
Does eating potatoes make me fat? The key is how to eat...

author:Peking University professor talks about nutrition

Potatoes, scientific name potatoes, belong to the potato class.

Potatoes are often eaten as vegetables in most parts of our country, and there are a variety of potato dishes in our country's cooking dishes, and fried shredded potatoes is a method often used to cook potatoes.

Potatoes can also be cooked with vegetables or meat, such as potato stewed beef, yam stewed ribs, yam stir-fried three fresh, etc., there are a variety of ways to eat, is conducive to the diversification of food types.

Does eating potatoes make me fat? The key is how to eat...

Potatoes are also eaten as a staple food in some areas. Potatoes can be eaten directly as a staple food after steaming, boiling or roasting, or they can be cut into pieces and put into rice and cooked to eat together.


Nutrition of potatoes

The content of carbohydrates in potatoes is 25%, and the content of protein and fat is relatively low.

Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can produce a feeling of fullness, avoid excessive intake of food, and also promote the reproduction of intestinal probiotics, which is conducive to maintaining the balance of the intestinal microbial environment and promoting the improvement of immunity.

Does eating potatoes make me fat? The key is how to eat...

It is recommended that school-age children eat a certain amount of potatoes per day, children aged 7-13 eat 25-50 grams per day, and children aged 14-17 years eat 50-100 grams per day.


Eating potatoes = easy to get fat?

Potatoes are considered to be easy to get fat for two reasons.

First, because it contains more carbohydrates. The second is due to improper cooking methods, such as making potatoes into French fries and chips.

Does eating potatoes make me fat? The key is how to eat...

A medium-sized baked potato without oil contains only a few kilocalories of energy, while the energy contained in French fries can be as high as 200 kilocalories. What makes people fatten is not the potato itself, but the energy contained in the fat it adds after frying.

Under the appropriate cooking method and consumption amount, eating potatoes will not make people gain weight. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, while eating potatoes, you should pay attention to reducing the intake of other staple foods, do not overeat. Choose to steam, boil, and stew in the cooking method, and avoid using a lot of oil to fry and fry.

In addition, it is also necessary to consider the intake and consumption of energy throughout the day. High energy intake for a meal does not necessarily lead to obesity, and the occurrence of obesity is closely related to lifestyles such as dietary energy intake and physical activity levels. Excessive energy intake, insufficient physical activity, and low energy expenditure increase the risk of obesity. Long-term energy intake is greater than energy consumption, excess energy is converted into fat stored in the body, and excessive body fat reserves cause obesity.

Therefore, in addition to making reasonable meals, it is also necessary to carry out a moderate amount of physical activity every day.

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Does eating potatoes make me fat? The key is how to eat...

Author | Dr. Ma Health Corps Xu Yifan is a master's student

Image | Self-image network and network

Authorization Statement | Original is not easy, unauthorized, please do not reprint

Reprint the cooperation | [email protected]

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