
This person is the "grandfather" of the tomb robbers, and bluntly says that the archaeologists are inferior to him in technology, and no one dares to refute them

As we all know, the ancients have always attached great importance to the matter behind them, the more honorable the status, the higher the status of the people with the funerary goods, in the eyes of the ancients they only came to the underground world after death, in another way to exist, so if the things they loved before death should be put in the mausoleum to accompany themselves, the more things buried, the more comfortable they can live underground.

This person is the "grandfather" of the tomb robbers, and bluntly says that the archaeologists are inferior to him in technology, and no one dares to refute them

Because of this idea, it is natural to imagine how many high-value things there are in this ancient tomb, and these high-value funerary items have also attracted a special group of people, who are what we call "tomb robbers". From ancient times to the present, tomb robbers have always been despised, after all, digging ancestral graves has made people know that it is a life-and-death vendetta, but as long as there are people with a desire for profit, tomb robbery is impossible to eliminate, even in modern times.

This person is the "grandfather" of the tomb robbers, and bluntly says that the archaeologists are inferior to him in technology, and no one dares to refute them

How long the thick burial wind existed, the industry of tomb robbery continued for a long time, and even the technology of tomb robbery was still inherited, and the tomb robbers were divided into various factions. There was a period of time before the tomb robbery theme of the novel is very popular, I believe that everyone also has some understanding of tomb robbery. Everyone who has precious funerary goods does not want to be patronized by tomb robbers after their deaths, so when building a cemetery, they will try their best to protect their cemetery and make themselves peaceful after death, which means that the more funerary goods there are, the more dangerous the cemetery itself is.

This person is the "grandfather" of the tomb robbers, and bluntly says that the archaeologists are inferior to him in technology, and no one dares to refute them

The more treasures means that the more mysterious and dangerous the cemetery, the more dangerous the cemetery, the higher the skill requirements for the tomb robbers, so in the tomb robbery world, the skilled people are also very popular. In contemporary times, there is a skilled person in the tomb robbery circle, who is known as the "contemporary grandfather" by the industry, and this person is Yao Yuzhong.

This person is the "grandfather" of the tomb robbers, and bluntly says that the archaeologists are inferior to him in technology, and no one dares to refute them

Yao Yuzhong looks very ordinary, just from the appearance, you can never see that he is the kind of person who specializes in digging graves, he usually has little contact with people, and people who have seen him will never think of his real profession. Although the profession is tomb robbery, but Yao Yuzhong is still very serious about this profession, usually will read a lot of related books, especially feng shui to understand a lot, in order to facilitate tomb robbery, he also specially invented a special tool, this tool is called "Zazi", is specially used to rob tombs, it is said that in some cases it is better than the Luoyang shovel. Through this special tool, Yao Yuzhong can judge the location of the tomb very quickly, it is said that as long as Yao Yuzhong determines the place where the tomb exists, he will inevitably be able to dig out something, never made a mistake, which is a legend in the contemporary tomb robbery world.

This person is the "grandfather" of the tomb robbers, and bluntly says that the archaeologists are inferior to him in technology, and no one dares to refute them

It is said that Yao Yuzhong can steal more than two hundred cemeteries in a year, and he is very cautious in his work, sprinkling grass seeds before each time he leaves, and then the weeds grow out to completely cover up the robbery holes. Of course, because it was too rampant, Yao Yuzhong was finally arrested, but when he was arrested, he was still very arrogant, and even claimed that archaeologists were inferior to him, what is the use. Although this is very arrogant, I have to say that when it comes to the ability to find a tomb, the experts are really inferior to him. For example, in the LiangHongshan Cultural Tomb in Liaoning at that time, the experts tried their best to find the entrance, but Yao Yuzhong and his collaborators successfully dug it, so for his provocative words, although the experts were not convinced, but there were really few who had the courage to refute him, after all, he was indeed inferior to people.

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