
Beijing released 50 excellent micro-travel routes

author:Bright Net

The "Bright Beijing" Cultural and Tourism Consumption Leader Dialogue and the 2021 Beijing Excellent Micro-travel Route Conference sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism was held online yesterday, and 50 Excellent Micro-travel Routes in Beijing were released on the spot, and the designers who provided excellent routes were awarded the title of "Excellent Micro-travel Experts in Beijing".

This online dialogue event brought together experts in related fields to deliver keynote speeches. Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Research Institute, said in his speech that as long as the people's yearning for a better tourism life and leisure life has not changed, as long as the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship of the majority of entrepreneurs has not changed, night tourism will surely develop better than in the past. In the roundtable dialogue session, focusing on the theme of "Empowering the City's "Night Economy" to Create a New Scene of Night Consumption in Beijing", Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism, Chengdu Cultural Tourism and Liangye Technology Group shared their successful experiences. Zhang Jing, director of the Resource Development Department of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, said that the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism will introduce relevant incentive policies and incentive measures to allow more cultural tourism content to be implanted in new scenes and new spaces for night consumption, enrich Beijing's night economy, and help the construction of Beijing's international consumption center city.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

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