
After the Spring Festival, after having a holiday syndrome, mastering these acupuncture points may be able to alleviate it

Spring Festival is the longest holiday of the year, office workers suppressed the emotions of the whole year, will choose to release during the Spring Festival and there are many ways to release, such as staying up late, overeating, drinking and so on.

Although it is very cool to do these things, after the festival, I found that various symptoms of discomfort appeared on the body, such as stomach bloating and stomach pain, acne, back pain and insomnia, etc., which are called "holiday syndrome".

When there is a holiday syndrome, it is bound to affect normal work, so in order to prevent problems before they occur, it is recommended that you master the following acupuncture point health tips, which may be able to alleviate.

After the Spring Festival, after having a holiday syndrome, mastering these acupuncture points may be able to alleviate it

1. Press the foot for three miles

Chinese medicine said that Du Fu Sanliliu and the three miles mentioned here are the foot three mile acupuncture points, if there is a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, especially because of the symptoms of indigestion and gastrointestinal pain caused by unhealthy diet, you should press more to rub the foot three miles.

Foot three miles is the position of the outer knee under the eyes of the three inches, through the thumb gently pressed can feel the feeling of tingling, pressed for 5 to 10 minutes a day, you can effectively alleviate the symptoms of abdominal discomfort.

After the Spring Festival, after having a holiday syndrome, mastering these acupuncture points may be able to alleviate it

2. Moxibustion Tianshu Acupoints

Moxibustion is a more popular way of health maintenance, but also one of the common health care methods in Chinese medicine, when uncomfortable, you can moxibustion on the abdomen of the Tianshu points.

The positioning method of the Tianshu acupuncture point is also relatively simple, that is, the position of opening two inches next to the navel. The use of moxibustion can stimulate the body's yang qi, and then achieve the effect of anti-dampness and pain relief and stomach communication.

However, in order to prevent moxibustion from causing damage to the skin, it is best to carry out under the guidance of professionals, and the moxibustion time should not be too long, about 10 minutes, with the performance of local skin flushing.

After the Spring Festival, after having a holiday syndrome, mastering these acupuncture points may be able to alleviate it

3. Knead the lilies or the back stream

When the Spring Festival holiday comes, the temperature is low, coupled with the fact that some people neglect exercise, there will be symptoms such as muscle soreness and joint discomfort.

In this case, in order to alleviate it, first rub the lily point, that is, the intersection of the midline of the head and the line of the two ears, and gently tap the five fingers together, which can effectively relieve the soreness of the body.

Secondly, houxi acupuncture is also a more commonly used acupuncture point, which is located at the confluence of eight veins. The specific method is to slightly clench the fist with both hands, there is a horizontal streak behind the little thumb, and more pressing and rubbing this acupuncture point on weekdays can relieve muscles and relieve pain and activate blood.

After the Spring Festival, after having a holiday syndrome, mastering these acupuncture points may be able to alleviate it

4. Press and knead the Inner Gate Acupoint, the Divine Gate Acupoint

For people with insomnia after the Spring Festival, simple acupressure point massage can also achieve a relatively good effect, and in the meridian acupuncture points of Chinese medicine, the Shenmen acupoint is the main acupoint for treating insomnia.

It is located in the place where the horizontal stripes on the side of the wrist are sunken, and in daily life, more massage of this acupuncture point can replenish the heart and calm the mind.

In addition, there is also an acupuncture point on the wrist, that is, the Neiguan acupuncture point, which is located two inches above the center of the wrist stripe, and is rubbed every day to achieve the effect of relieving pain and calming the mind. Especially if the insomnia is more serious, the two are combined with pressing, when there is a feeling of soreness.

After the Spring Festival, after having a holiday syndrome, mastering these acupuncture points may be able to alleviate it

All in all, the Spring Festival holiday is indeed a relaxing moment, but it should not be too arrogant, otherwise there will be various symptoms of discomfort after the festival, such as insomnia, abdominal distension, joint pain and so on.

In this case, it is recommended that you try the simple acupuncture point health care methods mentioned above, which can be done at home, which is both convenient and effective.

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