
The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

author:Historical Society

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

At that time, when we heard that there was a movie in the village at night, we were even more excited than when we heard about the opening of the Olympic Games! Imagine a crowd on the front, a seat hard to find, but the back is just as exciting, and although the picture is not so clear, it can't stop our enthusiasm. In the 80s, second-hand bicycles were our cars, and the stars on the small dirt road drove the friends in front and back to the open-air movie theater a few miles away, and the feeling was unforgettable!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

At night, I went with my friends to catch the monkey, first lit a fire and then kicked the big tree, and then flew into the fire. After that, we took the torches and went to the woods to continue grabbing. Knowing that the meat is delicious!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

Although the life of the production team was hard, it was full of simple happiness. People don't want much, a full meal, and a little meat at the festival can be satisfied. At night, we get together under the oil lamp to chat and eat sunflower seeds, and I am immersed in the world of novels, and I meet the characters in the book in my dreams

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!
The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!
The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

At that time, the environment was so good, and the children came out to play on moonlit nights, and they were much happier than now. At night, the moonlight illuminated the earth silvery white, and we played like crazy until late at night. At that time, although there was no electricity and there was not enough to eat, I was very happy. At night, I like to hide cats and cats, and sometimes when I am hungry, I will find a pot to steal sweet potatoes to eat. Childhood was so interesting that I can't say enough about it. I really want to go back to when I was a child, how nice it would be if people didn't grow up!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

The sun-grained flat in each village is an excellent stage for inheriting culture. Once upon a time, the villagers gathered here at night to listen to the classic stories told by the older generation, such as Tianxian Pei, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, etc., each story was full of affection and intoxicating. In the early 80s, the valley was even more lively, and the students brought gramophones, flutes, erhu and other musical instruments to play to their heart's content, attracting residents from neighboring villages to come and watch. Life was simple and fulfilling, and people gathered to share stories and appreciate art after work. Nowadays, although there are endless ways of entertainment, the simplicity and sincerity are still nostalgic

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

Use an inkwell to make a kerosene lamp, which is fuel-efficient and can make more than a dozen, but the fire is a little smaller, like a firefly. In winter, the adults chatted against the wheat piles, the women chatted while holding the soles of their shoes, and the children wrestled and played. The ground is covered with sun-dried grass, and sleeping in a sack is comfortable and mosquito-proof. Listen to the adults chatting and sleep for a night, and then wake up and go home to catch up on sleep

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

Rural life in the 60s and 70s of the last century was not as bitter as the Internet said. At that time, although the money was tight, the pace of life was leisurely, and the self-sufficient materials made the expenses small. The villagers are simple-minded and have no mental pressure, and often walk together for several kilometers at night, going to neighboring villages to watch plays and movies, laughing and enjoying themselves all the way. Visiting the door to chat about family and friendship is very deep. The sky is blue, the earth is green, and the natural beauty is in full view. At that time, the movie screening was a big event, and the two young people took turns pedaling the generator, and later replaced it with an 800w synchronous generator, and every movie screening was the happiest time for the villagers

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

When I was a child, there was a river in front of my house, and everyone loved to go to the river to bathe in the summer. In the evening, adults and children jumped into the river, and the children had a lot of fun playing water fights, swimming competitions, and holding their breath. Everyone also played hide and seek together, caught knowledge and frogs at night. Sometimes you can make a fire under a tree and shake the tree to make it fly out, and then you can easily catch them. We children in the sixties and seventies really had a simple and happy childhood

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

During the busy season, farm work and household chores can be really busy. I was particularly impressed that I had to start earning wages when I was just a teenager. Digging red lotus in November every year, it is really a big project, and the east piece is harvested and the west piece is harvested, and it has to last for half a month. In the field, we dug out 100 catties of red weeds and weighed them in a pile, and drew lots to determine how much each person shared. At that time, my father worked in the commune, and the family depended on my mother, me and my four younger sisters. When it was dark, we had to carry 500 catties of red weeds and rattans home, and we were often busy until 90 o'clock in the evening. After that, the pigs are often fed until 12 o'clock at night. In contrast, winter is much better, and you can go to bed early after dinner after dark

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

I really miss the old days, when we didn't have a penny, but we were very happy. Everyone walked several miles in groups to watch a movie in a neighboring village. At night, we moved stools to the grain field to watch open-air movies, and we went wherever and wherever the production team showed the movie. Being able to watch a movie means that the village has electricity, no oil lamps are needed, and the evening days become more interesting

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

In the event of a power outage, the projection team uses its own generator. Sometimes the wind blows the pole of the screen crooked, but we still feel happy!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

When I was a kid, I wore thatched shoes to school. At that time, although everyone was poor, they were spiritually and equal, unlike now, when there was a gap between the rich and the poor. In the 60s, some people used Mao Weng as rain boots, which were also called pu shoes when put on the cloth shoes. I usually wear ordinary cotton shoes with cloth soles. In the evenings, the women often wore the soles of their shoes

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

I'm in the sixties and seventies, and I can't help but want to cry when I see these reports. It was my childhood, and I loved the people and things at that time

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

I remember the production team in the past, when life was simple and people were easily satisfied. We children never eat snacks, and it is enough to have a coarse tea and light meal. Unless relatives come to the family, they usually eat pickles and occasionally eat some bean sprouts and tofu, so the children are also very happy. At that time, there was no entertainment, and at night the adults were busy with housework, and we children were playing games outside, like hide and seek, pointing to the stars and the moon, etc., which was very happy. When the adults told us to go home, we reluctantly dispersed. At that time, although I was not rich, I was really happy

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

I really miss the old Chinese New Year, there weren't many things at that time, but the New Year's flavor was very strong. Everyone is in good spirits, and the New Year is so interesting. Children are waiting for the New Year, because there is good food and clothing, and firecrackers can be set off. I miss the Spring Festival when I was a child

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

It was a time of poverty but joy, and it was a day when he worked in the fields and had fun at night. The cultural room and club have become a gathering place for love, and young men never worry about finding wives. Every family is poor, but no one compares with it, and a simple life can be happy

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

These photos are all real scenes, and everyone is in full swing. Men and women work together, some plough the land, and some are full of energy. After receiving the grain, it will be handed over to the state first, and our village is a pioneer in handing over the grain. Children under the age of 18 do not need to go to the field, as long as they go to school on time. Today's movies and TV series are all made up, and they are too far from reality. Whether it is a war movie or an urban drama, it is too fake and easy to mislead young people

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

In the past, after the peasants ate at night, they would watch movies and gather at the head of the village and the end of the village to gossip. At eight or nine o'clock, I went home and went to bed. At that time, everyone went to bed early and talked about ghost stories, whose daughter-in-law stole people, and which man slept with the rich man's daughter

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

It's full of nostalgia! When I think of that time, everyone walked five or six miles tirelessly at night, just to see the style of the movie, and that kind of laughter and laughter is really nostalgic. As soon as they hear that there is a movie screening somewhere, people are as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year! I still remember that before watching a movie at night, I would always move up to the big bench in advance to occupy a seat, and then bring some fried broad beans or watermelon seeds to enjoy while watching the movie, which was simply beautiful! Although there was no online world at that time, people's happiness was so pure and real!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

The children have little homework and play in the barn when the weather is good. I look forward to having an open-air movie in the evening, so that there is no need to have a meeting, and the captain simply says what to do the next day, and the day's work is over. At that time, in order to watch a movie, we could skip even food, and we had to run to watch it no matter how far we wanted. When I was a child, there was a movie in the township, and he went to show it from village to village. People from nearby villages come to see it, and sometimes they are released in the threshing floor in the summer. There is no electricity in the countryside to light kerosene lamps. As soon as it got dark, everyone went to bed. At that time, there were many children in rural areas

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!
The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

In the past, it was inexpensive to see a doctor, and I could afford to get a serious illness. There is no need to worry about the cost of going to school. Getting married is as simple as making a few new clothes for the bride, preparing two quilts and having a meal. At that time, everyone was relaxed and there was no pressure

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

Our team's work score is very fair! Wheat cutting, rice planting, etc. are recorded in real time, and those that cannot be measured are calculated according to labor hours. In this way, there will be less work without effort, and the distribution according to work will be truly realized, and more work will be rewarded!

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

At that time, Hong Kong films were all the rage, TV dramas such as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Shanghai Tang" were popular, and Singapore's "People on the Journey" and "Birds of the Same Life at the End of the World" were also very popular, hitting amazing ratings. I remember that the house was full of people every night, the men were smoky, the boxes on the kang were full of people, and even my mother's wedding mirror was leaned out of the cracks, and it was still used with adhesive tape many years later. It wasn't until every household became TV widespread that this pomp and circumstance gradually dissipated

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!
The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

Recalling the past when I sweated like rain in the production team during the day, I went home at night and continued to be busy. The men do chores, the women cook simple meals, and the neighbors come together to share garlic, chili peppers and bean paste, and taste and exchange ideas with each other. After a small talk, they go home after a while, the women brush the pot and do needlework, and the men tutor the children in their studies. At that time, although life was bitter and the clothes were simple, the human touch was strong. I remember starting to raise pigs in the mid-seventies, looking for pigweed after work, and boiling pig food in shabu-shabu water after dinner. At that time, the days were busy and fulfilling, and it was simple to go to bed early to save lamp oil, and life was also warm

The real life of the production team at night in the 70s, just watch, don't cry, full of memories!

When I was a child, I watched movies in Shaolin Temple, and the school also organized movie watching, like Jigong and Liaozhai's painted skins. Later, VCDs appeared, and there were fewer open-air movies. For long-time movie fans, digital cinema is not as good as film cinema. Open-air cinema is now a thing of the past, but I still remember watching the projectionist's cut film under the lights

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