
Delicious pearl meatballs

author:Silently waiting for the flowers to bloom

The taste is soft and sticky, delicious and not greasy, in addition to salt and glutinous rice, there is no need to add any other condiments, giving children a nutritious and healthy diet. The production method is relatively simple. To make pearl meatballs, pork should be selected fresh and non-frozen, good front leg meat, and the fat and lean ratio is up to 1:3.

Delicious pearl meatballs

Soak the glutinous rice and wash the empty water

Delicious pearl meatballs

Wash the fat lean meat in empty dry water and then remove the tendons and cut into small pieces

Delicious pearl meatballs

Chop together the fat and lean meat into a meat foam

Delicious pearl meatballs

Add an appropriate amount of salt to the meat foam (salt must not be too much, a little lighter than the usual taste), leave a small part of the glutinous rice in the empty dry water, and mix more into the meat foam

Delicious pearl meatballs

Gently knead the mixed glutinous rice and meat foam into small balls (be sure not to pinch tightly)

Delicious pearl meatballs

Roll the small balls of glutinous rice meatballs into separate glutinous rice and gently form a circle in your hand (one hand can be done, be sure not to pinch it tightly)

Delicious pearl meatballs

The meatballs wrapped in glutinous rice are neatly arranged on a plate

Delicious pearl meatballs

Steaming in the steamer, put in the glutinous rice meatballs on the plate, steam on high heat for 20 minutes, then steam for at least 20 minutes on low heat (the longer the steaming time, the better the taste, you can put two soaked goji berries on it before coming out of the pot)

1, glutinous rice must be soaked, if it is soaked in cold water, at least 3 hours, if it is soaked in warm water, at least 2 hours;

2, pork is best to choose the front leg meat or tenderloin, fat and lean ratio to grasp well, if the fat meat is too much, eat it will feel greasy and affect the taste;

3, salt must not be added more, slightly lighter than the taste of normal stir-fry.

4, when rolling the glutinous rice meat into a ball, be sure to be gentle, do not roll the ball tightly and pinch it tightly, it will not be soft when it is tight;

5, do not use a pressure cooker when steaming, the pressure cooker will return a lot of water into the dish, and the longer the steaming, the softer it is.

6, the meat only needs to put salt and soaked glutinous rice, do not put anything else, retain the clear flavor of meat and glutinous rice.

7, note: I can make 4 plates here, everyone tries to do it for the first time, you can reduce the amount proportionally.

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