
Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

"Since the front has made it clear that it is seeking the Red Party, and the rear has captured the key criminals of the Red Party, and it is not enough to resist killing them for a long time, I am afraid that it will not be enough to convince the hearts of the generals..."

In the spring of 1927, the secretary sent a telegram from Chiang Kai-shek to Zhang Zuolin, who was thinking about a major event in his heart, and this telegram prompted Zhang Zuolin to make a final decision.

Zhang Zuolin's tangled up in his heart was about Li Dazhao's disposition, Zhang Zuolin had already arrested Li Dazhao, but Zhang Zuolin had never thought about whether to kill Li Dazhao or make other plans? After seeing Old Jiang's telegram, Zhang Zuolin had the answer in his heart - kill!

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision


Li Dazhao has always been a thorn in Zhang Zuolin's eye, so how can an arbitrary warlord tolerate a progressive person like Li Dazhao? In 1926, Zhang Zuolin led the Fengzhi army all the way into the city of Beijing, and the time came for him to eliminate dissidents.

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

Therefore, under the trade-off, Li Dazhao did not leave, but defected to the Soviet Embassy, which is reasonable to say that with the protection of the embassy, Li Dazhao will not have an accident, after all, Zhang Zuolin does not dare to casually attack the Soviet Embassy.

Zhang Zuolin began to search around Beijing for news of Li Dazhao, but Li Dazhao disappeared from Beijing, which greatly annoyed Zhang Zuolin, who was convinced that Li Dazhao was hiding somewhere, but where was he hiding? Zhang Zuolin had no clue, so he could only send people everywhere to examine them, and when he saw suspicious people, he would arrest them and bring them back for trial.

Until one day, Wu Yuwen, director of the Police Department, caught a person near Dongjiaomin Lane, a party member who knew Li Dazhao well, who failed to withstand severe torture, became a traitor, and confessed Li Dazhao's hiding place. When Wu Yuwen learned that Li Dazhao was hiding in the Soviet Embassy, he immediately rushed to Zhang Zuolin to inform and receive the reward. But Zhang Zuolin hesitated, do you want to rush into the Soviet Embassy to arrest people? In case the Soviet Union got into trouble for itself, it would not be a good thing.

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

The Treaty of Xinugu stipulated that the diplomatic embassy in Dongjiaomin Lane was protected, and even Chinese could not casually step into the territory of this foreigner, and it was because of this that Li Dazhao stayed in the Soviet Embassy. But Zhang Zuolin is also an old fox, and he has his own plans. After half a day of thinking, Zhang Zuolin invited diplomatic representatives from Britain, the United States, France and other countries to start his own conspiracy.


Zhang Zuolin, who was eager to grasp people's hearts, consulted with the powers of various countries, and finally canceled the right of asylum of the Soviet Embassy, after all, the Soviet Union was also a thorn in the eyes of the great powers at that time, and Zhang Zuolin and them hit it off. On April 6, 1927, Zhang Zuolin sent Wu Yuwen with the police to rush into the embassy and arrest Li Dazhao and the rest of the party members in prison, which soon shocked the country.

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

Is Li Dazhao a nameless person? He was the pioneer and spiritual leader of the Chinese proletarian revolution, and Zhang Zuolin's arrest of him was bound to cause a considerable "earthquake" in China. Zhang Zuolin had just arrested Li Dazhao, and where else did he care about this, he locked up Li Dazhao's family and interrogated Li Dazhao, but with the rapid spread of public opinion news, Zhang Zuolin also felt the pressure.

A few days after Li Dazhao was arrested, Zhang Zuolin received hundreds of joint letters, which came from all walks of life in the country, of which intellectuals were the main force, and their demands were very consistent, that is, to ask Zhang Zuolin to release Li Dazhao.

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

Zhang Zuolin himself felt in his heart that Li Dazhao had to kill, but if he did this, in case it aroused the boiling of public resentment, Zhang Zuolin might not be able to bear it, Zhang Zuolin wanted to achieve his goal, but he did not want to cause himself big trouble, he thought about it, and he always couldn't think of a result.

At this time, Old Jiang was also paying close attention to Li Dazhao's affairs, and Old Jiang's hatred for Li Dazhao was perhaps even greater than Zhang Zuolin's; the democratic progressives led by Li Dazhao were a stumbling block to Old Jiang's struggle for power and profit, so Old Jiang urgently needed to get rid of Li Dazhao, and seeing that Zhang Zuolin was slow to move there, Old Jiang knew that Zhang Zuolin was still hesitating, so he shot a telegram and injected Zhang Zuolin with another dose of strong medicine.

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

Spiritual immortality

Old Jiang's words really speak of Zhang Zuolin's heart, he and our party have been fighting endlessly, and now it is difficult to catch Li Dazhao, the leader, if he does not kill, how will Zhang Zuolin handle things in the future? Seeing this telegram, Zhang Zuolin no longer hesitated, he decided to kill Li Dazhao, and he did not want Li Dazhao to die too painfully, so he ordered Li Dazhao to be hanged and tortured to the last moment.

Mr. Li Dazhao died in this way, the news of his death came, the party was in mourning, progressive students and democrats from all over the country poured into the streets to protest the atrocities of the warlords, and the teachers and students of Peking University donated money to hold a grand commemorative ceremony for Li Dazhao. For such a public grievance, Zhang Zuolin and Lao Jiang no longer cared, Li Dazhao's death gave them confidence, they felt that as long as they held the power of life and death, one day, the democratic progressives in the world would shut up, and wouldn't Li Dazhao die at their hands?

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

But they were wrong, Mr. Li Dazhao's sacrifice did not consume the people's fighting spirit, but let more people see the ugly face of the warlord bureaucracy, although Mr. Li Dazhao died at the hands of the enemy, his followers will continue to move forward along his footprints until the overthrow of the corrupt government and the creation of a new world.

Whether it was Zhang Zuolin or Lao Jiang, they all greatly underestimated the bloodiness of the Chinese people, even though China was poor and weak at that time, most people were in obscurity, but there will always be people shouting for the country and the people, and there will always be people who wake up, Zhang Zuolin and Old Jiang do not understand where such a force comes from, which is the reason for their failure.

Zhang Zuolin wanted to kill Li Dazhao but hesitated, and Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking him to make a quick decision

Li Dazhao used his short life of 39 years to guide a feasible path for future generations, his flesh perished, but his spirit lived forever, some people died, he is still alive, and the people will always miss him. Future generations will deeply remember why Li Dazhao died, he died for the ideals and future of the motherland.

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