
The first fierce general of the Sui Dynasty, in the novel, he beheaded Li Yuanba with a knife, and zheng Shili threatened the Turks, so that he did not dare to attack

There are many outstanding figures in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and there are also many famous people who are famous in history and have flowed through the centuries. Wise people, in the midst of strategizing and winning thousands of miles, such as Li Ji, Li Jing, and Guo Ziyi; warriors, one husband and one man, one husband and one man, invincible, invincible, invincible, such as Qin Qiong, Wei Chigong, Xue Rengui, and so on. At the time of the sui and Tang dynasties, the wolf smoke was everywhere, the war was continuous, and the heroes were born, and at this point, the epic chapter of the heroic performance of the magnificent "you sing and I appear" began. For this period of history, future generations, especially literary creators, are like the most precious treasures, and the space for exertion is like a hanhai, so a series of deductive novels about this history have sprung up like mushrooms and emerge endlessly. Such as "Sui and Tang Dynasties Chronicles", "Tang Dynasty And Qin King Words", "Speaking tang quan biography", "speaking Tang Three biographies", "Xing Tang biography", "speaking Tang Later Biography", "Sui and Tang Dynasty Yanyi" and so on.

The first fierce general of the Sui Dynasty, in the novel, he beheaded Li Yuanba with a knife, and zheng Shili threatened the Turks, so that he did not dare to attack

Film and television images of ancient generals (photo)

Interpretive novels, the combination of virtual and real, when shaping historical figures, but also imagined to invent some non-historical figures, the two "foraging and staggering" staged a good play, has become intriguing, love the masterpiece, especially the Sui and Tang Dynasty hero series of novels are the most famous, the most widely disseminated, deeply loved by the people. Yu Juluo, who has a person in history, is one of the heroes of the author's regret.

In the novel, the literary creator did not forget him, incorporated it into the novel, and re-created it. In the novel or commentary "The Biography of Xing Tang", Yu Juluo is a veteran general with high martial arts and iron bones. In the novel, Yu Juluo has two apprentices, the eldest apprentice is very famous, Yuwen Chengdu, the second ranked among the eighteen good men in the world, and the second apprentice is Song Laosheng, the general soldier of Huozhou in the Sui Dynasty. Yu Juluo pursued and killed Yang Jian in the southern expedition to the northern war, made great achievements, the Sui Dynasty was established, and Yu Juluo became one of the nine heroes of the founding of the Sui Dynasty, known as one of the "Nine Elders of the Sui Dynasty". Later, Yang Guang became emperor and was desolate, and Yu Juluo was disappointed in him, so he resigned his official and went home to live in seclusion.

The first fierce general of the Sui Dynasty, in the novel, he beheaded Li Yuanba with a knife, and zheng Shili threatened the Turks, so that he did not dare to attack

Li Yuanba character film and television image (photo)

Later, the world was in chaos and strife, and the great apprentice Yuwen Chengdu unfortunately confronted Li Yuanba, who was this Li Yuanba? He was the fierce general ranked first among the eighteen good men in the world, Yuwen Chengdu confronted him, naturally there was no good fruit to eat, and sure enough, the two of them fought, Yuwen Chengdu was defeated, killed by Li Yuanba, Yu Juluo's second apprentice Song Laosheng also lost and left, found Yu Juluo, verbally instigated, so that the ninety-year-old Yu Juluo once again put on the battlefield to avenge Yuwen Chengdu. At the beginning of the battle, Li Yuanba was empty-eyed and did not take Yu Juluo seriously, and when the battle was fought, Li Yuanba knew that this old man was indeed old and strong, and he was extremely powerful. In order to take down Li Yuanba, Yu Juluo used a dragging knife in the battle, and Li Yuanba unfortunately won the plan and was beheaded by Yu Juluo under the horse. After killing Li Yuanba and avenging his apprentice, Yu Juluo was happy, but he did not guard against Li Shimin's sudden arrow, and a generation of veteran Yu Juluo died.

The first fierce general of the Sui Dynasty, in the novel, he beheaded Li Yuanba with a knife, and zheng Shili threatened the Turks, so that he did not dare to attack

Yuwen Chengdu character film and television image (photo)

The author has introduced the image of Yu Juluo in literature, so what is the image of Yu Juluo that really existed in history? And listen to the author's regrets and continue to say: Historically, Yu Juluo was indeed a famous general who founded the Sui Dynasty and was a Feng Yixia (Note: Now a native of Weinan County, Shaanxi). Yu Juluo, since childhood, has excellent strength, heavy pupils, loud voice, and when he becomes an adult, he is more than eight feet tall, strong in martial arts, and brave and fierce. Yuju Luo became famous earlier, and joined the Janissaries at the age of twenty, and was successively promoted to governor for his meritorious service. In the ninth year of Emperor Wen of Sui's reign, Yu Juluo followed Yang Guangping to dingnan Chen and was given the title of Kaifu.

Yu Juluo fought bravely, and every battle would make meritorious contributions, which was pleasing to yang Su, a powerful minister of the Sui Dynasty, and whenever there was a war, he would lead Yu Juluo to go out together. Yu Juluo's lifelong achievements were outstanding, such as: following the army to destroy Southern Chen, attacking the Turks, quelling the rebellion, attacking Goryeo, and suppressing Liu Yuanjin's uprising. In the battle against the Turks, Yu Juluo only led a few horses to attack the Turks, he shouted "kill" all the way, invincible, all the way like no man's land, in the Turkic camp, left and right, come and go freely, killing the Turks can not collapse into an army. As a result, Yuju luo was upgraded to a pillar state. The "History of Sui" wrote: "When encountering thieves, Juluo and several horses rushed to attack, glared at each other, and all should be invincible, leaving and entering right, going back and forth." Meritorious to the pillar state, the governor of Baifeng Prefecture. In the beginning, the Turks entered the country as a Kou, and the Turks were beheaded, and the Turks were afraid of the screen and did not dare to live on the plug. "The courage of yuju Luo, threatening the Turks, made the Turks very afraid, and they did not dare to cross the line for half a step."

As the founding hero of the Sui Dynasty and a generation of fierce generals of the Sui Dynasty, the ending of Yu Juluo was not perfect, only because he "had heavy pupils", he was tabooed by Yang Guang, believing that he had the suspicion of seizing the throne, listing a crime to kill Yu Juluo, the author regrets that it is a pity to the extreme. (Text: Repentance of the Past)

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