprise, from the Lujiang, Jiujiang, Puchun, Guangling household more than 100,000 people to cross the river in the east, Jiangxi Suixu, south of Hefei only Anhui City.
Taizu took the hegemony as the evil phase of Lang, Dunli City, Li Dongguan, Guan Beihai, Kangcheng Yang Taishou, Cut Qing, Xu Erzhou, and entrusted to The Hegemony.
Brother Xun was assassinated by Yuzhou and died of illness. Brother Wei, and then engaged in politics.

In the early years of Cao Pi, Huang Hua, a powerful man in Liangzhou, kidnapped Taishou to rebel, and after surrendering, he was still an official and prosperous, and in his later years he also became the assassin of Yanzhou. Its own dominance is not stable enough, plus the two neighbors in the south are looking at the tiger, from time to time to harass, if Cao Cao can not take down the Guanzhong coalition army for a long time, in the end it must be soft, in fact, almost at the end of the Battle of Tongguan at the same time the rebellion broke out in the river, causing Cao Cao to give up pursuing Ma Chao.

Jiuquan Huanghua, Zhangye Zhangjin, and others each insisted on rebellion. Jincheng Taishou Su entered and beheaded. Hua Drop.
Ling's plot was so great that he sent the general Yang Hong to sue Yanzhou for assassinating Shi Huanghua, and Hua and Hong, who were named Emperor Sima Xuan of Bai taifu.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Han Sui

And for Ma Chao's proposal to abandon his father and recognize Han Sui as his father, it is actually not difficult to understand. As the strongest warlord in Guanzhong, Ma Chao's family is in the hands of Cao Cao, and naturally the focus of other warlords is naturally the focus of other warlords, so he must show his determination to resist Cao, and saying such rebellious words as abandoning his father also has the intention of dispelling everyone's concerns. As for recognizing Han Sui as his father, after all, the Ma and Han families were originally enemies, Han Sui killed Ma Teng's wife and children, and suddenly wanted to cooperate with Ma Teng's son, it was inevitable that there would be mustard, not to mention that Han Sui became the leader of the Guanzhong Coalition Army as a warlord of Liangzhou. Therefore, the fact that Ma Chao abandoned his father and confessed his relatives is itself a means of unity within.

At first, they were close to each other, and then they turned to invade with parts, which was even more hostile. Teng attacked and left, and the united people also attacked Teng, killing Teng's wife, and the soldiers were puzzled.

However, this temporarily formed coalition army was eventually defeated because of internal problems that were divided and disintegrated by Cao Cao, and when the coalition army negotiated peace with Cao Cao, because Han Sui and Cao Cao had a relatively distant relationship (Han Sui's father and Cao Cao were promoted in the same year as Xiao Lian) and were similar in age, the scene of the two talking very happily aroused the suspicion of Ma Chao and others. This is also very normal, Han Sui did not border with Cao Cao, the conflict of interest is small, it is entirely possible to accept the benefits and sell Ma Chao and others in the peace talks, but who knows that Han Sui and Cao Cao actually only talked about some insignificant old things, and the father and son who are now recognized are indeed not very reliable.

Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Cao Cao and Han Sui had a good conversation

If you analyze it carefully, the fact that Ma Chao abandoned his father is not completely unreasonable. As a political figure, Ma Chao rose up because of his own ambitions and the situation at that time, and lost everything because of his inferior skills, reflecting the cruelty of the struggle.

The reason why Ma Chao was criticized by many people was that he really pit his father to death. For example, Liu Bang once said such a rebellious thing as asking Xiang Yu to share a piece of his own soup, but Liu Bang's father did not die, and Liu Bang was also filial to his father after becoming emperor, so not many people have been dragging on this matter.

Second, Ma Chao did not have a legitimate reason to start an army, simply to protect the territory and parts. For example, Yuan Shao's brothers also killed the whole family, but the people at that time felt sympathy for it, and in the past, because of the rebellion, the family was destroyed like a cow's hair, as long as the reasons were sufficient, ordinary people would not be too harsh.

When Haojie was attached to Shao, and felt his family disaster, people thought of retribution, and the prefectures and counties swarmed, and they did not take the name of Yuan.

Third, Ma Chao said that he abandoned his father and recognized Han Sui as his father. This was quite impactful in ancient and modern morality (and he did what he said), and was not accepted by the vast majority of people, plus he also committed treacherous killings of Wei Kang and the burning of Licheng, and even some people in the camp of friendly forces such as Zhang Lu and Liu Bei were dissatisfied with him.

Later, Zhang Lu thought that they all talked about sacrificing wine, and wanted their wives and daughters, or advised Lu Yue: "If someone does not love his relatives, can he love people?" "Lu Nai stop.
Ma Chao obstructed Rong Yong to overthrow his clan, sorry! Can because of poverty to Thai, not healed!
The horse rose up, and even the horizontal congregation, the first thing three Qin, to protect the river, Tong. The emperor counted against the dynasty, or different or the same, the enemy took advantage of the challenge, and the family was destroyed and the army was killed. Obedient and anti-moral, the phoenix climbs the dragon.
Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

Fourth, Ma Chao's standard filial piety was actually beautified as filial piety in the rendition, and the ironic effect was full. This makes people pay more attention to his bad deeds of abandoning his father when restoring Ma Chao's historical image, and turn "filial piety" into its biggest label, so that many people think of Ma Chao when they mention ma Chao.

Ma Chao probably thought that it would not be too late to surrender after his family was almost defeated, while Cao Cao thought about what was the use of me taking hostages.

Was Ma Chao wronged by criticism for killing his entire family? The causes and consequences of Ma Chao's uprising were reviewed

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