
This V-shaped threshold flutters with a timeless red reverie

This V-shaped threshold flutters with a timeless red reverie

This V-shaped threshold flutters with a timeless red reverie
This V-shaped threshold flutters with a timeless red reverie
This V-shaped threshold flutters with a timeless red reverie

Whenever people come to the former site of the Red Army Hospital in Shiqian Village, Shiqian Township, Ganxian District, they will always stand at the front of the gate and look at the threshold of this wooden gate, and they can't help but wonder in their hearts: How can this thick threshold be cut and worn down by the sharp knife of the years into a V-shaped shape that sinks deep into the bottom?!

I have looked at this V-shaped threshold many times, and I guess that 90 years ago, the house yard of Chengjiang Town, Shiqian Village, which carried the former site of the Red Army Hospital, must have liked to play with toys such as leather guns and forks and "dog fighting", as well as rolling iron rings, stepping on stilts, etc., these toys had to take sharp tools such as wood knives, axes, scorn knives, "cutting edges", etc., all of which had to be used as cutting boards on the threshold to make "operations", allowing this wooden threshold to withstand a little chopping and grinding, and over time, the middle of the threshold gradually faded. Slowly it sunken down.

There are many reasons why the V-shaped threshold of the Zhongzhen Big House is sunken, and I guess this is related to the brown sweeping done by the people in the middle town in the past, because the brown sweeper is used to do the brown sweep. Cutting and cutting brown brooms also need to use sills to make cutting boards, as well as brooms, chopping firewood and grass, and so on, and so on.

I look forward to the people of Zhongzhen, who are still thriving, to recall how the threshold was cut into a V-shape.

One person once told me that his grandfather had passed it on to him. At that time, there were many injuries stationed here. At that time, the people of the Red Army Hospital cut herbs and stomped on the end of the medicine on this threshold.

These are the causes of this V-shaped threshold.

In the summer of 2020, a party history expert from the district came to the former site of the Red Army Hospital, and he told a story about the V-shaped threshold in the red memory at this threshold. I prefer to believe that it is not vain, and I am convinced that this touching story is happening all around us.

Legend has it that there is also such a V-shaped threshold on an old site of red memory, which was formed by the stampede of an old sister who missed the Brother of the Red Army with a foot wearing a thousand-layered cloth shoes.

During those bloody years, there was a village girl who had just married Brother Of the Red Army, spent only one good night, and the next day they were separated, and Brother joined the Red Army and followed the team to "pull out".

When the Red Army brother left with the team, it was late afternoon.

The Red Army brother was gone and never returned. Every day in the evening, the village aunt and sister would follow the door frame of the gate and shout loudly in the direction of Brother's "pulling": "Brother Of the Red Army, where are you, when will you come home..." Every time you shout, you will stomp on the threshold with one foot, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, so stomp with your feet! Day after day, year after year, the village girl became an old aunt, and the threshold was also stomped and trampled into a V-shape shape by these powerful feet.

It has been too long to check whether this village girl of the Red Army's brother is in Zhongzhen. Yes or no, it is no longer important, what is important is that we", the "latecomers", must draw red power from this V-shaped threshold and contribute wisdom and strength in the new long march of rural revitalization, which is the king.

Tour Defu


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