
Huang Jiaju, my eternal spiritual pillar

author:I'm a happy bunny

In 2000, the millennium, I just went to junior high school, half a big boy, our small county town is full of streets full of songs from Jay Chou, Wang Lihong and other new stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Sunday I was idle wandering around the street, far away heard a melody sounding, I followed the song with the past, is a small face of the video store, I arrived at the front is to the chorus climax part, although I can not understand the meaning of the lyrics, but the high-pitched melody and hoarse singing make my heart beat faster, blood boiling, pores slowly opened, even when in the same place for half a day to come back to God, and then the owner gave me a brief introduction: this is a rock group in Hong Kong in the nineties, Called beyond band, this is the first time I heard of this band, at the moment I bought a tape of their tape back home, the 80s brothers should have bought the tape, there are lyrics on the tape at that time, so when I put on the headphones to watch the lyrics to listen to the glorious years, the sea and the sky (at that time in the video store to hear it), the earth, really love you, farmers, cold rainy nights, old footprints, the Great Wall, like you, lover and a series of songs, I felt inexplicably sad, I don't know what's going on. How much of an insight can a child who was only a teenager at the time feel? Anyway, later I saw any of their tapes, I would buy the discs, although we sold pirated copies in small places like this, and at that time I thought it was strange how these songs had been repeated over and over again, how there were no new works updated, and later I learned that this man who had just awakened my musical dream had passed away in my childhood. Oh my God! Thanks to the upgrading of electronic products, I saw his live concerts from the Internet and watched the concerts commemorating him after his death. Since he left, his band seems to have been sucked out of its soul, and it has collapsed and has no choice but to disband. But as time passed, his singing voice stayed with me, both when I was happy or frustrated. As he said at the concert: Over the years, our band has been happy and sad, but fortunately, with your company, let us always strengthen our musical beliefs, insist on going, and hope that we can sing to us on a more open and free stage in the future. His singing has accompanied me until now, and his spirit has led an ordinary me to be strong on the road of life. Although I was not lucky enough to meet him, in my heart he was my brother! The foal does not die, the spirit is eternal!

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