
A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

Source | CCTV Finance

Recently, in the streets of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, some moxibustion halls will gather a lot of elderly people every day, and everyone will queue up early to experience a stool that claims to change the internal circulation of the body and even "cure all diseases". What kind of stool is so magical?

Shenyang, Liaoning: The elderly lined up to experience moxibustion stools Merchants claim to be inviolable after use

Before 9 a.m., the first experience of the moxibustion hall was over, and the staff said that every day from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., there will be a total of six experiences, each 40 minutes. It is best to make an appointment a few hours in advance.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

Staff of a moxibustion hall in Shenyang, Liaoning Province: I have to line up, there are 35 people in it.

Subsequently, the staff coordinated two positions for the reporter. In the 20-square-meter room, there are nearly 40 elderly people to experience the moxibustion stool, and from the perspective of everyone's proficiency in operation, they are already old customers of the experience.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

After the power is turned on, the reporter felt the heat coming from the hips and waist, and the staff said that today to catch up with the company to do activities, each experiencer can receive a box of small cans of mugwort for free, which is much more effective than the usual six experiences to share a copy of moxa.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

At the same time as the experience, the TV in front of the room began to broadcast a health lecture related to moxibustion, and the keynote speaker was the president of the moxibustion hall headquarters.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

The speaker of a lecture at a moxibustion hall in Shenyang, Liaoning Province: Everyone must remember that the way to treat children well is not necessarily how much money to leave for them and how many houses to keep. In fact, you should protect yourself, take care of yourself, protect our physical health, and let them rest assured.

Such an opening was recognized by the elderly, and then the keynote speaker began to introduce that insisting on sitting on the moxibustion stool every day can improve the yang of the body, and then achieve "no invasion of all diseases".

Lecturer of a moxibustion hall in Shenyang, Liaoning Province: It is helpful for heart failure, it can enhance the vitality of the heart; conditioning spleen deficiency can promote digestion; conditioning lung deficiency can enhance lung dynamics.

Shenyang, Liaoning: The "curative effect" of the moxibustion stool is spread more and more, and even cures the new crown

After listening to the introduction of the main speaker, I felt that this moxibustion stool was really quite magical. However, when the reporter asked the staff in the store to verify whether the moxibustion stool could really cure the disease, the other party appeared to be very cautious, saying that moxibustion was to adjust the internal circulation of the body and ultimately achieve the effect of preventing diseases. But among the old people who experienced it, the reporter heard a different answer.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

Experiencer: Sit down, the mugwort goes in, and the whole nodule is fine. Just now there was a child with diabetes, he sat for a while, the diabetes dropped by two blocks, very happy, had to buy a machine. There is also a long time not to have children, do not know what the disease, people come to sit for a while, three months pregnant to announce the good news came.

When the reporter asked about the price of moxibustion stools, the old man said that usually a stool costs more than 7900 yuan, not including the supporting use of moxa. But recently the company engaged in activities, each stool discount is only 5290 yuan, and give away five years of moxa. Nearly 70 elderly people in this museum, including them, have participated in the group purchase. It is said that this is the last time the company will do an activity, because the moxibustion stool is too popular, and there is a shortage of wormwood resources.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

The staff euphemistically revealed that they are willing to help reporters apply with the company and also enjoy the group purchase price. Subsequently, the reporter proposed that he wanted to see the user's sharing and verify the therapeutic effect of the moxibustion stool.

Reporter: Is this a health care device?

A staff member of a moxibustion hall in Shenyang, Liaoning Province: Moxibustion is curative, at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, the new crown virus broke out, and as a result, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Jiangxi used moxibustion to treat it, a total of 29 people were admitted to the hospital, and none of them died.

The suspected false propaganda of "moxibustion stool treatment" has been filed

What is the use of moxibustion stools? Can it really cure the disease? The reporter came to the Shenyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to understand the situation.

The staff of the Shenyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau entered the product name on the official website of the State Drug Administration, and the query showed that there was no relevant information about the moxibustion stool.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

Zhang Gong, deputy director of the Price Supervision and Competition Department of the Shenyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in Liaoning Province: Regular medical devices will definitely have a production license and registration certificate for medical devices on the outer packaging and on the brand-name label. These two numbers are fully available on the website of the State Drug Administration. If it is a medical device, involving its publicity, then when we are approved and filed by the state, we will also clearly mark the scope of application of the medical device. If it exceeds its labeling range, it is suspected of false propaganda and exaggerated propaganda.

At present, the Shenyang market supervision and management department has filed a case investigation into the moxibustion hall suspected of false publicity and exaggerated publicity, and at the same time inspected the elderly health experience venues throughout the city.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

Zhang Gong, deputy director of the Price Supervision and Competition Department of the Shenyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in Liaoning Province: In the process of investigation and punishment, it will be found that some products have functions such as heating and humidification, and the elderly feel very comfortable after sitting on it, and may be in a good mood, and the indicators of the body may develop in a good direction. But this is by no means an indicator of the treatment of diseases, and everyone must pay attention to them.

A stool sells for 7900 yuan? It is also known as the treatment of new crown, focusing on the elderly

Generally speaking, moxibustion is to achieve the therapeutic effect of disease prevention and health care through the medicinal properties and fire fumigation of the corresponding acupuncture points of wormwood, but not all groups of people are suitable.

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