
Qianlong sent red envelopes to his children and grandchildren, and the only person who did not receive them was very unhappy, Qianlong: Do you still want red envelopes?

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal society in China, and everyone should have heard of Puyi and Qianlong, one was the most pitiful emperor and the other was the luckiest emperor. When the Qing Dynasty was under the rule of Qianlong, it directly led the Qing Dynasty to the richest moment of the Qing Dynasty, and it was also after Qianlong let go of the throne, the Qing Dynasty gradually went to its demise, and one sentence said "Kangqian prosperous", which means that the Qing Dynasty began in Kangxi, developed in Yongzheng, and ended in Qianlong. The emperor during Qianlong's reign was only one year after Kangxi, and this was not caused by Qianlong's death, but Qianlong gave way to the throne with both hands and passed the throne to his son.

Qianlong sent red envelopes to his children and grandchildren, and the only person who did not receive them was very unhappy, Qianlong: Do you still want red envelopes?

Why did Qianlong no longer continue to be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty? According to the process, qianlong out of respect for his grandfather Kangxi, Qianlong did not dare to let his imperial age exceed his grandfather's throne age, so Qianlong took the initiative to abdicate. In fact, in addition to honoring his grandfather on the throne, When Qianlong ruled the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong always looked at his grandfather Kangxi. So do you think that Qianlong is very filial piety? In fact, it is not necessarily true, because Qianlong has always felt that the Qing Dynasty he ruled was better than that governed by Kangxi, and felt that he was "the first emperor of the ages." The reason why Qianlong praised his grandfather so much was actually for a certain reason, and the reason was that his father Yongzheng.

Qianlong sent red envelopes to his children and grandchildren, and the only person who did not receive them was very unhappy, Qianlong: Do you still want red envelopes?

Everyone who has learned about the history of the Qing Dynasty should have heard of the Kowloon Seizure Incident, which was a war between Kangxi's best children, which was also famous at that time, and finally won in this war, that is, Yongzheng, that is, Qianlong's father. In fact, in this struggle, Kangxi has always favored his fourteenth son, who is the brother of Yongzheng's father and mother. So since Yongzheng became emperor, until Qianlong succeeded to the throne, is it orthodox for the throne? Many people dare not judge and have always held a voice of doubt. How could Qianlong be patient with such a statement?

Qianlong sent red envelopes to his children and grandchildren, and the only person who did not receive them was very unhappy, Qianlong: Do you still want red envelopes?

Whenever Qianlong heard these rumors, he would send these people to the frontier, but doing so would only make more and more people doubt Qianlong's origins, so Qianlong slowly stopped sending these people to the frontier, and Qianlong began to worship his grandfather, so that everyone in the world thought that Qianlong was a grandson certified by Kangxi, so he would pass the throne to Yongzheng. In addition to this, I also want to tell you a small story, that is, when Qianlong was 60 years old, Ai Xinjue Luojia held a family banquet, and it was the New Year at that time, Qianlong sent a big red envelope to all sizes, and only one person did not send it, that is, the Jiaqing Emperor.

Qianlong sent red envelopes to his children and grandchildren, and the only person who did not receive them was very unhappy, Qianlong: Do you still want red envelopes?

At that time, the Jiaqing Emperor was very aggrieved and asked why there was no red envelope for me? Does the Father not love me anymore? Then Qianlong's words made all the people around him understand some things, qianlong said, do you still want red envelopes? Everyone around this sentence knows that after this, it will definitely be the new emperor, and the throne must be sent to Jiaqing. Sure enough, Qianlong did not take long to pass the throne to Jiaqing, which is what we call the Jiaqing Emperor.

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