
It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs


[It's not easy for actors] Li Yitong's night drama horror: the 10-centimeter giant centipede staged "climbing knees" and "drilling cuffs"!

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Recently, when the popular little flower girl Li Yitong was filming a new drama, he encountered an unexpected "night scene horror". At the filming site of a costume drama, Li Yitong was wearing a gorgeous costume and sitting on the roof, ready to enter the role.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

However, a giant centipede up to 10 centimeters long unexpectedly became a "special guest" for this scene. Directly on Li Yitong's body, there was a "big trip"!

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Surprise centipede: An uninvited guest in a costume drama

During the filming, Li Yitong did not notice the uninvited centipede. It was first spotted on her knee, and the scene was captured by a group of young ladies who were filming on the sidelines. They immediately frantically reminded Li Yitong, but they didn't seem to attract her attention.


At this time, Li Yitong paid all his attention to the camera, and he was trying to show himself in front of the camera, or it was possible that the environment at the scene was too noisy, causing Li Yitong to not hear the reminders of the young ladies who were filming at all.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Emergency Rescue: Prompt response of the staff

It wasn't until the staff at the scene heard the reminder of the young ladies on behalf of the photographer that they realized the urgency of the situation. They immediately took action to try to help Li Yitong get rid of this "uninvited guest". However, just as they were about to catch the centipede, it had already quickly burrowed into Li Yitong's cuff.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs
It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Unsettled: The unexpected escape of a centipede

Although the situation was tense for a while, fortunately, after some effort, Li Yitong finally succeeded in shaking the centipede off. This scene relieved everyone present, and also praised Li Yitong's bravery and composure.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Li Yitong's response

Afterwards, Li Yitong was very uneasy about this unexpected vignette. She shared the experience on social media, and although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she felt like she would be stunned without looking at it! Then he expressed his gratitude to the on-site personnel.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Netizens hotly discussed: Praise Li Yitong's bravery

This incident quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens expressed their gratitude to the careful observation and timely reminders of the young ladies who took the photo.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Although this unexpected episode brought a touch of tension to the filming scene, it also showed Li Yitong's professionalism and ability to deal with unexpected situations. At the same time, it also reminds us to pay attention to safety when working, especially when shooting outdoors, and to be vigilant against all kinds of accidents in the natural environment.

It's scary! Li Yitong encountered a "giant centipede" during the night scene, which was 10 centimeters long and drilled directly into the cuffs

Li Yitong's "Night Horror" undoubtedly added an unforgettable experience to her acting career. Let's look forward to her performance in the future, and I believe that she will bring more wonderful works.


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