
Moxibustion penetrates these two heightened points, allowing children to grow 5-10 cm longer, and counterattacking the upper limit of height!

First, spring, the golden season for children to grow tall

A study by the World Health Organization confirmed that children's growth and development have significant seasonality, with spring growing fastest, 2-2.5 times that of autumn.

Moxibustion penetrates these two heightened points, allowing children to grow 5-10 cm longer, and counterattacking the upper limit of height!


First, the yang qi rises in the spring, and the yang qi is the root of the growth of all things, and it is the driving force of the human body's material metabolism and physiological functions!

Because yang qi has the effect of "gasification" and "pushing":

Gasification: it is to make the substance change, that is, metabolism, only under the "gasification" effect of yang qi, the diet water valley can synthesize useful substances of the human body to nourish the human body, and at the same time differentiate the useless metabolic waste to excrete the body.

Promotion: It is to promote the normal circulation of human body qi, blood and essence, nourish the human body, and ensure that the growth and development of the human body are normal.

Second, the spring ultraviolet content is the highest in all seasons (not summer), and vitamin D can only be converted into vitamin D3 after ultraviolet radiation.

It is then converted into bioactive hydroxylated vitamin D to promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the gastrointestinal tract, which is the basis for bone growth and development.

Therefore, grasping the spring is equivalent to grasping the golden season of the child's height "counterattack"!

Second, the increase should be rushed before this line is closed

Moxibustion penetrates these two heightened points, allowing children to grow 5-10 cm longer, and counterattacking the upper limit of height!

This line is the epiphyseal line.

The height of a person is mainly reflected in the growth of long bones, and the final length of long bones determines the height of adults.

In most cases, as long as the epiphyseal line is not closed, there is still a chance to grow taller; conversely, when the epiphyseal line is closed, the long bone will no longer grow, and the height of the person will be basically fixed.

Before the epiphyseal line is completely closed, there are two golden periods of growth and height: under 3 years of age and puberty. During these two periods, the epiphyseal line is open, and the long bones have enough room to grow.

Medical data show that girls start at the age of 10-12, boys start at the age of 12-14, and the annual growth rate can reach 7-8 cm per year, and the fast can reach 10-12 cm.

Therefore, parents must seize these two peak periods of growth and let their children grow taller through scientific intervention!

Third, moxibustion, the "magic weapon" for children to grow tall rapidly

Chinese medicine says that "kidney main bone", the healthy development of bones is a prerequisite for growing tall, and the development of bones depends on whether the kidney qi is strong or not.

Secondly, the spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, and the function of the spleen and stomach is good to provide the basic substance for the long one.

Since spring is the "golden month" of children's crazy height, as parents, we should use this "time of day" to actively create favorable conditions for children's growth.

What are the advantages? As mentioned earlier, it is yang qi!

As the "first party in the world", moxibustion is undoubtedly the "magic weapon" for children to grow tall rapidly, and at this time, moxibustion-related acupuncture points can make the child's body reach the best state of growth and development.

No matter what age or constitution of the child, if you want to grow tall, you must moxibustion the following two acupuncture points:

1, the body pillar - "heightening point"

Moxibustion penetrates these two heightened points, allowing children to grow 5-10 cm longer, and counterattacking the upper limit of height!

"Body pillar" means the pillar of the body, which is directly related to the height of the child, and moxibustion is of great help to the growth and development of the child.

In addition, moxibustion body pillar can also prevent diseases, ancient China has "children's monthly moxibustion body pillar, Tianshu, can keep no disease" record, Japan will be the body pillar as "children's moxibustion point of hundreds of diseases"!

Japanese acupuncture master Fumishi Shiroda once collectively applied moxibustion to elementary school students who were weak, prone to colds, suffering from anemia, enuresis, and indigestion, and after a month of moxibustion, the appetite and weight of these students increased significantly.

2, the big zhu - "bone soup"

Moxibustion penetrates these two heightened points, allowing children to grow 5-10 cm longer, and counterattacking the upper limit of height!

When we pick up the burden, the position where the flat burden is pressed is the big stick, which can distribute the weight to the bone joints of the whole body.

By analogy, the energy of the moxibustion giant can also be distributed to the bone joints of the whole body by it, which plays a role in supplementing and stimulating the energy of the bone joints of the whole body.

Therefore, the ancients believed that moxibustion can play a role in "bone broth" and promote children to grow taller.

Third, different children, to dialectical moxibustion!

There are 3 important prerequisites for growing tall: eat well, sleep well, and have good spirits.

But now it is difficult for children to have these 3 elements, either picky eating, malnutrition; or overeating, resulting in food accumulation; or heavy academic burden, poor sleep; or heavy ideological burden, bad spirit...

These will greatly affect the growth and development of children, so now children must be moxibustion! Of course, different children, the treatment is different, and the moxibustion acupuncture is also different.

1. Eat well

Many parents are very strange, their children eat well, just do not grow up. This condition is mostly caused by spleen and stomach deficiency.

Children who are younger, such as preschool children, are often caused by accumulation of food, because: first, the child itself has a birth defect of "spleen deficiency"; second, children often encounter the phenomenon of careless medication and poor diet, which is easy to injure the spleen.

Older children, such as children after school, are mostly related to excessive thinking, worrying about homework, exams, teacher criticism, thinking about spleen injuries, and affecting spleen and stomach transportation.

These children are required to adjust the spleen, and moxibustion is recommended for the following acupuncture points:

Shen Que Acupoint: the upper is the spleen and stomach, the lower part is the intestinal abdomen, which is exactly the place where the congenital and acquired nature blends with each other, and moxibustion can strengthen the spleen and stomach, rationalize the intestines and stop diarrhea.

Tianshu Acupoint: Promotes intestinal peristalsis and enhances gastric motility.

Daling Acupoint: Improves gastric motility, especially suitable for spleen and stomach disharmony caused by accumulation of food, indigestion and other problems.

Four-slit acupuncture points: magical acupuncture points for the treatment of chancre in children.

2. Sleep well

The peak of the body's growth hormone secretion is generally 1 hour after falling asleep, and the peak of natural secretion is around 10 to 12 o'clock at night.

Therefore, make sure that the child goes to bed before 9 o'clock, enters a deep sleep after 1 hour, and just enters the peak of growth hormone secretion, which is the premise of promoting height.

★ The above content is for reference only, if you are unwell, please go to a regular hospital for medical treatment ★

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