
"Free" for more than two years, feeling old too fast

author:Crazy Caspian Sea
"Free" for more than two years, feeling old too fast

Text: Caspian Sea (public number: fengkuanglihai)

An old friend called over the weekend and blew a bull, and he said, "Why don't you write your public account?" "Oh, I suddenly remembered, when I was still at work, I didn't quit working, and now I'm "free", especially this year, but I haven't written much.

Therefore, I still have to come back to write, the most important reason is that if there is no public account, I don't know where my "value" is, I am embarrassed to introduce to others what I am doing, is it directly said that I am "retired"?

A few days ago, I was playing downstairs with my child, and the father of the neighbor's child came back, a boss of the brokerage, with a straight suit, and the child said: "Good handsome!" I said, "Shall I put my suit on too?" The child said, "You don't have a formal job!" Hahahahaha! "

In addition, according to my current reading volume, if you send an article, plus the advertising revenue that Tip and Tencent automatically divides, the average income of 200 yuan per article should be there, and this income is enough for my own daily expenses!

Since July 2019, I have been "free" for more than two years, feel the following, I hope to have some inspiration for friends who are currently pursuing "freedom".

First, time is indeed "free."

No longer afraid of being late and getting up early to squeeze the subway, driving in traffic jams, no longer the pressure of KPI assessment, no more endless socializing, no more boring meetings with no end in sight, and so on. Theoretically, it is true that you can do whatever you want, do not do what you don't want to do, and sleep until what time you want to sleep. Last week and the previous colleagues got together, a colleague has been proposed to the leader, hard at 9:30 p.m. rushed from the office, heard her say, has not been with the child for several months, and then heard her talk about the usual work intensity, I feel that if I go back, I can't even bear one-tenth. The freedom of time is indeed precious, and for more than two years, if I had not been free, I would have been unable to do many things. For example, in terms of accompanying children, although there are objective reasons why the epidemic and my child's motion sickness are very serious, many places cannot be visited, but I also accompanied my return to a very remote hometown for summer vacation, and went to Dali Lijiang, Sichuan Plateau Conch Ditch, Beijing Tianjin and other places to play, and the near one or two days of travel is more. In the past two years, my mother-in-law had cancer, and my father had heart surgery, I personally ran up and down before and after, if I put it in the past, I could only invite someone. So, it's really free.

Second, in fact, "freedom" is a false proposition, and it feels like time is passing fast!

The reason why some achievements will be made in work is actually inseparable from external pressure, and if there is no external pressure, people are easy to be lazy. Since I was "free", my wife let go, basically entered a crazy overtime state (this is a common disease of office workers, things can not be done on their own initiative to work overtime), often at night is I alone at home with two children, the other day I have to go to a party with my former colleagues, and my wife said that she will come back to take over from work, the result is that she habitually works overtime, reluctant to come back after work, and I have to drag it until 7:30 to go home, and I can only go. Of course, the child thing is basically planned by the lady, but the implementation level is that I am running. Now with children, there are too many things, so if it is time freedom, I am not free at all, "tied" by the child, my own time is actually only the few hours when the child goes to school. Of course, I also know that it takes a few years to accompany children, so it is also a blessing to be able to accompany them at this age.

Without external pressure, people are easily lazy. Sometimes, after the child goes to school, I sit in my own small study room, look east, touch west, as if nothing has happened, and time has passed. My biggest feeling in the past two years is that the time is too fast, much faster than going to work, as if I haven't done anything in these two years, and two years have passed, which is the most frightening thing in my heart.

In order to avoid my laziness, I forced myself to do a lot of things and make rules for myself, but because I set it for myself, many times I would violate the rules because of my inner laziness, so it was difficult!

Third, the lack of "social value" is a problem.

What is the value of one's existence in society is a very complicated question. Many freelance investors are very high-level, and at the beginning everyone should be freelance investors, one may be bored with work, the second is the love of investment, and the third is to want to make more money. But after a long time, it seems that I am slowly disconnected from society, and I just simply speculate in stocks every day to make money, and once the money I have crosses the threshold, it seems that it is not so important. Just like my child said before that I don't have a formal job, what exactly do I do, what help to society, so many freelance investors are actually very lonely in the back, neither lack of money nor time, but lack of inner sense of identity.

To tell the truth, I used to be such a small leader in a large unit, and now if I were simply let me speculate in stocks to make money with children, I would probably go crazy. Fortunately, I have this public account, so I still have a little social value. In the current state, I am not very willing to send funds, so I usually write out what I think, think, and understand through the public account, send it out, spread my own thoughts, and know some like-minded friends through writing, which may be so that I can have a little social value. Through writing, I have met many friends, the so-called social status has a high and low, but this understanding is very simple, there will be no relationship between superiors and subordinates, there will be no exchange of interests, more of an exchange of ideas. Therefore, if my public account is well written and can bring different things to everyone, this may be my social value.

Fourth, enter a simple state, and the individual has almost no expenses.

Personally, I really don't spend it, and the average income of a public account of 200 yuan is completely enough for my own expenses, and it is more than enough. Eat at home, walk to the study room to study, the car in Chengdu does not need me to raise, visual inspection within 3 years do not have to buy any clothes shoes and socks (except shoes), you say I personally what else to spend? In addition to buying books every day and going to the café occasionally, there is really no cost, and most of the money is spent on the family, such as the study of children, the treatment of parents and so on. My life time plan now is simple, and I plan to get up earlier in the future to free up more time, let the time go slower, and make myself more abundant. In the morning, before the child gets up, strive to set aside two hours for writing, have about three hours in the morning to study and ponder the content of investment, and in the afternoon is the time for exercise and meeting guests, either to run up the mountain, or to walk around and see, or to go to the company to investigate, or to drink tea with friends and so on.

Finally, in the end, I am still quite satisfied with my current state, let me go back I will definitely not go back, I am an 80-headed only child, as the first batch of single children, the contradiction between family and work has appeared in me, but it is estimated that many 85 and 90s only children should still be unaware, so I personally recommend that you still have to prepare early to deal with the mid-life crisis. For example, I, at present, four old 70 years old, the body is slowly appearing a variety of problems, in addition to their own shoulders, there are no brothers and sisters can help, children are still small, things are very much, at this time, may be able to understand the importance of time and money. And time and money really can't be exchanged for ordinary jobs, which is also an important reason why I resolutely gave up the so-called career prospects.

Time is our friend and our enemy, and no matter what you're doing, time is moving forward!