
The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

Beef and celery collocation, beef has a spleen and stomach effect, the nutritional value is very high, but also contains a lot of crude fiber, the combination of the two can ensure a normal supply of nutrients, but also will not increase the weight of the human body. For poor digestive function, long-term illness, fatigue, yellowish complexion, it is also a good therapeutic effect

By Little Lee loves light food

Celery 150g

Beef 200g

1 small piece of ginger

2 cloves of garlic

A pinch of salt

Light soy sauce 2 scoops

Cooking oil to taste

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

1, beef shredded, celery washed and cut into suitable length, celery leaves should also be retained.

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

2: Add the beef to the cooking wine, marinate with a little salt and ginger slices for 10 minutes

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

3: Cut the green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

4: Add the beef in a hot pan, sauté until it changes color, and set aside

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

5: Reduce oil in the pot, add green onion, ginger and garlic and sauté to bring out the aroma

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

6: Sauté the celery and stir-fry

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

7: Stir-fry the beef and add salt

The secret to telling you that you don't gain weight when you eat meat is to stir-fry beef with celery

8: Continue to stir-fry evenly, and then come out of the pot

Celery leaves have high edible value and also have medicinal properties. So celery leaves can be eaten together without throwing them away

1. Calm liver blood pressure

The dish contains acidic antihypertensive ingredients, which are clinically effective for primary, gestational and menopausal hypertension.

2. Calm and calm the mind

Eating more celery is good for calming the mood and eliminating irritability.

3. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

It is digested by the intestine to produce a substance of lignin or intestinal lipids, which is an antioxidant that inhibits the production of carcinogens by bacteria in the intestine at high concentrations. It can also speed up the running time of feces in the intestine, reduce the contact between carcinogens and the colonic mucosa to prevent colon cancer.

4. Nourish the blood and replenish the deficiency

Celery has a high iron content, which can supplement the loss of menstrual blood in women, and food can avoid pale, dry, and unpretentious skin, and can make the eyes look bright and the hair black and shiny.

5. Detoxify and detoxify

Spring climate is dry, people often feel dry mouth, tongue, breathing, upset, unwell, often eat some celery to help clear heat and detoxification, to get sick and strong. People with excessive liver fire, rough skin, frequent insomnia and headaches can eat more appropriately.

6. Lose weight

While you're chewing celery in your mouth, you're consuming far more heat than celery gives you.

Celery with, shrimp, sea rice, vinegar, cucumber, pumpkin, clams, chicken, rabbit, turtle, soybean, chrysanthemum, crab, clam, hair cockle Xiang gram

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