
After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

When Mr. Zhongshan was in the revolution, he was in danger many times, and even arrested and kidnapped. Once, after he was kidnapped, he was saved thanks to the help of a wealthy English servant.

After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

"Offer a reward of 10,000 taels of silver to take the head of the Immortal, and arrest him at all costs, dead or alive!"

In 1895, after Zhongshan led the Guangzhou Uprising, Empress Dowager Cixi's Qing court regarded Zhongshan as a serious problem and rewarded him and the revolutionaries with 10,000 taels of silver. He also informed all the legations stationed abroad and secretly ordered them to arrest Zhongshan.

In order to continue the revolution, after many trips, Mr. Nakayama began to travel far and wide, examining the society, economy and military of European and American countries in order to seek the truth of national salvation.

In early October 1896, Mr. Nakayama arrived in London.

Early the morning after arriving in London, Mr. Nakayama traveled to Tan Vin Street in the Baudland district to meet with James Condley, his teacher at the Hong Kong Western Medical College and a consultant physician to the London City Council.

During the meeting, James Condeley admonished Zhongshan: "Be careful not to exercise the museum and cause a trap." You must not go near the Qing embassy, otherwise you will be in trouble. ”

Mr. Nakayama listened and nodded repeatedly.

After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

However, even if Zhongshan is far away from the embassy, there will be trouble.

On the morning of October 11, Zhongshan went to Kang Deli's house as usual. On the way, the three Chinese pretended to be friendly to zhongshan and invited zhongshan to their apartment to "smoke a cigarette and chat.". Zhongshan repeatedly politely refused, but the three guys stubbornly stuck to it.

When we walked to the door of the Qing embassy in Britain at 49 Portland Street in London's West District 1, the door suddenly opened and three guys forcibly abducted Mr. Zhongshan into the embassy.

After Zhongshan entered the door, he saw that the people sitting in the hall were wearing qing dynasty official clothes, and the tone of the few compatriots who had been climbing with him before suddenly changed, and they vigorously let Zhongshan go upstairs.

Nakayama was imprisoned in a hut with an iron fence on the window on the third floor of the embassy, the door was locked, guarded day and night, completely cut off from the outside world.

After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

After the successful kidnapping of Mr. Nakayama, the legation officials coerced and seduced Mr. Nakayama to learn from him about the whereabouts of other revolutionary volunteers. However, Mr. Nakayama, who is imprisoned, is awe-inspiring and fearless in the face of danger.

So the legation official said to him: "According to Empress Dowager Cixi's secret telegram, we will spend 7,000 pounds to rent a two-thousand-ton steamship, and build a large wooden box, and plan to pack you in a wooden box in a few days and secretly escort you back to China for execution." ”

Nakayama protested, "This will be a serious atrocity, a great insult!" ”

The legation official said: "We will shut your mouth, tie you up, and ship you back to China." If we can't send you back to china, we'll put you on the ground at the legation. ”

Nakayama said angrily, "Serious atrocities, I protest!" ”

After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

During Nakayama's imprisonment, the legation officials gave him pen and paper for him to write a letter of repentance.

So, taking advantage of this condition, Nakayama wrote many notes, wrapped a coin or kneaded into a paper ball and threw it out the window, hoping that pedestrians would pick it up and give it to his teacher, Kang Deli. However, it was useless, and most of the notes were swept into the trash.

He saw that in a few days he would be secretly escorted back to China and executed. How can this be done?

At this very critical moment, a wealth-hungry English servant appeared.

On the morning of October 17, Cole, a British servant in charge of cleaning at the Qing Embassy, came to Zhongshan's room to clean up.

At first, Nakayama asked him for help, but the servant refused.

So Nakayama took out 20 pounds from the interlayer of clothes and quietly handed it to him. Seeing the open-eyed servant Ke'er, he risked his life to deliver a letter to Zhongshan.

The servant Cole secretly delivered Sun's handwritten letter to The Condé Lee's house. In the letter, Zhongshan said bluntly: "I was kidnapped, and in the embassy of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty wanted to smuggle me back to China and get rid of me." ”

When he learned of the success of the transmission, Nakayama was very excited, and he said to the English servant Cole: "You send me a few more letters, and I will give you two thousand pounds when I go out!" ”

Therefore, Cole sent Several secret notes to Nakayama to Kang Deli.

After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

Upon receiving the letter, Condé Immediately began the rescue effort. He went to the relevant departments in London and asked them to intervene. Kang Deli also drove to the major newspapers to meet with reporters and expose in detail the ugly behavior of the Qing embassy.

On October 22, the British newspaper "Globe" first disclosed the fact that Zhongshan was arrested by the Qing embassy under the title of "Amazing News, Zhongshan Was Kidnapped in London". Subsequently, other newspapers reprinted it one after another, and the matter immediately became a sensational news, causing strong repercussions from people from all walks of life.

According to British law at that time, foreign embassies could not arbitrarily arrest people without The British permission.

Under the pressure of public opinion and public opinion, the British Foreign Office had to intervene with the Qing Embassy.

On the morning of October 27, the Qing Embassy was forced to release Mr. Nakayama under various pressures.

After Sun Yat-sen was kidnapped, how did he get out of danger? A wealthy Briton came to the rescue

When Nakayama came out of the embassy, the crowd gathered in the street waved warmly to him and congratulated him on his freedom.

The day after his release, Mr. Nakayama firmly stated in the "Letter to the Chief Writers of London Newspapers": "My understanding and feeling of the meaning of a civilized citizen have become more and more firm, prompting me to devote myself more actively to the cause of progress, education and civilization in my lovely and oppressed motherland." ”

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