
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots

author:Laugh it off

The video I watched this time is a video by Xu Yun on April 24, 2022, with the title "Riding Tibet, going to find the world's highest highway pass, camping alone in a wilderness stone house".

This video follows from the previous one, and he continues to look for a highway pass, which is a legendary highway pass with the highest altitude in the world.

Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots

His videos always have touching shots, and this episode is no exception. Let's talk about a few touching shots on the way to continue riding to find the pass.

During the ride, he found a wolf cub who was hit by a car on the side of the road and died, which was the last time he had seen the wolf so close after riding in Tibet for so long.

Legend has it and the impression that the wolf is a ferocious animal that is intimidating to smell. However, this is only a lifeless, undergrown wolf cub, which no longer poses any threat to people.

He covered the wolf's face with his hat when he filmed, revealing only the wolf's tail and paws.

Seeing him cover the little wolf with his hat, listening to his words of explanation, his actions showed a kind of respect for the lost life.

A gust of six or seven winds hit, flying sand and rocks, the camera shook so much that only the sound of the wind was blowing. But there was no fear or whining, and one could only guess that the man had been blown to his feet by the strong wind. It's really worrying that such a strong wind will blow away people and cars.

Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots

Immediately after that, there was a turning point in the camera, replaced by an eagle soaring in the sky, a beautiful music melody sounded, and a song "Castle in the Sky" accompanied him to continue to ride alone.

I can't get enough of the blue sky and white clouds, the vast earth and the snow-capped mountains. There is also the clear water of the lake, rippling blue waves.

Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots

Staying in a simple and dark little stone house at night, no matter how shabby and dirty the place is, it will become warm and like a home, and become a warm haven as soon as it passes through his hands.

Then do it yourself, make a fried rice noodles from your hometown, the taste of your hometown, and bring warmth to him who is lonely in the wilderness.

Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots
Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots

His video is so good! There is knowledge, scenery, life, will, and full of positive energy. can live every ordinary day extraordinary, and touching shots are indispensable, so many friends like to watch it so much!

Archaeological Xu Yun video is indispensable for touching shots

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