
The all-Chinese class that Boss Xu wants is coming! Jingyue is no longer the Battle of Tianwang Mountain: Zheng Zhiying made his coaching debut

The all-Chinese class that Boss Xu wants is coming! Jingyue is no longer the Battle of Tianwang Mountain: Zheng Zhiying made his coaching debut

On December 13, Beijing time, the competition of the Chinese Super League championship group kicked off, in the first round of the showdown, Guangzhou team and Beijing Guoan fought, Guangzhou team will sacrifice the all-Chinese class, Xu Boss's dream of the heart finally came true. This Beijing-Guangdong battle, although it is too different from the previous Tianwangshan Battle, is the coaching debut of Guangzhou's executive coach Zheng Zhi, but unfortunately, the duel between the two international teams, the Guangzhou team's internationals "let go of pigeons".

The all-Chinese class that Boss Xu wants is coming! Jingyue is no longer the Battle of Tianwang Mountain: Zheng Zhiying made his coaching debut

For 406 days, the Battle of Beijing and Guangdong came again

The two teams have never met for so long before, and due to the environment, the two teams met again after 406 days after playing the second leg of the semi-final last season, but they were completely different.

The Guangzhou team finally achieved the all-Chinese class

Although the Guangzhou team is not new to using the all-Chinese class, after winning the championship in the 2013 season, due to the AFC Champions League task, it once sent the all-Chinese class to play, and this season's AFC Champions League and THE FA Cup also used the all-Chinese class. However, compared with the all-Chinese class that went through the stage, now in the case of the termination of the contract in Gaulat, the departure of Alain and Axon, the detention of Fernando, and the refusal of Luo Guofu and Jiang Guangtai to enter the division, the Guangzhou team finally realized the all-Chinese class. Boss Xu's promise many years ago, "late" 1 year to achieve, of course, Boss Xu's promise although late, but will not be "absent".

The ridicule of the "quanhua class" can also be temporarily ended.

The all-Chinese class that Boss Xu wants is coming! Jingyue is no longer the Battle of Tianwang Mountain: Zheng Zhiying made his coaching debut

Zheng Zhi made his coaching debut

The title given to Zheng Zhi by the Guangzhou team is "executive head coach", and the reason why it is limited is because Zheng Zhi does not have a professional coaching certificate, and like Li Zhangsu, who coached the Guangzhou team that year, he cannot become the nominal manager of the team. Of course, although Liu Zhiyu is the nominal manager of the Guangzhou team, the relevant technical and tactical arrangements of the team are formulated by Zheng Zhi, and I don't know if Zheng Zhi can arrange for himself to play.

The 25th meeting in the history of Beijing and Guangdong

Since the 2011 season, this is the 25th meeting between Guangzhou team and Beijing Guoan, the first 24 encounters, Guoan 4 wins, 8 draws and 12 losses are completely in the inferior position, taking advantage of the fact that guangzhou team has finally become a full Chinese class, can the Yulin Army rewrite the decline that has been in the inferior position since the confrontation?

The all-Chinese class that Boss Xu wants is coming! Jingyue is no longer the Battle of Tianwang Mountain: Zheng Zhiying made his coaching debut

Guangzhou team will not be guaranteed if it does not win the 2nd place

Although the Guangzhou team is 2 points ahead of the harbor and Yatai behind them, but the harbor faces Shenzhen in this round, Yatai against the lack of major generals in Guangzhou City, the hope of winning is very large, as long as the Guangzhou team does not win, the second place in the league will not be guaranteed.

The big international players meet, and the Guangzhou team will be absent

Guangzhou team and Guoan are both big international players, but compared with Guoan's international team, they have all returned to the team, and followed the Yulin Army into the division, and the number of international footballers of guangzhou team has returned to the team. Including Alain, Axon, Luo Guofu and Jiang Guangtai, the four major naturalized internationals were collectively absent, in addition to news, Zhang Linpeng did not enter the division with the team, only the substitute national liu Dianzao was in the team, and attended the pre-match press conference.

The all-Chinese class that Boss Xu wants is coming! Jingyue is no longer the Battle of Tianwang Mountain: Zheng Zhiying made his coaching debut

Wei Shihao rebelled against the old lord

Wei Shihao has always played well in facing his old club, especially in the face of Shandong Taishan. In the absence of a major general in the team, Zheng Zhi must entrust Wei Shihao with a heavy responsibility at the offensive end, and in the face of the old lord Guoan, can Wei Shihao lead the team to play a momentum. In addition to Wei Shihao, including Huang Bowen, they will all get the opportunity to face the old master.

Guoan's new signings made their debut

There is currently only 1 foreign player in the two teams, namely Guoan's Anderson Silva, who has played well in the previous warm-up matches, and at the pre-match press conference, Guoan coach Bilic also affirmed Silva's ability. Against Guangzhou, if nothing else, Silva will make its debut.

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