
Can the term Hongu be used casually in the Imperial Palace? Who can call themselves Hongu?

In ancient China, the distinction between the upper and lower levels of people was very clear, and the ancient society divided people into three, six, nine and so on. In ancient times, Tianzi was naturally the highest and highest, in order to show the honor of Tianzi, Tianzi called himself no longer called himself "I", after Qin Shi Huang Tianzi called himself "朕", and even in ancient China, in order to avoid the name of Tianzi, even the duplicate name had to be avoided, which shows what kind of realm the ancient social hierarchy was.

And as the concubine of the son of heaven because of this relationship between the emperor will naturally appear different, of course, in the harem there is also a distinct hierarchy, there is a monarch of a country naturally has a mother of a country is the so-called empress, under the empress there are three thousand beautiful ladies haunting the son of heaven, after the Qing Dynasty, the honor of the imperial concubine is second only to the empress, and even if the empress dies of illness, the imperial concubine can exercise power on behalf of the empress, and under the imperial concubine there are noble concubines, concubines, talents and so on. So how do these people call themselves? Who can call themselves Hongu, and who can call themselves the Mourning Family? Let's take a look:

Can the term Hongu be used casually in the Imperial Palace? Who can call themselves Hongu?

Who can use the name of Hongu?

In the TV series, we often see some concubines who will call themselves the main palace, the mourning family, etc., it can be said that this palace and that palace are not clear to people, so what does this palace mean?

During the Qing Dynasty, the draft was popular, and if all kinds of famous women were lucky enough to become showgirls, they would attack and then get the emperor's favor, and once they were valued by the emperor, it was equivalent to soaring into the sky and could become one of the three thousand beauties in the harem.

In this case, the show girl will be crowned as a position similar to a talented person, a noble person, etc., and along with this title there is a large palace, which means that he will become the master of this palace from now on? Then in this case he can call himself Hongu.

Can the term Hongu be used casually in the Imperial Palace? Who can call themselves Hongu?

Of course, the bustling and rich City of Beijing is also limited in space, with the later selection of more and more, it is inevitable that there will be a situation where the palace is not enough, in this case, only a few concubines can barely make up for themselves to live in a palace, and the large palace is divided into several small palaces, in this case, in order to facilitate management, a concubine is needed to act as the "dormitory chief", at this time, the concubine who becomes the "dormitory chief" can call herself the palace, and those concubines do not dare to use it casually.

"Hongu" is not the concubine's patent

Of course, since most of the various TV dramas are called "Hongu" by concubines, we all mistakenly think that "Hongu" seems that only the prince has this patent, but it is not. If you watch many costume dramas, you will find that some crown princes who have been named "Prince of the Eastern Palace" will also call themselves Hongu.

Can the term Hongu be used casually in the Imperial Palace? Who can call themselves Hongu?

Because in ancient times, only the brother who was crowned prince could have his own, and the other brothers rarely had it, in this case, the brother who was made a prince could also call himself Hongu.

What do the princes call themselves?

Since the prince and concubines can call themselves hongu, how will these people call themselves? After the birth of the crown prince, because of his young age, he could only be brought in by his own imperial concubine to live in the palace of his mother, so at this time he would not call himself "Hongu".

Can the term Hongu be used casually in the Imperial Palace? Who can call themselves Hongu?

When the crown prince grew up, because he would not live in the same palace as his mother, most of them were arranged in places such as the three or the fifth house in the east, and because these places were not regular palaces, the brothers would not call themselves "main palaces" but replaced them with "main houses".

In general, the concubines of the harem liked to call themselves "Hongu", and the prince and princess could also call themselves that, but in general they would not call themselves that way. And if the "empress" who is more noble than the empress calls herself honggong, then is she not the same age as those concubines? What's more, the status of the empress dowager has made him disdainful of using this word, so the empress dowager generally refers to herself with the word "mourning family".

Can the term Hongu be used casually in the Imperial Palace? Who can call themselves Hongu?

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