
In order to create trouble for China, the US military has started to move in the Asia-Pacific region one after another, but it did not think that two bad news came from behind it

author:A network of powerful countries
In order to create trouble for China, the US military has started to move in the Asia-Pacific region one after another, but it did not think that two bad news came from behind it

Recently, according to the official media "Global Network", the US State Department released the news that Deputy Secretary of State Sherman and the EU External Action Agency Secretary General Sarino met in Washington, the theme of which is "US-EU China Issue Dialogue", which naturally includes the recent frequent attacks of the United States on Taiwan Island.

It is worth mentioning that two days after the news was sent, the United States again sent a message, the United States Navy publicly announced that it will give Boeing a contract next year, the content is to add LRASM long-range anti-ship missiles to its P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft. As we all know, the P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft is currently the most commonly used provocative model of the US military in China's periphery, and just recently it openly flew over the Taiwan Strait. In a sense, the US military's action on this model this time is naturally aimed at China, and even after this news came out, there are American experts who bluntly say that the action of installing LRASM long-range anti-ship missiles on the P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft is to "create trouble for China", because the Chinese Navy has many more ships than the United States, which is enough to be daunting!

In order to create trouble for China, the US military has started to move in the Asia-Pacific region one after another, but it did not think that two bad news came from behind it

I have to say that the United States is really naïve, whether it is to openly join hands with the United States, or to try to enhance the value of force that threatens China, for China, the United States has always been a paper tiger, China has a firm determination to resolutely defend its sovereign interests and territorial integrity, even if the United States always likes to engage in small actions, China also has the confidence and ability to thwart all the conspiracies of the United States.

However, it is very interesting that when China has not yet made a move, the United States has heard two bad news in succession, and they have also recruited attacks on the "Achilles heel" of the US Indo-Pacific strategy!

The first bad news, the logistics of the US army has been cut!

In order to create trouble for China, the US military has started to move in the Asia-Pacific region one after another, but it did not think that two bad news came from behind it

According to the island's media reports, recently, when planning the defense budget for fiscal year 2022, the US Federal Senate directly cut the funds requested by the US Maritime Administration for the procurement of second-hand transport ships, and the reason is that the procurement is delayed because of the manufacturer's protests and so on! Good guys, this is undoubtedly a knife from behind the us navy, after all, logistics shipping is one of the "fatal weaknesses" of the US navy, once the United States is ready to go to war in the Asia-Pacific region, there is not enough logistical support capabilities, it will inevitably make the US military into an isolated situation, then it can only stand and be beaten.

The second bad news is that the US generals are seriously insufficient!

In order to create trouble for China, the US military has started to move in the Asia-Pacific region one after another, but it did not think that two bad news came from behind it

Recently, the director of the U.S. Defense Militia Bureau was revealed to have been diagnosed with new crown pneumonia, and then the U.S. Space Force Military Orders Minister was also quarantined due to frequent contact, while the vice chairman of the U.S. Chiefs of Staff Joint Conference was officially retired. In a sense, at the joint meeting of U.S. representative chiefs of staff, only 5 generals are left to continue to give advice to the U.S. military.

After all, the United States engages in military confrontation every day, but now when there is no one and logistics cannot be guaranteed, all the provocative actions of the United States have become "toothless tigers" and can only "deliver food" to China. (Tu Su)