
The historical prototype of Little Swallow, Qianlong's only adopted daughter only lived to be 26 years old! #头条创作挑战赛#

author:How big the world is

As a TV series loved by the audience, "Huanzhu Gege" has attracted the attention of countless audiences with its unique charm and emotional entanglement. However, there are some inconsistencies with historical facts in the handling of historical details in the play, especially in the use of character titles, there are some obvious errors.

First of all, the daughter of Emperor Qianlong is called "Gege" in the play, which is inconsistent with historical facts. According to historical records, since 1636, when Huang Taiji changed the name of the country to "Daqing" and stipulated the titles of members of the imperial family, the emperor's daughter should be called "princess" instead of "Gege". This rule remained in place until the fall of the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, the term Gege was usually used to refer to the daughter of a prince or a prince of a county, while the daughter of an emperor had a more honorable title - princess. This distinction reflects the Qing Dynasty's strict division of the hierarchy of members of the imperial family.

However, in "Huanzhu Gege", we can see that the characters in the play call Qianlong's daughter "Huanzhu Gege" and "Ziwei Gege", which is obviously not historical. This title in the play may be due to the needs of the plot or a misunderstanding of historical knowledge. But in any case, this error in the title is undoubtedly misleading for viewers who know and study the history of the Qing Dynasty.

In addition to the wrong title of the emperor's daughter, there are some other title problems in "Huanzhu Gege". For example, the characters in the play refer to Emperor Qianlong as "Huang Ama", which is also historically inaccurate. In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor's sons and daughters were supposed to address their fathers as "Khan Ama", which is the honorific title for their father in the Manchu language. The title of "Huang Ama" is actually a way of calling that gradually appeared in the late Qing Dynasty after being influenced by Han culture. But during the Qianlong period, this title was not common.

In addition, there are also problems with the title of the Queen Mother in the play. In "Huanzhu Gege", the Queen Mother is referred to as "Lafayette", which is also inconsistent with historical facts. In fact, the title "Lafayette" was the exclusive title of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the late Qing Dynasty, while the Empress Dowager in the Qianlong period did not have such a title. The use of this title may have been influenced by the image of the Empress Dowager Cixi in later generations, but in the historical context, it is obviously inappropriate.

In general, although these titles in "Huanzhu Gege" affect the authenticity of the plot to a certain extent, they also reflect the mastery of historical knowledge by the creators at that time. As a TV series, it is mainly entertainment, and the accuracy of historical details may not be the focus of the creators' considerations. However, for the audience, understanding these historical errors will help us to understand and evaluate the show more comprehensively, and it will also help us better understand and learn history. 458

Emperor Qianlong, as an outstanding ruler in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, ruled a prosperous country and reached a peak of cultural development. However, Emperor Qianlong's personal life was equally full of rich emotions and family stories. In these stories, Princess Heshuo and Wan are undoubtedly a special existence.

The historical prototype of Little Swallow, Qianlong's only adopted daughter only lived to be 26 years old! #头条创作挑战赛#

Princess Heshuo and Wan, whose original name is unknown, is the eldest daughter of Emperor Qianlong's younger brother and prince Hongday. She was born in the twelfth year of Yongzheng, an era full of political change and family hope. As the fifth son of Emperor Yongzheng, although Hongday did not have much achievements in the succession to the throne, his eldest daughter unexpectedly became the treasure of Emperor Qianlong's heart.

At the beginning of Emperor Qianlong's succession, there were not many heirs in the harem, which made him attach great importance to the continuation of the family bloodline. As part of the royal bloodline, Princess Heshuo and Wan naturally attracted the attention of Emperor Qianlong. In order to strengthen the ties within the royal family, and also out of family affection for his younger brother Hongday, Emperor Qianlong decided to take Princess Heshuo and Wan into the palace and adopt them as adopted daughters.

In the palace, Princess Heshuo and Wan were attributed to Empress Hyoxian. Empress Xiaoxian, also known as Empress Fucha, was the wife of Emperor Qianlong, and was deeply loved by Emperor Qianlong for her virtue and wisdom. Putting Princess Hewan under her name is not only an improvement of Princess Hewan's status, but also a guarantee for her future status in the palace.

Princess Heshuo and Wan received excellent education and care in the palace. Emperor Qianlong treated her as his own, not only giving her generous treatment materially, but also giving her fatherly care spiritually. Princess Hewan's life in the palace was carefree, she received the best cultural education at that time, learned poetry and songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and became a talented princess.

As Princess Hewan grew up, her marriage was also on the agenda. Emperor Qianlong took great pains to marry her, and finally decided to marry her to Delek of the Borzigit clan. Delek was born into a prestigious family, the eldest son of the Bahraini county king Luqin, and a young talent with a prominent family background and political future. The union of the two is not only a happy event for two young people, but also a marriage between two families, which is of great significance for strengthening the bond between the royal family and the nobility.

In the fifteenth year of Qianlong, the wedding of Princess Heshuo Hewan and Deleke was held in the capital, and the scene was grand and grand. In order to express his love for his adopted daughter, Emperor Qianlong specially gave her a rich dowry and personally presided over the wedding, making this wedding a major event in the capital at that time.

After marriage, Princess Heshuo and Wan did not leave the capital, but stayed with Emperor Qianlong with Delek. As a result, Delek was reused by Emperor Qianlong, and his political career was smooth sailing. Princess Heshuo and Princess Deleke have a happy married life, and the two have children together, enjoying the glory and dignity of the royal family.

The historical prototype of Little Swallow, Qianlong's only adopted daughter only lived to be 26 years old! #头条创作挑战赛#

However, happy times are always short-lived. In the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong, Princess Heshuo and Wan died early due to illness at the age of twenty-seven. Her death made both Emperor Qianlong and Deleke feel deep grief. In order to commemorate this beloved adopted daughter, Emperor Qianlong specially held a grand funeral for her, and set up an inscription in front of her tomb to express his thoughts and condolences to her.

Princess Heshuo and Wan's life, although short, was full of glory and wealth and family favor. Her story is not only a good story in the history of Emperor Qianlong's family, but also an indispensable part of the imperial culture of the Qing Dynasty. Her existence has witnessed the glory of an era, and also reflects the warmth and harmony of a family.

Emperor Qianlong, the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, went down in history for his cultural martial arts and cultural prosperity. However, behind his illustrious imperial career, Emperor Qianlong's personal life was also full of rich emotions and family stories. Among them, the adoption of Princess Heshuo and Wan not only shows his deep brotherhood, but also reflects his political wisdom and far-reaching consideration for the country's plans.

Princess Heshuo and Wan, born in the twelfth year of Yongzheng, is the eldest daughter of Emperor Qianlong's younger brother and prince Hongday. As the fifth son of Emperor Yongzheng, Hongday and Emperor Qianlong grew up together since childhood, and a deep brotherhood was established between the two. Emperor Qianlong's favor for Hongday, not only because of his cheerful and straightforward personality, but also because of Hongday's performance in the court, although sometimes unrestrained, but also showed a kind of loyalty and support for the imperial power. After Emperor Qianlong succeeded to the throne, his trust and respect for Hongtian was reflected in the important positions entrusted to him, such as Minister of the Interior, Household Minister, etc., which not only required talent and wisdom, but also needed the emperor's deep trust.

In this context, Emperor Qianlong's adoption of Princess Hewan was first based on his affection for his younger brother Hongday. The relationship between Emperor Qianlong and Hongyang transcended the struggle for power, showing a sincere brotherhood. Adopting Princess Hewan is not only an emotional comfort for her younger brother, but also a kind of glory and promotion for her family.

Secondly, Emperor Qianlong's adoption of Princess Hewan was also out of political considerations. In the early years of Emperor Qianlong's succession, the number of biological daughters was small, and Manchu and Mongolian marriages, as an important policy of the Qing Dynasty to consolidate its rule, needed to strengthen ties with Mongolia through intermarriage of members of the imperial family. At that time, Emperor Qianlong only had one biological daughter by his side, Princess Gulun and Princess Jing, and she was born to Empress Xiaoxian, so Emperor Qianlong was naturally reluctant to marry her far away. Therefore, the adoption of Princess Hewan can not only meet the needs of Manchurian and Mongolian marriages, but also a strategic layout for the country's plans.

After Princess Heshuo and Wan were admitted to the palace, they were treated like their own daughters. Emperor Qianlong's care for her is not only reflected in material abundance, but also in spiritual care. Princess Hewan received a good education in the palace, learned poetry and songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and became a talented princess. Her marriage was also carefully arranged by Emperor Qianlong, and she eventually married Delek of the Borzigit clan, a young talent with a prominent family background and political future. This marriage not only strengthened the royal family's ties with Mongolia, but also brought Princess Hewan a happy married life.

However, although the life of Princess Heshuo and Wan was happy, it was also short. She died of illness at the age of 27, leaving Emperor Qianlong with deep grief. Emperor Qianlong was very saddened by her death, held a grand funeral for her, and erected an inscription in front of the tomb to express his thoughts and condolences to her.

The historical prototype of Little Swallow, Qianlong's only adopted daughter only lived to be 26 years old! #头条创作挑战赛#

Emperor Qianlong's adoption of Princess Hewan not only demonstrated his deep brotherhood with his younger brother Hongday, but also demonstrated his political wisdom as a wise monarch. This act not only strengthened the ties between Manchu and Mongolia, but also contributed to the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty. The story of Princess Heshuo and Wan has become a good story in the family history of Emperor Qianlong, and it is also an indispensable part of the royal culture of the Qing Dynasty.

Princess Heshuo and Wan, as the adopted daughter of Emperor Qianlong, her fate is full of glory and tragedy. In her short life, she has experienced ups and downs from royal darling to princess who died young.

At the age of 16, Princess Hewan was officially named Princess Heshuo, which was an important turning point in her life. In the Qing Dynasty, the title of princess was not only a recognition of their identity, but also a tool for political marriage. It was in this context that Princess Wan's marriage was arranged. She was married to Delek of the Mongolian Bahrain Ministry, and this marriage was not only the union of two young men, but also the embodiment of the political alliance between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongol tribes.

However, Princess Hewan's married life is not as happy as the outside world imagines. Although Delek was politically reused by Emperor Qianlong and was named an auxiliary prince, the relationship between him and Princess Hewan was not harmonious. According to historical records, the marriage relationship between the two was not harmonious, and Deleke had a cold attitude towards Princess Hewan, and even sometimes neglected and ignored her.

In such a married life, Princess Hewan's heart is full of loneliness and helplessness. Although she enjoys the honor of a princess, she cannot get the love and warmth of her husband. This lack of emotion has had a great impact on her physical and mental health.

At the age of 26, Princess Hewan died early due to illness, ending her short and troubled life. Her death made Emperor Qianlong and the entire imperial family feel deep grief. In order to express his condolences to his adopted daughter, Emperor Qianlong specially held a grand funeral for her and set up an inscription in front of her tomb to commemorate her life.

The early death of Princess Hewan is a microcosm of the fate of the princess of the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, many princesses were forced to leave the palace and marry far away because of political marriages. They often face all kinds of difficulties and challenges in their marriage, and it is difficult for them to achieve true happiness. Princess Hewan's life, although she once had glory and wealth, but in the end she could not escape the fate of the early death of the princess of the Qing Dynasty.

The historical prototype of Little Swallow, Qianlong's only adopted daughter only lived to be 26 years old! #头条创作挑战赛#

The story of Princess Hewan allows us to see the bitterness and helplessness behind the princess of the Qing Dynasty. Although they were born into the royal family and enjoyed supreme honor, in the context of political marriages, their fate was often manipulated and could not be held into their own hands. Princess Hewan's life is a profound reflection on the fate of princesses in the Qing Dynasty, and it is also a revelation of the status of women in that era.

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